EVE Online Fights Its Largest Battle Yet, 2,900 Ships Destroyed

The Pink Pansy

New member
Jun 17, 2010
saintdane05 said:
So, do we know how this started?
Yes, we do. In early June the CFC started to invade a region owned by TEST because TEST had alienated many of their allies (including the CFC) and because (due to economic changes made in EVE's latest expansion) the CFC needed the resources in this region. This battle was over TEST's (former) capital system in the region; being the former capital TEST decided to make an Alamo-esque last stand there.

Ne1butme said:
What do they get for winning? More money; more territory?

The goals of Eve Online and these giant battles are unclear to me.
See above; the gist of it is once the region in question is conquered the CFC as an entity will be able to fully exploit the resources there to fund various programs they run for their membership, while individual members will be able to freely and (relatively) safely take advantage of the PVE content there. At the same time, the CFC will be able to effectively defend the region because of upgrades they get for owning the area and because of geography.

Large battles in EVE in and of themselves don't mean anything, really, except that alot of people wanted to fight at the same time; the goals come from the broader context. For example, the previous holder for the title of 'Biggest EVE battle', the Battle of Asakai, was literally over nothing; people wanted a fight, and things snowballed from there.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
DVS BSTrD said:
Well TEST seems to have gotten themselves into quite a pickle, or rather a TESTickle.
"It was long, it was grueling, and it was large," says the Mittani.
That's what she said!
Oh, I'm sure the situation is quite... testing for them.

Same for me as a lot of people; this makes me want to get involved, but at the same time... Dear god no. Seems like a hell of a lot of devotion for one game.

EDIT: I just spotted something- This battle was so epic, The BBC reported on it. [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23489293] That's pretty damned cool.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
saintdane05 said:
Damn. Its almost as if this article was written in universe. Good job on reporting!
So, do we know how this started?
Quite simple actually, resources and survival.

The last expansion did a massive shake up of "moon goo" which are resources used in all manner of Tech 2 production. The changes moved away a large portion of CFC's income, to which their leader said something along the lines of "No BS reasons, no excuses no anything, we need those moons to not go bankrupt".

So CFC's war of aggression is for their own survival. They are waging the war for the territory while they can still afford to do so, the ultimate gamble being that it will pay off in the long run. So far they appear to be winning.

One thing to keep in mind though, as has happened in the past alliances have outgrown themselves, having too much territory and being spread too thin, with barbarians at every gate. This story is far from over.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
eve corp said:
Want to join in on epic battles like these in the future? Get your FREE Eve Online 21 Day Trial here.

Once you've signed up to the game, you should check out my Corporation. We are a member of Test Alliance Please Ignore (The main star in this battle)
This is an advertisement... So I feel like reporting.

But it is incredibly relevant, so I'm just gonna advise the mods to remove the link to the Corporation and let the link to the Eve trial stay :p


New member
Jan 2, 2011
This sort of stuff seriously makes me want to play EvE.

Then I realize that the gameplay is really god damn boring 90% of the time.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Damn, Eve online has massive space battles that puts Star Wars to shame.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
What should happen at huge battles like these is that someone, or a small group of players, get relegated to capturing footage, and capturing as much as possible. I've seen a few large battle vids and they're rarely if ever showing actual fighting, just that tactical map thing.

The Pink Pansy

New member
Jun 17, 2010
RikuoAmero said:
What should happen at huge battles like these is that someone, or a small group of players, get relegated to capturing footage, and capturing as much as possible. I've seen a few large battle vids and they're rarely if ever showing actual fighting, just that tactical map thing.
Well, the problem is most of these battles are so big running things in at worthwhile quality isn't possible because of server side bugs that happen in large fights, and because rendering everything will melt most computers. That's why all the HQ 'combat' footage of large fleets you see from EVE is of fleets shooting static objects s opposed to multiple fleets trading blows.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Quaxar said:
I bet that battle was like playing pong with a powerpoint presentation. Or maybe I simply can't imagine 4000+ players in the same area not having a crippling effect on the server.
If EVE can actually handle that kind of load without getting painfully slow I might actually pick it up because they're clearly using black magic on their servers.
they have a system called time dilation- the server dose not lag but it will slow down every action done across the board.
in this case it was 10x when everyone was on the field
so a gun that would fire in 1s, will fire every 10 seconds while in this battle.


Add a beat to normality
Nov 16, 2009
Zachery Gaskins said:
Karloff said:
"A day will come again when the courage of TEST fails, when we forsake our allies and break all nips and agreements," the CEO of Dreddit, a TEST Alliance corporation member, boldly proclaimed. "But it is not this day."
There will also come a day when people stop cribbing LOTR quotes in an attempt to sound badass.

Sadly, I don't think that's ever going to happen.
I sincerely doubt they'd say that to "sound badass". It's obviously a joke.

Spud of Doom

New member
Feb 24, 2011
EVE is a silly place. It's always interesting to see how competitive and hostile player groups get when they are the majority of the game's content.


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
TiberiusEsuriens said:
CrossLOPER said:
It's stories like this that make me want to try out EVE Online, as well as avoid it at all costs.
Just wait for the upcoming TV show to get in full production. They're using player generated events and politics to write the story.
I've god this sinking feeling that we're going to end up following a hero named BiGNutz, or else the BignutZ alliance. you really do not want the internet writing your scripts.


New member
Oct 22, 2007
Sounds like CFC really kicked the crap out of the enemy TESTee's.

Bad jokes aside, EVE is my favorite game in concept, and stands as a shining example of how amazing emergent behavior pattern occur and how extraordinary gamers can correlate with others when given many in-depth systems, but little developer enforced game play restrictions. Objectively, it is unquestionably the best MMO ever created, because it makes the most use out of core concept of an MMO, the massive multiplayer, by allowing it to evolve organically, not forcing sides and behaviors.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
This war is far better than the not-having-a-war they had earlier. Keep shuffling that moon goo, ccp.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Ne1butme said:
What do they get for winning? More money; more territory?

The goals of Eve Online and these giant battles are unclear to me.
Basically they beat their main enemy, breaking its morale and cripling its wallets, meaning they will ahve much easier time taking over its teritory, which sicne its TEST, was a good money factory, and if they can hold it, they will be rich. and can build more ships. Though power in eve never stays, there is always somoen bigger coming up to hit you on the head.

And look, there are strnagely few eve haters on this thread so far.