Oh you'd be suprised heavily. Try pro grade photography for example, where ridiculously expensive gear gives up on you regularly no matter which brand you choose. You have to personally pick up one lens that works good with YOUR dslr body (other six on the same shelf might be getting slightly out of focus for example), when you choose the right one you have to return it a month later because it refuses to work. Sometimes without a reason and sometimes from a 15 cm drop on your matrass (true story). You need to gather epic amounts of knowledge, patience and expertise. You cannot simply expect something to work "just because" you've paid a few thousand dollars for it.chuckwendig said:I cannot imagine if *any other technology* required this level of attention in this day and age.
But I want to play a GAME and have FUN, not do WORK. Do you see the difference there?dochmbi said:You shouldn't even be playing PC games if you don't want to put work into it.
Agreed.generic gamer said:I've got all those games and none of those crashes, is your hardware maybe a bit old?
Also I didn't like this article very much purely because of the tone. This isn't what I come here to read, it wasn't smart and it wasn't informative. I know it was supposed to be a humorous look at the problem but honestly it comes across as not wanting to do any maintenance work and getting annoyed when it breaks. If you had a console that could play every game ever made you'd expect a certain amount of tinkering too.
And some people say PC gamers are elitist and condescending! Bosh! Flimshaw!MegaSlaan said:Heres some ice for you vagina OP, and a copy of Steel Magnolias so you can have a good cry the next time you can't get a PC game to run. Your main problem is that you bought a stock desktop because you obviously lack the basic cognitive and motor functions required to build and excellent gaming rig for half the price you paid for that abomination that is the Dell XPS you bought.