Ryse Microtransactions are "Nothing Sinister," Microsoft Promises

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Ryse Microtransactions are "Nothing Sinister," Microsoft Promises

Microsoft says microtransactions in Ryse are strictly about convenience and entirely optional.

It came to light yesterday [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/127083-Xbox-One-Exclusive-Ryse-Will-Feature-Microtransactions] that Ryse, Crytek's $59.99 triple-A launch title for the Xbox One, will support microtransactions, allowing players to purchase booster packs with "random sets of loot" instead of earning them in-game. You can imagine how well that went over, especially since the items in question would appear to give people willing to pay for them an edge over others in multiplayer action.

But Microsoft says that's not the case at all. Booster packs come in different tiers that are tied to a player's experience level, meaning that high-level packs won't actually be available until you've advanced far enough into the game. "We specifically do that so you cannot pay to win," Microsoft producer Justin Robey told Eurogamer. "Microtransactions are merely there as a convenience thing for people. It's completely optional and is not required in any way, shape or form for gameplay. All content is accessible without using it."

Robey said the microtransactions are there primarily for die-hard collectors who will most likely progress to more advanced tiers before earning all the items at their current level, and noted the actual benefit of buying them in advance is "really slim." The system is also intended to be as "hidden and non-blatant as possible"; he compared Ryse microtransactions to those in Mass Effect 3 and FIFA and said the goal was to come up with something similarly "unobtrusive."

"I really want people to understand, it's optional and it's just convenience," he said. "That's it. There's nothing sinister, we promise."

Ryse: Son of Rome comes out in November, exclusively for the Xbox One.

Source: Eurogamer [http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-08-23-microsoft-explains-ryse-microtransactions-theres-nothing-sinister-we-promise]



New member
Dec 7, 2009
In other new Micro$oft reps say water is not wet and the desert is a great place to go for a swim! Also the Kinnect is needed for all your games........ OR not.... Or it is...... or it is not.....

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
*thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* Oh don't mind me, I'm just banging my head on a wall while executives fail to grasp how microtansactions work and decide to go down the Dead Space 3 route. *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud*

Captcha: Drum Head. Apropos, isn't it?

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
In reality it's nothing different from what ME3's multiplayer did. The problem is people didn't like it then, so there's no reason for them to start liking it now.

Also: ME3's multiplayer was strictly co-op with all players getting the same amount of experience and cash whether they were on top of the scoreboard or at the bottom, so in this case it wasn't even Pay to Win but rather Pay to Become More Effective/Helpful.

Still, I wonder how many people ACTUALLY bought those random gear packs with real money...talk about just pissing your cash away.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Ryse game is "Nothing worthwhile," Microsoft promises.
I seriously do not see how this game can get less appealing.

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
RJ 17 said:
In reality it's nothing different from what ME3's multiplayer did. The problem is people didn't like it then, so there's no reason for them to start liking it now.
That's the problem with this scheme on this game. People didn't mind or outright ignored the ME3 and Dead Space 3 microtransactions because those were still fun games in their own right and you didn't have to pay anything to make it better. Ryse, on the other hand, is seemingly a standard QTE-laden spunkgargleweewee game, just set in ancient Rome. There's no actual substance or fun to make people forget that they're paying for the game, the console, the Kinect, the online, AND the microtransactions, so people will realise how exploitive and unjustifiable this scheme is.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Yeah, pardon me Microsoft if your statements of "This totally isn't evil, trust," ring a little hollow with the Xbone fiasco still fresh in my mind.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
And I should believe you, why? I mean you've already shown how reputable and trustworthy you are, right Microsoft? ¬_¬

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
MinionJoe said:
You REALLY need to fill in between the lines with Microsoft these days.
That would imply that MS was trying to be subtle about things and that the spin they put on things case actually deceptive. As it is, the spin they've been using on everything from the console itself to the games coming out for it has been hilariously transparent. Seriously, at this point MS trying to spin controversial topics to make them seem like a good thing is about as effective as trying to use a fresh spring breeze to spin a 100 year old tortoise off it's feet: it just ain't gonna work.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Microsoft Promises

HAHAHAHA!!! That's seriously the funniest thing I've seen all day. What a freakin joke.
I really hope nobody actually believes these people about what they say anymore.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I honestly believe what they are saying is true. Everyone really complained about the microtransactions in Deadspace 3, but they were literally optional. I went completely through that game and didn't need to spend dime. I also didn't care to experiment with the crafting system and only crafted things I needed. But, that being said, Ryse doesn't actually look like a good game. I mean, I haven't been keeping up on it, but it doesn't look like anything of value.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
I'm getting the same vibe with Ryse as i've got with Lair.

Looks great in trailers and trade show, but suck balls when release.

This is only another nail for me to add to the "DO NOT BUY" coffin.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
This is the future of gaming... :( even if this flops it'll never go away

Microtransactions work in the mobile market and developers will bit by bit by bit change the sense of ownership in a game to one that makes microtransactions the norm and acceptable.
Jul 31, 2013
"Microtransactions are nothing sinister", Microsoft promises.
"Get in the van kid, I'm telling you, I only want to give you candy", said that weird guy once.
"Dude, go talk to her, she's like, totally in to you", said that stupid dudebro once.

I'm sorry, Microsoft, I'm too cynical and jaded to believe you...


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
Nah nah it's cool. They say now that it's nothing sinister, which means in a couple of weeks they'll do another 180 and say "Yeah, ok, it's totally sinister. Whatcha gon' do?"

SanguiniusMagnificum said:
"Microtransactions are nothing sinister", Microsoft promises.
"Get in the van kid, I'm telling you, I only want to give you candy", said that weird guy once.
"Dude, go talk to her, she's like, totally in to you", said that stupid dudebro once.

I'm sorry, Microsoft, I'm too cynical and jaded to believe you...
I like how you just put Microsoft and pedobear in the same basket.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Sure, because there is nothing sinister in trying to get you to pay extra for a game you already paid the full AAA console price.

As Jim Sterling said, it's a psychological issue. They dangle a shortcut in front of you while you are grinding for the items that you want. A full priced game shouldn't put you in that situation.