EVE Online Fights Its Largest Battle Yet, 2,900 Ships Destroyed


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Seeing stories like this makes me interested in EVE, but on the other hand, I've also read the stories of massive scams people have pulled off, and the sheer unrestrained chaos of it discourages me. (see the guy who started up a bank, became trusted by the community, and then stole everything and bought himself a massive ship and ran off)


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
I was hopping for TEST to come out on top, or at the very least not be crushed. I really really dislike CFC. But I guess I did not really have a horse in this race, I am not connected to either group. I just do not want to see one alliance rule all of null space. A healthy experience has at least 10 moderate sized alliances and 5 Big Alliances.

I now have to hope that TEST is not out but just bloodied a bit. They are big, they might be able to regroup to defend their core systems, but I do not follow politics closely enough to know if they can (or even which systems they had).


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Gilhelmi said:
I was hopping for TEST to come out on top, or at the very least not be crushed. I really really dislike CFC. But I guess I did not really have a horse in this race, I am not connected to either group. I just do not want to see one alliance rule all of null space. A healthy experience has at least 10 moderate sized alliances and 5 Big Alliances.

I now have to hope that TEST is not out but just bloodied a bit. They are big, they might be able to regroup to defend their core systems, but I do not follow politics closely enough to know if they can (or even which systems they had).
TEST have now been pretty much pushed out of Fountain, leaving them still owning 99% of Delve. They will regroup there, if they can and stay alive as long as they don't failcascade.

I've been employed the last few weeks in Asset Denial Operation in Delve, we've destroyed anything that undocked, leaving TEST's renters and nullbears virtually unable to make any money in Delve for three weeks. Wracked up nearly a billion credits of damage done - everytime a TEST tried to rat, or run a site, we killed them. A number of people we killed went on to quit their corps out there as they couldn't make any money.

Its only a flash in the pan, but having members quit because their home region is being choked 16 hours a day for three weeks by merciless black ops mercs, and then losing this system will hurt TEST quite a bit.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
Looks like things kicked off back on the 22nd:


Interesting to note that the other sov war over in Cache for Legion of xXDEATHXx involved no heroic last stands like TEST, but as most people note Eve is like real war - 99% of the most boring spreadsheet and troop management imaginable interspersed with 1% of things exploding in bewildering confusion.

If people are interested in the smaller-scale warfare, the Eve Alliance Tournament is currently running with (I think) the finals this weekend. The commentators (who are all current players or ex-players recruited into CCP) do a pretty good job of explaining the mechanics for people who may not be familiar with the game:



The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Kiardras said:
Gilhelmi said:
I was hopping for TEST to come out on top, or at the very least not be crushed. I really really dislike CFC. But I guess I did not really have a horse in this race, I am not connected to either group. I just do not want to see one alliance rule all of null space. A healthy experience has at least 10 moderate sized alliances and 5 Big Alliances.

I now have to hope that TEST is not out but just bloodied a bit. They are big, they might be able to regroup to defend their core systems, but I do not follow politics closely enough to know if they can (or even which systems they had).
TEST have now been pretty much pushed out of Fountain, leaving them still owning 99% of Delve. They will regroup there, if they can and stay alive as long as they don't failcascade.

I've been employed the last few weeks in Asset Denial Operation in Delve, we've destroyed anything that undocked, leaving TEST's renters and nullbears virtually unable to make any money in Delve for three weeks. Wracked up nearly a billion credits of damage done - everytime a TEST tried to rat, or run a site, we killed them. A number of people we killed went on to quit their corps out there as they couldn't make any money.

Its only a flash in the pan, but having members quit because their home region is being choked 16 hours a day for three weeks by merciless black ops mercs, and then losing this system will hurt TEST quite a bit.
That is sad. Oh well.

Keep in mind, the ONLY reason I do not like you guys the Mittani is with you. I may never forgive the mean spirited things he has said in the past about other player and I only want to see him fail in whatever he does. I get the bad feeling that the Mittani will be the undoing of EVE someday. I get that it is only a game, but HE needs to get that there is a living, breathing, person on the other side of the screen that hurts when he tell everyone that *name redacted* is a loser and should commit *I can not even type that vile word, I hate that word, so much pain in that word*.

I am not being sarcastic, I really can not type that word because of the pain and sadness and suffering I have seen because of 'that word'.

No, I will probably never forgive the Mittani.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I'll never play Eve as it seems to be too much of an undertaking and stressful, but I definitely respect people who play it. I'm curious as how the game lasted so long without one faction completely dominating everything. I thought Goon Squad was that faction. What happened? internal conflicts?


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Gilhelmi said:
That is sad. Oh well.

