Miyamoto Shows Off The Legend of Zelda, Discusses Starfox at Game Awards

Sarah LeBoeuf

New member
Apr 28, 2011
Miyamoto Shows Off The Legend of Zelda, Discusses Starfox at Game Awards

Starfox will launch before The Legend of Zelda in 2015.

They say you should save the best for last, and it looks like that was The Game Awards' strategy tonight. After presenting its final award to Dragon Age: Inquisition for Game of the Year, the Awards turned to Shigeru Miyamoto and a world premiere of next year's Wii U exclusive The Legend of Zelda.

The actual Zelda gameplay starts around 47 seconds in, and while showing off the highly anticipated title, a couple of other Nintendo games come up in conversation. Starfox is still on track for a 2015 release, and will in fact launch before Zelda next year; and of course, the recently announced Majora's Mask remake is coming to 3DS in 2015.

With this footage closing out the show, the first-ever Game Awards ceremony was bookended by Nintendo--starting off with Mario Maker and waiting until the end to unveil more Zelda footage. This caps off a year full of comebacks and refreshingly fun [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.852469-Editorial-Nintendos-E3-Showing-is-Refreshingly-Fun] games for Nintendo, and though I didn't need any convincing to get excited for a new Legend of Zelda, I'm certainly feeling the hype.



PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
You can tell Miyamoto's been hands-off with Zelda lately; he seems genuinely impressed.

P.S. Thanks


Paladin of Traffic Law
Nov 14, 2010
Friends I have decided to give in and submit to the hype. I am one with it now. Do not weep for me


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Nintendo: We are better than everyone. SUCK IT, BITCHES. Also, FUCKING STAR FOX.

I just hope it doesn't emulate TES. The problem with those games is that the "open world" is just a bunch of filler. With Zelda, EVERYTHING feels justified and achieves that through density.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
So. Guessing Link isn't going to be a girl in this series?

Game looks pretty darn good, though hard to get a real feel for it from just a quick video.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Well this is cool. Just one problem Mr Miyamoto. *Grabs him by collar* Where. Is. METROID!?


New member
Feb 22, 2011
There goes Nintendo again, knows exactly how to steal the show with something simple. Show off Zelda and announce a new Star Fox, you'll have people eating out of your hand. Including me... damn you Nintendo.


New member
Oct 9, 2012
Well, say what you want about Nintendo's business. But when they want to be heard, it's impossible not to listen.

I've expressed most of my excitement on other sites already, so I think I'll just copy/paste my thoughts here. Bear in mind, much of it is just rambling without too much thought.

The thing I'm most excited for is that they seem like they're making as much use of the potential of Skyward Sword as they can. I enjoyed SS a great deal. I think it had the second best art design in the series next to Wind Waker (we'll see if either of them moves in the ranks after this releases) and the gameplay did some cool things with the motion control, but it did feel a bit constrained and stretched out. Generally there weren't any big open places to mess around with your gear or as many secrets, compared to some other entries in the franchise.

Because of this, the new items and techniques you could use started to feel a bit contextual. Not the fault of the items, mind, just the world around them seemed to have them for specific, almost arbitrary (at times) purposes.

Going for a more open design could afford these items more experimentation and expanded usefulness aside from the ?Use item: Clear puzzle" they sometimes seemed to have in SS. The simple act of using the sailcloth because "there's a cliff in front of you", rather than "there's a cliff in front of you and no other way down", suggests, to me, an almost sandbox-like approach. Which I think could be an interesting take on the series, if they can do it right.

Perhaps we'll get some more exploration- and mobility-based items in this iteration? Maybe, maybe not. I?m drifting a bit away from my first point, but still, fun to speculate :)

Edit: Also, Auto-Horse.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
erttheking said:
Well this is cool. Just one problem Mr Miyamoto. *Grabs him by collar* Where. Is. METROID!?
Fer real. I miss Samus :(

OT: Game looks like it is shaping up nicely. Missing a lot of polish, but that's to be expected at this stage.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
MoreThanANoob said:
Well, say what you want about Nintendo's business. But when they want to be heard, it's impossible not to listen.

I've expressed most of my excitement on other sites already, so I think I'll just copy/paste my thoughts here. Bear in mind, much of it is just rambling without too much thought.

The thing I'm most excited for is that they seem like they're making as much use of the potential of Skyward Sword as they can. I enjoyed SS a great deal. I think it had the second best art design in the series next to Wind Waker (we'll see if either of them moves in the ranks after this releases) and the gameplay did some cool things with the motion control, but it did feel a bit constrained and stretched out. Generally there weren't any big open places to mess around with your gear or as many secrets, compared to some other entries in the franchise.

Because of this, the new items and techniques you could use started to feel a bit contextual. Not the fault of the items, mind, just the world around them seemed to have them for specific, almost arbitrary (at times) purposes.

Going for a more open design could afford these items more experimentation and expanded usefulness aside from the ?Use item: Clear puzzle" they sometimes seemed to have in SS. The simple act of using the sailcloth because "there's a cliff in front of you", rather than "there's a cliff in front of you and no other way down", suggests, to me, an almost sandbox-like approach. Which I think could be an interesting take on the series, if they can do it right.

