Ryse Microtransactions are "Nothing Sinister," Microsoft Promises


New member
Nov 15, 2012
You know, to be completely honest, I don't really care about the microtransactions in this game at all. I mean, from what we've seen of it, it's pretty damn terrible. So as far as I'm concerned, a game I have no reason to buy has just...continued to exist.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
chiefohara said:
This is the future of gaming... :( even if this flops it'll never go away

Microtransactions work in the mobile market and developers will bit by bit by bit change the sense of ownership in a game to one that makes microtransactions the norm and acceptable.
It really is the future. I promise you there will be a game that uses the same system for competitive MP out before Ryse makes it to the shelf. I just wonder since the game I am refering to has a rabid fanbase (and one I can't name due to an NDA) if this will make this whole monetizing games easier to swallow.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Kalezian said:
RJ 17 said:
In reality it's nothing different from what ME3's multiplayer did. The problem is people didn't like it then, so there's no reason for them to start liking it now.

Also: ME3's multiplayer was strictly co-op with all players getting the same amount of experience and cash whether they were on top of the scoreboard or at the bottom, so in this case it wasn't even Pay to Win but rather Pay to Become More Effective/Helpful.

Still, I wonder how many people ACTUALLY bought those random gear packs with real money...talk about just pissing your cash away.
I had about 5000 Microsoft points left over early in the year, and after going through and seeing if there was any DLC that I wanted for my games, I spent it all on various packs.

Only thing I can say I got out of it with any value was the Geth Juggernaut.

Pissed my friend off so much, it's the only character he wanted.
Wow...5K just for a Geth Juggernaut, eh? Well, I'd argue that he's the most overpowered unit out there - I mean he just does NOT go down...ever...his heavy melee recharges his shields while stun-locking the target enemy for crying out loud - just don't know if he's worth 5K MS Points. :p


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I just picture the Cheshire cat's grin after reading that last bit.

Personally I wouldn't have a problem with micro transactions in that game because I'm 90% sure I won't be getting an Xbone, and I'm 100% sure I won't be getting Ryse, and I don't like the idea of paying for "random" loot. I won't do it in TF2 (although shamefully I have done it a couple of times), I won't do it in DotA 2, and I certainly wouldn't do it in Ryse.
But, I'm sure those people who will get Ryse won't be too bothered by the micro transactions when they're playing it. They don't seem too intrusive to me even in F2P games.

Funnily my captcha is about Betfair. Not too dissimilar from these random loot micro transactions in my opinion.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
MinionJoe said:
"It's nothing sinister. It's just us trying to make more money. And it's not like money has ever been called the 'root of all evil' or anything.

"We're just selling 'convenience'. And we all know how progressing through levels and actually working your way up a leaderboard is just so damned inconvenient. So we're going to make Ryse so that it's very easy for you to give us your money.

"We promise."

You REALLY need to fill in between the lines with Microsoft these days.
The scary thing is MS making it easier for us to just give them out money is in an odd way sort of an improvement over how MS normally does things.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
slash2x said:
In other new Micro$oft reps say water is not wet and the desert is a great place to go for a swim! Also the Kinnect is needed for all your games........ OR not.... Or it is...... or it is not.....
Fun fact... they have a fucking AMAZING Dubai waterpark in the middle of the desert. It's like mind blowing how great this thing is. It's gigantic and they even have a winter sports section where you can sky and snowboard on snow.

Though yes when Microsoft says not to worry I fucking PANIC! Though I don't know why because I will not be getting an XBone so this doesn't affect me at all. XD


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Luckily for Crytek, i'm in a depressive period, where I literally can't even get angry. Either way, if i ever report that I'm getting an Xbone, or this game, please, shoot me in the head, because I will have truly lost every single moral, sensibility or piece of mind that makes me, me. Having just graduated from a game design course, i am adamantly putting crytek on the no list. Because on of two things is happening. Either A, the suits are forcing them down this road, or B, they have removed designers from the process in lieu of business managers. And I would rather die than work in either of those environments.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
It's kind of sad when "nothing sinister" becomes a Microsoft selling point.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
"That's it. There's nothing sinister, we promise."
That may very well be true, but unfortunately your assurances are phrased in a way that makes it sound even more suspicious.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Sseth said:
Look at League of Legends which employs the same concept: you can grind points to earn the champions you like or you can skip the process and buy them.
LoL doesn't come with a $60 front-end, and neither does the DOTA/TF2 with their pretty princess dress-up (note, I enjoy hats) models.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Actually, I find myself surprisingly willing to take them at their word on this. At this point, it seems that Microsoft's response is to backpedal like mad if there's something bringing on gamer ire, so if they say this isn't going to make a huge difference to most Ryse players, I think they're likely telling the truth. If it turned out they lied about a release game at this point, you know it would go off in their faces like a handful of dynamite-- and I think they recognize it at this point, too.