Keep in mind, the ONLY reason I do not like you guys the Mittani is with you.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't like the mittani either, I'd much rather see him lose in this war than anyone else. But the corp I'm with are mercenaries, and we'll fight whoever we're paid to :D


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Windknight said:
TiberiusEsuriens said:
CrossLOPER said:
It's stories like this that make me want to try out EVE Online, as well as avoid it at all costs.
Just wait for the upcoming TV show to get in full production. They're using player generated events and politics to write the story.
I've god this sinking feeling that we're going to end up following a hero named BiGNutz, or else the BignutZ alliance. you really do not want the internet writing your scripts.
Fortunately thats what editors are for. I doubt they would be doing a direct translation. Expect the tagline, "To protect those shown, names, places, and events may have been changed."


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Fappy said:
I'm still waiting for the documentary of this rivalry. Come on, you guys no it would be fucking awesome.
I'd love to see a Scope special on this. It probably wouldn't be AS biased then if we left it up to the groups involved...though with the Scope anything goes sometimes lol

Zeckt said:
I'll never play Eve as it seems to be too much of an undertaking and stressful, but I definitely respect people who play it. I'm curious as how the game lasted so long without one faction completely dominating everything. I thought Goon Squad was that faction. What happened? internal conflicts?
The cluster is a very big place. I doubt any one power could ever fully control all of it. Even if it did happen it wouldn't last long due to internal politics, assassination, betrayal, and young rival powers constantly challenging it.


New member
Mar 8, 2009
That sounds like it could have been the most amazing thing to behold in a lifetime.
And that it could have been the most incredible, thrilling experience to zip through whole armadas of ships dogfighting amidst a sea of weapons fire, like a true star wars scene.

If only it looked or played anything like X3. But it's Eve, so reading the after-report and marveling for a minute at the concept is literally the most exciting part. Oh well.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Kiardras said:
Gilhelmi said:
That is sad. Oh well.

Keep in mind, the ONLY reason I do not like you guys the Mittani is with you.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't like the mittani either, I'd much rather see him lose in this war than anyone else. But the corp I'm with are mercenaries, and we'll fight whoever we're paid to :D
Well I can respect the Mercs. You have a job and they are paying, that is a major part of the game, ISK. I have never been good at the PvP side. I can but it distracts me from my real joy Industry. I would rather supply the players so they can lose more and then buy more from me ;)

I someday really want a neural system like on "Sword Art Online" (anime, just got English dub) to be real. That way I can just plug-into the game and control everything with my mind.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
4000 ships? Bah wouldn't even class that as a minor Hegemonizing Swarm. One Abominator class ROU would clean it up no problems, hell even a Torturer would handle it.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Man, this kind of stuff makes me want to play EVE, and its been like this for some years. But to be honest it looks very intimidating. It looks very complex, and the thing i am woried about most, is that it seems to be just ruthless pvp all the time. Like, you are just minding your own business flying trough da cozmic-spacez, and all of a suden someone blows you up. Is there an option for beying neutral, or does the game directly or indirectly force you to be part of a corporation, unless you want to just be squashed like a bug by players so much more powerfull that they dont even notice you?


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
It's kinda scary to think that EVE is approaching Legend of Galactic Heroes scale battles...


New member
Jul 12, 2012
I love reading about eve, but playing it is another thing entirely. I had the most fun with the game when AFK mining on a different computer while I was working =/

Uncreation said:
Man, this kind of stuff makes me want to play EVE, and its been like this for some years. But to be honest it looks very intimidating. It looks very complex, and the thing i am woried about most, is that it seems to be just ruthless pvp all the time. Like, you are just minding your own business flying trough da cozmic-spacez, and all of a suden someone blows you up. Is there an option for beying neutral, or does the game directly or indirectly force you to be part of a corporation, unless you want to just be squashed like a bug by players so much more powerfull that they dont even notice you?
There is no neutral, anyone can attack anything, anywhere at any time. Though they have to face the consequences (being a police force in high security zones, possibly getting a bounty, or revenge from friends).
As I understand it, Low sec space is mostly for trolling from pirates and gankers, the real action occurs in 0.0 sec space where all infrastructure is created, maintained, and fought over by players.

Though that "Fought over" bit is generally a bit more debatable. Mostly people decide things through diplomacy, and most conflicts are started more for fun than anything else. Why go to total war and lose billions when you can simply negotiate?

Not unlike real life, most corporations would rather work together than compete.


New member
Aug 4, 2012
I used to play EVE. Several years, every week. The largest lagfest ever doesn't make me want that job back. Calling it time dilatation doesn't change anything.