Ooh, I love this game...
#5 Raziel from Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
#7 That's Bianca from Pokemon White/Black
#8 The Eyrewood originated at PAX? Neat! I never knew that. That's Daughter Hanna and the druid-beast [http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/story/the-tithe-page-ten].
#11 Terra, Aerith, and Celes from Final Fantasy... with crazy elf-ears for some reason?
#12 Obviously an Assassin from Assassin's Creed, I believe she's the chick from ACIII: Revelations.
#13 Saki Ammimaya from Sin and Punishment... whom I only know from his cameo in Smash Bros.
#16 [mtg_card=Liliana Vess] from Magic: the Gathering. Specifically [mtg_card=Liliana of the Veil], if that makes a difference.
#18 I think something ate the caption, but that's Sarah and... her boyfriend, Noel was it?, from Final Fantasy XIII-2.
EDIT: Nevermind, didn't see the little angel wings. The guy is evil Pit from Kid Icarus: Uprising.