Mirror's Edge 2 Coming Late Due To DICE Concerns, Not EA


Imperial Intelligence
Jun 13, 2012
Mirror's Edge 2 Coming Late Due To DICE Concerns, Not EA

Mirror's Edge 2 has been a long time coming, but don't blame EA - the developers just wanted to be sure they could do it right.

The original Mirror's Edge was released in 2008, and its cult following has been begging for a sequel ever since. They'll be getting their wish with the Mirror's Edge prequel/reboot currently in development at DICE, but many have been wondering why we've had to wait half a decade for a follow-up to the first-person free-runner. The most common theory is that EA has been apathetic towards the unconventional IP, but DICE wants everyone to know that EA isn't the bad guy here. The developers simply have been waiting for a follow-up idea that wouldn't let fans down.

"It's not about EA blocking DICE," says Patrick Bach, executive producer at DICE. He explains that DICE went through several iterations of a potential Mirror's Edge 2, but didn't believe that any of them could succeed like the original game did. Only when the developers had a worthwhile pitch, five years later, did they talk to EA about a follow-up game. "Usually when we like it, everyone else likes it," Bach says. "So I think we are the bad cop in most cases when it comes to scrutinizing ideas and IPs and features, or whatever it might be."

In the current atmosphere of yearly releases and milked-to-death franchises, it's probably for the best that we aren't on Mirror's Edge 5: Parkour Panic by now. As it stands, DICE has yet to announce a release date for the new Mirror's Edge.

Source: Video Gamer [http://www.videogamer.com/xboxone/mirrors_edge_working_title/news/how_dice_won_ea_over_with_mirror_s_edge_2.html]



My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
The fact that they could release a game late under EA shows plenty of improvement on EA's part, and is a good sign really, cause it simply shows that they'll be given enough time make something good.
Oct 2, 2012
I'm happy they're taking their time on this. I want a very polished and very well made game. I hope they take their time (within reason, I don't want a DNF over here) and deliver a fantastic product :D
klaynexas3 said:
The fact that they could release a game late under EA shows plenty of improvement on EA's part, and is a good sign really, cause it simply shows that they'll be given enough time make something good.
Also this. Good to see EA is learning from their mistakes and giving some studios polish time.

Chatboy 91

New member
Feb 25, 2011
Just give me two things guys: A PC release, and Oculus Rift support.

Give me those two things, and I will throw as much money at this game as I possibly can. And, I'll try to convince as many people as I can to throw a bunch of money at it as well.

The PC release is a must though. I need to see this game in full 1440p glory.


New member
Mar 19, 2013
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?


It stands for several things
May 7, 2008
I completely understand that they took forever to get a design document together. As much as I liked the original, there were major flaws and imperfections that needed to be addressed, or it'd be the same mess.
Chatboy 91 said:
Just give me two things guys: A PC release, and Oculus Rift support.

Give me those two things, and I will throw as much money at this game as I possibly can. And, I'll try to convince as many people as I can to throw a bunch of money at it as well.
Don't forget about omni too: http://www.virtuix.com/


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Is it me or is EA starting to turn over a new leaf?

They're behaving... rationally all of a sudden.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Abomination said:
Is it me or is EA starting to turn over a new leaf?

They're behaving... rationally all of a sudden.
Maybe it's related to them getting rid of John Riccitello?

Or they're just trying to regain some good faith, so they can then proceed to waste it on bad decisions again.


Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
Abomination said:
Is it me or is EA starting to turn over a new leaf?

They're behaving... rationally all of a sudden.
They behaved rationally for a short while before and after the release of Mirror's Edge... Maybe ME releases have a soporific effect on their marketing department that puts all the people responsible for the Dante's Inferno and Dead Space 2 marketing campaigns to sleep?


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Well, thank god it was for the right reasons then. I loved Mirror's Edge despite the supposed platforming concerns. Any game that is delayed to perfect itself gets my support. If only more games were made in this mindset.

