Mirror's Edge 2 Coming Late Due To DICE Concerns, Not EA

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
unstabLized said:
My brain is full of fuck. What is up with EA lately? This is the 3rd time in the past few days that they've made good decisions. Wow. Do I smell a change in the wind? Maybe..

Anyway, that's fine, I don't care if it's delayed, as long as the released product is good enough. Too many rushed games coming out, due to the pressure added on by developers. It's terrible.
the smell could be the water treatment plant that you're downwind from.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
How many news articles pop up where a developer pops up and says "It's not EA's fault, it's ours!"? This is getting creepily commonplace with developers defending EA by taking the blame for themselves.

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
Tenmar said:
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
Yes, yes it was. The entire game was basically a FPS rail runner and if you screw up that rail you were pretty much certain to die. Also didn't help that even if you did get a gun it was clunky. Also being a FPS you had no real way to ground yourself to know exactly where your feet was.

Honestly the only reason Mirror's Edge had any hype was because it was a huge part of a tech demo for the next gen of graphic cards by DICE. As for the cult following people liked the artistic design and world design just like Remember me. Both terrible to average games but people liked the aesthetics just that much for a second one.
actually if you look down, you can see the characters feet in the game...

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Considering that EA owns DICE and all of its properties fully, I seriously doubt they could just start work on Mirror's Edge 2 without their parent company's approval.

And given EA's penchant for mandating rushed sequels to successful titles in the time since Mirror's Edge 1, I'm already highly suspicious of any statement that has to try and shift "blame" away from EA. (and let us not forget that they've already shown how they're willing to flat out lie to the public through their subordinates. *cough*Maxis, SimCity*cough*)

It looks like a PR move to drum up good vibes for EA, which they badly need after the public's ravaging these last few years.

I can understand that if they genuinely want to turn over a new leaf and show how they're a different company now.
But, in that case it'd be better to avoid having their subordinates make claims that refer to the past. Best to leave that behind.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
I do not envy the aftercare that the character would have had to do on her face tattoo to make sure it healed right, I imagine the face is a particularly awkward area in that regard.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Vault Citizen said:
I do not envy the aftercare that the character would have had to do on her face tattoo to make sure it healed right, I imagine the face is a particularly awkward area in that regard.
Yea that looks painful.

You never know though, it might be makeup.


New member
Apr 15, 2008
This had better mean it's more polished than the last game. I enjoyed that one on my first run through but when I came back to it, I gave up after 2 hours. There were so many little problems popping up all over the place that I just couldn't enjoy it.

I also hope they get rid of the esurance commercial and first person cutscenes (two of the most annoying types of cutscenes possible IMO) but that's a much smaller issue

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
Agayek said:
Vault Citizen said:
I do not envy the aftercare that the character would have had to do on her face tattoo to make sure it healed right, I imagine the face is a particularly awkward area in that regard.
Yea that looks painful.

You never know though, it might be makeup.
No it's definitely a tattoo, the reason I commented on it is that I watched the video in the article and it showed her getting her tattoos done.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I just hope to God that those stories I heard about "Anita Sarkeesian the Consultant" are false. D:

If so, I may actually get properly hyped about a game again.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
I don't get people who complained about the first-person aspect, it was done perfectly and I question the depth perception of people who had trouble.

Also, the combat was pretty bad. That's why I skipped it all. It's way more fun fleeing from bullets instead of running towards them.

Mike Richards

New member
Nov 28, 2009
Tenmar said:
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
Yes, yes it was. The entire game was basically a FPS rail runner and if you screw up that rail you were pretty much certain to die. Also didn't help that even if you did get a gun it was clunky. Also being a FPS you had no real way to ground yourself to know exactly where your feet was.

Honestly the only reason Mirror's Edge had any hype was because it was a huge part of a tech demo for the next gen of graphic cards by DICE. As for the cult following people liked the artistic design and world design just like Remember me. Both terrible to average games but people liked the aesthetics just that much for a second one.
Well, that's just like... your opinion man.

It's a platformer, the way I see it it's no more on rails then, say, Mario for example. You go off the rails and down a hole in Mario you're probably gonna die pretty quickly too. Getting a gun is clunky because you aren't supposed to use guns, it's about running away from people or beating them up, and only occasionally shooting them if absolutely necessary. And if you want to know where your feet are, you either look down or make an educated guess from where your viewpoint is, doesn't always work perfectly but then again I'm not really sure it's supposed to. And finally I think it's pretty safe to say it was hyped because it was a unique and exciting idea backed up by a strong art style and a pretty interesting location.

It was hardly perfect, but it might surprise you to know that many people, myself included, actually legitimately liked the parts of it that worked and appreciated what they were aiming for.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Azahul said:
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
I dunno who says that the first person view parkour was a pain. Everyone I know, including myself, that has played the game says that it was actually really well done. You pretty much always have a good idea of where your body is in relation to the environment.

The combat though... well, I'm probably not the best person to talk to about that. I didn't even realise you could pick up weapons until the last mission. Went more or less the entire game avoiding fights. The hand-to-hand fighting tended to feel pretty good though, particularly in the way it encouraged you to use your environment and free-running to deliver the best blows.
Wait what? you could actually pick up weapons? i never did....
This is like i never picked up the ship in Red Faction 2 ending mission having to fight mission made for OP rockets shooting gunship on foot, haivng to try 50 times or like me completely missing ability to build Support modules on carriers in HOmeworld Cataclysm finishing whole game winth a gimped fleet size. this is yet another one to add it seems.

Capcha: nobody home.
i know im dumb dont need to make fun of me.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Absolutionis said:
How many news articles pop up where a developer pops up and says "It's not EA's fault, it's ours!"? This is getting creepily commonplace with developers defending EA by taking the blame for themselves.
Time out! Have we all forgotten the article in which EA, not DICE, vice president Patrick Söderlund told CVG that Mirror's Edge 2 will be markedly different from the original?

This sounds more like EA wasn't on-board with making a game "true" to the original, and wouldn't sign off on an ME2 until DICE pitched something that EA could shoehorn under the "action adventure" umbrella that so many games are crowded beneath these days:

...What I can say is we're taking more of an action adventure approach on it than maybe before. First-person, running predominantly... This will be more of an action adventure game, but true to what the first one was to a large extent.
Here's a radical idea: how about instead of making it "true to what the first one was to a large extent," you make it "true to the first one. Period!" Novel, I know. I pray they don't turn Faith into Lara Croft redux from the Tomb Raider reboot.


New member
Apr 30, 2013
The person that came up with the concept of prequels deserves a swift kick to their reproductive parts.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Yuuki said:
Wasn't one of the complaints about the first one that parkour/platforming from a first person view was a massive pain? And that the combat felt out of place?
I didn't have any problems with the first person part of the parkour really. And what combat? I didn't do much combat in Mirror's Edge, that was kind of the point, and one of my favorite aspects of the game. Your "weapon" was avoiding the danger in the first place.