My wife originally had no interest in video games but over the years of dating then marriage she got into them - it started with, of all things, Command and Conquer and then Red Alert. But it was crystalised by Everquest. More recently we do more of this combo console gaming you describe. I do the jumping about she does the puzzles. She is just good at puzzles compared to me.
Years ago when I asked her why she even gave games a try in the first place it was because A) it was clearly a big part of my life so she wanted to try them out and B) I was passionate about them and spent time (inadvertently) explaining things to her which, she said, eventually sucked her into video gaming. I know all those hours spent playing EQ, Diablo, Diablo 2, Baldurs Gate various MMOs has made us a better team in non-gaming realms as well. I become the instant envy of friends and acquittance alike.
That was back in 98 so been gaming together for more than a decade and co-op games are top of my list so I can play with my wife.
Jumwa: When she's not around to game with, I usually end up closing out of my games and reading instead, because they no longer hold a candle to the experience I get with her.
Exactly. If my wife cant play I don't play and vice a versa. In my long experience the progression of co-op goes like this me+wife >>> friends >> random multiplayer <=> solo. My kids are still too young for me to decide where they fit into that spectrum though I thoroughly enjoy playing the simple games they can handle at this point and look forward to the 5 man dungeons of the future MMOs.
Katbot: When she's not around to game with, I usually end up closing out of my games and reading instead, because they no longer hold a candle to the experience I get with her.
So true! I cant count the times where I'll be playing the tank type in a raid/group or equivalent and my wife is the healer and she saves my ass and vice a versa. Its very satisfying. Marriage just intensifies that experience.