And good on EA for not rushing it too. There, I said something good about something I hate. That's my good deed for the day.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Um, is everybody forgetting that the reason ME2 is delayed is because DICE is doing it? You know, the same DICE that EA is making crank out all that expensive and lengthy Battlefield content? I very much doubt that the 5-year wait is the result of extensive prototypes and development, but probably the result of 2-3 years development and a huge injection of labor into DICE. Their PR department really needs to work on their excuses.


New member
May 16, 2009
Abomination said:
Is it me or is EA starting to turn over a new leaf?

They're behaving... rationally all of a sudden.
I've noticed this too, EA is doing everything it can to clean up its image.
I'm still skeptical about everything they're involved with though.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
If it's a good game no-one will care about how much it's been delayed. They'll be too happy playing it.

Daaaah Whoosh

New member
Jun 23, 2010
Despite what others say, I absolutely loved every aspect of Mirror's Edge's gameplay. The parcour was great, the combat was fluid and fit the game perfectly, and the city looked beautiful. I am very much looking forward to this sequel, especially now that I know they're going to do it right.

Mike the Bard

New member
Jan 25, 2010
Mr.Tea said:
I'm just glad it's actually (and finally) happening, instead of getting lost in the kind of limbo Valve threw Ep3/HL3 into.

Chatboy 91 said:
Just give me two things guys: A PC release, and Oculus Rift support.

Give me those two things, and I will throw as much money at this game as I possibly can. And, I'll try to convince as many people as I can to throw a bunch of money at it as well.

The PC release is a must though. I need to see this game in full 1440p glory.
That's already been announced... since day one actually, so I don't know what you're worried about.

The PC release, that is. Dunno about Oculus...
I would't worry about it. If they don't release it with Oculus support, the community will mod it in a nanosecond after its release.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
I dunno who says that the first person view parkour was a pain. Everyone I know, including myself, that has played the game says that it was actually really well done. You pretty much always have a good idea of where your body is in relation to the environment.

The combat though... well, I'm probably not the best person to talk to about that. I didn't even realise you could pick up weapons until the last mission. Went more or less the entire game avoiding fights. The hand-to-hand fighting tended to feel pretty good though, particularly in the way it encouraged you to use your environment and free-running to deliver the best blows.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Well, since this is coming from EA, who have had no qualms about releasing yearly iterations of profitable series (I remember that ME wasn't altogether well-received) I'm taking this with a shaker of salt. I am glad they gave the greenlight and are letting the devs take their time though.

Azahul said:
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
I dunno who says that the first person view parkour was a pain. Everyone I know, including myself, that has played the game says that it was actually really well done. You pretty much always have a good idea of where your body is in relation to the environment.

The combat though... well, I'm probably not the best person to talk to about that. I didn't even realise you could pick up weapons until the last mission. Went more or less the entire game avoiding fights. The hand-to-hand fighting tended to feel pretty good though, particularly in the way it encouraged you to use your environment and free-running to deliver the best blows.
I think alot of people forget that half of the combat (the weapon part) was clunky on purpose. You were, after all, playing as a character who didn't have armor or extensive weapons training. The whole point was to run away (until the last few missions; before that you could avoid ~70% of the fights if you knew the route and were fast enough). And now that it's open-world, the combat/fleeing possibilities have really opened up (they better not force fights unless the plot absolutely [i/]demands[/i] it). That said, the combat was the only part that made me want to replay the game: I don't own many games that let you slide down a subway escalator, jump off to close the distance, roll to keep momentum, then punch a dumb mall-cop in the groin.


New member
Jan 22, 2013
Chatboy 91 said:
and Oculus Rift support.
Now think about this for a minute. Are you sure you want to jump, flip, rotate, and climb a primarily white setting in first person with absolutely zero vision outside of the game? I'm just saying, Mirror's Edge should have a special edition that ships with an EA-themed bucket or two, because I'll need all the puke containers I can find in order to play this.

that said, I fucking hope they support it

EDIT: oh and I think we should drive a parallel here. EA's big titles? Not so bad. EA mobile? Straight-up cancer. For every good action and PR move they've been doing lately, something equally awful happens to one of their mobile studios.