Perhaps we'll get some more exploration- and mobility-based items in this iteration? Maybe, maybe not. I?m drifting a bit away from my first point, but still, fun to speculate :)

Edit: Also, Auto-Horse.
I suggested on another site that they combine the sail you see at the beginning with the Hookshot so you can cruise around the world Just Cause 2 style as a way of getting around.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
It sure looks pretty, but based on that footage I'm not sure where the actual gameplay is. Or, more importantly, where the content is. Having a big, open explorable world is one thing but, frankly, that's done by so many games these days it's not really a feature any more. What matters is what you do with all of that "open" space. I guess I've played enough open world games by now that a developer just saying "Hey, see that tower over there, you can walk there! And, get this, it'll take you 10 minutes of continuously pressing forward to do it!" doesn't really impress me.


New member
Oct 9, 2012
Brian Tams said:
MoreThanANoob said:
Well, say what you want about Nintendo's business. But when they want to be heard, it's impossible not to listen.

I've expressed most of my excitement on other sites already, so I think I'll just copy/paste my thoughts here. Bear in mind, much of it is just rambling without too much thought.

The thing I'm most excited for is that they seem like they're making as much use of the potential of Skyward Sword as they can. I enjoyed SS a great deal. I think it had the second best art design in the series next to Wind Waker (we'll see if either of them moves in the ranks after this releases) and the gameplay did some cool things with the motion control, but it did feel a bit constrained and stretched out. Generally there weren't any big open places to mess around with your gear or as many secrets, compared to some other entries in the franchise.

Because of this, the new items and techniques you could use started to feel a bit contextual. Not the fault of the items, mind, just the world around them seemed to have them for specific, almost arbitrary (at times) purposes.

Going for a more open design could afford these items more experimentation and expanded usefulness aside from the ?Use item: Clear puzzle" they sometimes seemed to have in SS. The simple act of using the sailcloth because "there's a cliff in front of you", rather than "there's a cliff in front of you and no other way down", suggests, to me, an almost sandbox-like approach. Which I think could be an interesting take on the series, if they can do it right.

Perhaps we'll get some more exploration- and mobility-based items in this iteration? Maybe, maybe not. I?m drifting a bit away from my first point, but still, fun to speculate :)

Edit: Also, Auto-Horse.
I suggested on another site that they combine the sail you see at the beginning with the Hookshot so you can cruise around the world Just Cause 2 style as a way of getting around.



New member
Jul 5, 2011
Allow me to horse-fangasm for a moment. Ya, sure open world, yadda-yadda, but dat Epona, tho!

Oh geeze, Epona looks FANTASTIC here. I rarely feel satisfied with horses in games as they feel more like vehicles more than animals or especially companions. I wanted to like Epona more, but she always felt stiff and robotic compared to Agro from Shadow of the Colossus. Not only did Agro LOOK good, but he also had a mind of his own and would follow his own path if left to it (he'll even do his own thing if left alone). I'm getting a similar feel from the Epona footage here, and I like it. The fact that she'll control herself and not run into trees sounds like a very positive step (even though past Zelda games aren't heavily wooded or full of obstacles). The horseback gameplay seems to be improved from Twilight Princess as well, which is another good thing. Oh, and visually she looks great too. The mane looks so fluffy.


Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
So Epona's on a glorified autopilot, there's tons of open areas with little to do, the vaulting slowdown thing was last seen in Vanquish, there's a big bright symbol and a clang when you shoot enemies because how else could you tell if you hit them, and it's another 3D Zelda game. I think I'm going to go back to Ocarina of Time because after watching that, I don't think I'll be missing much.

The Big N may not release their games every year like Activision or Ubisoft, but they're all pretty samey even with the longer development times. Aside from their publishing of Bayonetta 2, I still haven't seen another reason to get a WiiU or care about anything Nintendo's been doing.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Fappy said:
erttheking said:
Well this is cool. Just one problem Mr Miyamoto. *Grabs him by collar* Where. Is. METROID!?
Fer real. I miss Samus :(

OT: Game looks like it is shaping up nicely. Missing a lot of polish, but that's to be expected at this stage.
Miyamoto: Uh, I believe you wanna go down the hall, because that's NOT what my team is involved with.

Seriously, I realize Miyamoto was a producer on Metroid Prime, but he's not that intimately involved with the series. He doesn't do EVERYTHING at Nintendo.


Paladin of Traffic Law
Nov 14, 2010
Silentpony said:
Maybe I'm being cynical, but showing off new Zelda? Wouldn't it be more prudent to say "We cut this from the last Zelda. $50 please you rabid, desperate fanboy"?
I... What?


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Silentpony said:
Maybe I'm being cynical, but showing off new Zelda? Wouldn't it be more prudent to say "We cut this from the last Zelda. $50 please you rabid, desperate fanboy"?
You're not being cynical, as that implies insight, you're just being intentionally offensive and willfully ignorant. If you don't like Zelda fine, don't buy it, but don't bug people who do over the most promising Zelda game in 8 long years.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Aiddon said:
Nintendo: We are better than everyone. SUCK IT, BITCHES.
Yeah, except for Shadow of the Colossus which did nearly all this back in 2005.

'Look, you don't need to push the analog stick to keep Epona running. WOW! Look, Epona will avoid trees. DOUBLE WOW!!'

Looks great and all, but is that really supposed to be such a revelation?


Undeniable Logic
Feb 9, 2010
I don't get why people are getting up in arms about this video and its content. They said its still in development, and its a gameplay vid, so its just showing off mainly some neat gameplay stuff, with no intention of displaying any story information. They didn't make this video to say they are revolutionizing the world of gaming, just showing off some of the stuff they're working on in this new game. And of course telling everyone about Star Fox and MM releases. I'm hyped for Nintendo 2015.

The only way they could make it better is, of course, news about Metroid something something.