Mirror's Edge 2 Coming Late Due To DICE Concerns, Not EA


New member
Mar 9, 2012
My brain is full of fuck. What is up with EA lately? This is the 3rd time in the past few days that they've made good decisions. Wow. Do I smell a change in the wind? Maybe..

Anyway, that's fine, I don't care if it's delayed, as long as the released product is good enough. Too many rushed games coming out, due to the pressure added on by developers. It's terrible.

Chatboy 91

New member
Feb 25, 2011
sid said:
Chatboy 91 said:
and Oculus Rift support.
Now think about this for a minute. Are you sure you want to jump, flip, rotate, and climb a primarily white setting in first person with absolutely zero vision outside of the game?
Oh I've thought about it, and YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I DO! Motion sickness? That's the least of my concerns. Just think about looking over a ledge when you're on top of a building and getting massive amounts of vertigo from the crazy height. Assuming you're afraid of heig- er, falling like I am. I can only imagine what it's going to be like the first time I miss a jump and go hurtling towards the ground and hear my legs snap... But I won't care, because it will all look so fucking amazing.



Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
Azahul said:
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
I dunno who says that the first person view parkour was a pain. Everyone I know, including myself, that has played the game says that it was actually really well done. You pretty much always have a good idea of where your body is in relation to the environment.
There was me for a start.

I hate the first person view in games because it lacks spacial awareness, peripheral vision and depth perception.

That is exactly what spoilt Mirrors Edge for me. It felt like I was controlling a cycloptic robot rather than a lithe free runner.

Of course it didn't help that the game was visually rather dull. The first time I played the game I thought something was wrong with my 360 and the textures just weren't loading.

Also for a free running game there was remarkably little of it. You were funnelled down set routes.

Most of the time I can see why people like a game I don't but this is one of those that I just simply don't understand.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
ME is one of my favourite games. IIRC, most of the criticisms of the game centered around the combat, and the way the game constantly harried you along. Personally, I found very little in it to criticise, but I'm a fan of the first person-perspective in games and I played it on pc with k+m, and the environments looked stunning. I'd certainly like to see a more open-world approach to the sequel, but for my money it has to retain its first-person focus and its lead character.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Wait wait wait...

Mirror's Edge has a cult following?! I'm not trying to be snarky or start an online argument. I am genuinely surprised. Everyone I know - including myself - sold back their copy of this game with a few weeks of getting it. None of us like it at all. I always thought Mirror's Edge was one of those overly-hyped games that completely bombed and no one really talks about it.
Am I missing something? I was under the impression this was the sequel no one asked for to a game no one liked.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
klaynexas3 said:
The fact that they could release a game late under EA shows plenty of improvement on EA's part, and is a good sign really, cause it simply shows that they'll be given enough time make something good.
Well, DICE is EA's big name to show off so they get a little leeway. No other company under them would even get the chance.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Silentpony said:
Am I missing something?

It wasnt a universal success, but it also wasnt the sort of game that got mediocre reactions. There werent many people who just thought "eh, its ok I guess" - people loved it or hated it. Cult following is a good description, just like movies with cult followings that a lot of people dislike but the target audience really loves.

On the OP... Hmmm. Good to hear that DICE wanted to do it justice. On the other hand, Im a bit concerned that they went through multiple iterations to find the perfect pitch and the end result turns out to be "reboot/prequel!" (Preboot?)


New member
Jan 15, 2009
EA slowly scares me. discount on origin, giving tiume now and they dint force DICE to bring out mirror 2?? am i still in the right universe???

thats actually good news. sure, i want the game badly since i love the first one, but its good to hear they will take their time to make it right. and also a very good pc port.


New member
Aug 24, 2013
It's usually the case that when a game is great, people congratulate the developer; when a game sucks people blame the publisher. At a guess I'd say that both dragged their heels over this, after all it wasn't a massive commercial success to begin with. I'm guessing that while some of the developers wanted to do a sequel it was probably safer for them to concentrate on the Battlefield stuff and see if the cult following grew or died down.

Mirror's Edge was one of those games that when it clicked it felt amazing jumping rolling and swinging across buildings, but it could also be frustrating making some of the jumps with out being able to see your feel. It's one of the games that over the years really could benefit from a sequel to iron out all the kinks in the design and make it great. Also it doesn't need to have fanastic graphics or development costs to be good.

Like most people I'm hoping they don't add lots of shooting to the new one, though I think adding stealth mechanics to sneak past guards would fit well.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
Yeah the first one was pretty bad, mostly because of that concept and the awful combat. It's only redeeming qualities is that when you actually can jump around and do all the moves rather than being unable to jump up a wall that 2 foot high it's actually pretty enjoyable. Just a shame that it's not enjoyable enough to justify what's wrong with the game (which is everything else).


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Phew, when I saw this headline, I thought I was going to read about ME2 being delayed - that would be a lot to handle.

This may be a prequel, but is it really possible to have the second game in a series be a "reboot"? As surely that would indicate some kind of thematic change/refreshing of the storyline.

*visions of Faith covered in mud and blood, running through some grotty favela, Tomb Raider style*


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
The platforming was the reason why the fans loved it and I personally enjoyed the combat and platforming because of it's difficulty.

But yeah, the game looks awesome. I just hope they make it longer this time.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Well, good. No rush, just as long as it comes out, eventually.
God i loved Mirror's Edge so much, and I am damn happy that there's another one coming.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
The first one was a complaint from people who didn't like the game. Unsurprisingly, people who liked the game held a somewhat different opinion. The second complaint was pretty widespread though.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
It's funny how EVERY bad decision is never made by EA. Seriously, guys, this excuse getting old already.


New member
May 18, 2010
Abomination said:
Is it me or is EA starting to turn over a new leaf?

They're behaving... rationally all of a sudden.
soon, hopefully, we'll go back to the EA of Mass Effect and Dragon Age and Medal of Honor Allied Assault

OT: so did they finally settle for calling it something else than just Mirror's Edge?

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
Chatboy 91 said:
Just give me two things guys: A PC release, and Oculus Rift support.

Give me those two things, and I will throw as much money at this game as I possibly can. And, I'll try to convince as many people as I can to throw a bunch of money at it as well.

The PC release is a must though. I need to see this game in full 1440p glory.
add 360 treadmill (Virtuix) support, and I will be set.


New member
May 10, 2011
Mirror's Edge 2 was one of my top 5 "sacred cows" of sequels I wanted more than anything.

Now I just need:
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Shenmue III
Mega Man Legends 3
and a new Legacy of Kain

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
no not really, and again no not really. as someone who has played the game, the first person parkour is very fun and the game is very responsive. the combat make sense because of what you are trying to achieve in the game, though the gun combat feels a little out of place, but I wouldn't take it out, as it would have made things harder.