Of course, that isn't saying Microsoft's PR department isn't still bringing the full basket of fail that they let something like this get out and rattle around in the first place...


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Eh, if it's a microtransaction system like Mass Effect 3's, then fine. That's fairly non-intrusive, only suckers used real money to buy those packs when you could just play the game and earn the money pretty easily yourself.

I don't understand why this game needs microtransactions, but I have a feeling it does not bode well for the future of Xbone games. You just know they're going to shove this shit into Halo 5 or whatever the hell they're calling the newest installment of that game.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Kalezian said:
RJ 17 said:
Kalezian said:
RJ 17 said:
In reality it's nothing different from what ME3's multiplayer did. The problem is people didn't like it then, so there's no reason for them to start liking it now.

Also: ME3's multiplayer was strictly co-op with all players getting the same amount of experience and cash whether they were on top of the scoreboard or at the bottom, so in this case it wasn't even Pay to Win but rather Pay to Become More Effective/Helpful.

Still, I wonder how many people ACTUALLY bought those random gear packs with real money...talk about just pissing your cash away.
I had about 5000 Microsoft points left over early in the year, and after going through and seeing if there was any DLC that I wanted for my games, I spent it all on various packs.

Only thing I can say I got out of it with any value was the Geth Juggernaut.

Pissed my friend off so much, it's the only character he wanted.
Wow...5K just for a Geth Juggernaut, eh? Well, I'd argue that he's the most overpowered unit out there - I mean he just does NOT go down...ever...his heavy melee recharges his shields while stun-locking the target enemy for crying out loud - just don't know if he's worth 5K MS Points. :p
put it to you this way, a team with two Juggernauts can blow through Gold like nothing, Platinum even with three is still a bit of a challenge, but if spec'd right you can hold up on non-mission waves in a corner just throwing up barriers and recharging shields from the few non-elite enemies.

I haven't played the multiplayer in a while, so I dont know if it's still as OP as it used to be, but considering my friend who still hasn't got it has spent nearly 100k points trying to get it......

yea, it's rare for a reason.
Funny thing is that I hadn't played the ME3 multiplayer in at least 6 months, probably more. I come back and I see this big-ass Geth unit stomping around the battlefield, shooting out what appear to be the big-ass plasma cannon shots from Geth Primes....at first I thought it actually WAS a Geth Prime that you could play was (which it basically is). So I says to myself, I says "Good god, I want one of those..." Two rounds later I got him. :p

And yeah, he's still obscenely overpowered as all hell. He can literally tank banshees and Geth primes by just standing in front of them doing the heavy-melee-shield-recharge over and over while your teammate's tear them down. Haven't tried that against an Atlas yet, and brutes are easy enough to take down with a few Siege Pulse blasts. Collectors, on the other hand......yeah....fuck the Collectors. Ever since I started playing again, 9 times out of 10 when I join a game against a random faction it's going to be the god damn Collectors. I remember when Banshees and Phantoms used to be the most rage-inducing units for the enemy factions...damn near everything in the Collector's roster is a huge pain in the ass.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
slash2x said:
In other new Micro$oft reps say water is not wet and the desert is a great place to go for a swim! Also the Kinnect is needed for all your games........ OR not.... Or it is...... or it is not.....

Stop talking out of your ass, Microsoft! Stop it!! Stop it RIGHT NOW!!!

OT: At some point MS will have to stop digging it's own grave simply because it's dug clear to China. I mean really, they don't expect any backlash from coming out and saying there's nothing sinister going on with such a practice? For one, only a dolt would actually think there are true villainous intentions behind this, and two it does not make such a terrible decision any better by super pinky swearing that there really wasn't any sinister motivations behind this. (Which there really weren't, MS really is just this incompetent)


New member
Mar 17, 2012

How do game devs not understand how these things work?
It's like they don't bother thinking about ideas that affect the game they're developing.

Although, this is the qte-athon, so I shouldn't be surprised.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Sseth said:
MCerberus said:
Sseth said:
Look at League of Legends which employs the same concept: you can grind points to earn the champions you like or you can skip the process and buy them.
LoL doesn't come with a $60 front-end, and neither does the DOTA/TF2 with their pretty princess dress-up (note, I enjoy hats) models.
Yeah but those games don't have a focused single player campaign either.
And this has the effect of... What, exactly?

No, seriously, that's an honest question. So LoL and DOTA and TF2 don't have a single player, and Ryse, by the looks of things, does.
How does that affect anything here at all?
Are you trying to suggest that we're spending $60 for the single player and then the multiplayer is just a free-to-play mode that's been added on? Because it really doesn't work that way.