5 Tiny Things I Hope Get Changed in Skyrim


New member
May 2, 2010
I wonder if perhaps the reason for having psychic hive-mind guards was to increase the risk involved in breaking the law. If it was just a matter of equipping then removing a helmet or staying away from a specific area for some time then there would be no need for stealth or subtlety; potentially it could become less challenging (not that it was any sort of challenge when you had a high illusion skill and the right items).

V Gray

New member
Feb 13, 2010
better pick-pocketing system. why is there no mini game for this, even at max stealth skill, It's annoying to pre save to get anywhere with it. make it like lock-picking or hacking


8 miles high and falling fast
Mar 31, 2008
They've actually implemented the one change that I always wanted to see: the ability to put whatever you want in whichever hand. I'm one of these awkward left-handed types. Every game since the dawn of time has featured characters wielding their main weapon in their right hand by default. It's so good to finally have the choice.

Yeah, that's about as petty as you can get. But there we go.


Notably Neutral
Jan 12, 2010
1. Yeah, too easy and too unfair at times, the game was crap.

2. Love this idea, do it Bethesda

3. If BioWare can have the NPC's making pointless banter I wanna stop and listen/watch, then surely BethSoft can do the same

4. Doesn't bother me that much and New Vegas' voice cast consisted of a lot of my favorites (Yuri Lowenthal and Laura Bailey to be specific) so as long as it gets the usual gaming/animation voice acting vets I'll be happy

5. I'm not sure I would agree with the silt striders so much as a 'revised' fast travel system... Maybe some underground series of portals that provide jumps between major cities that are unlocked upon completion of certain demands, each one being accessible by a various amount of quests.

Specifically on that last one, it would be like completing X guild quest chain or helping NPC x that led into the super secret x quest line unlocked it and lastly, completing parts of the MAIN storyline would unlock it.

I won't be surprised if perhaps there are dragonshouts that may be tied into fast travel, hmmm?


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I'd love it if QA would do their work. I still have my save with the broken main quest from Oblivion. D:

Yes, I liked Morrowind better, with levitation and all the other extras that they left out of Oblivion for the sake of convenience. I still remember my house that I liberated from a local gang... I had almost all of the house Dagon in soul stones there neatly arranged! That house was so full of junk my framerate was about tenth or even less than outside in battle. Yes, I collected almost every book in the game, every type of weapon, armor, had a trapped soul of every creature, had a room literally full of potions and booze, enough musical instruments to start a couple of bands and a neat pile of I think skulls. :D
I had tremendous fun in that game and still have my huge printed map of it. Unfortunately, Oblivion did not live up to that level, even with all those mods I installed.


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
Susan Arendt said:
5 Tiny Things I Hope Get Changed in Skyrim

Five unimportant things that will hopefully change for Skyrim.

Read Full Article
I'm in total agreement with the exception of one thing: I don't think this stuff is unimportant!

Even MMOs used to provide all of these things--particularly the full-access house decoration--so there's no excuse for them to be missing from single-player RPGs that seem to be all about immersion. Two of the rules of immersion (in my humble opinion) are thus:

1. Immersion requires letting your player perform actions that make sense to them in real life. Sitting in chairs, moving a table, these are included in that. If you think to include a chair, spare a moment to allow character models to sit in it at will.

2. Immersion requires choices, and choices require variety. If you're going to include voices, include enough that they're not overlapping too often. If you want social gameplay (like the persuasion wheel) make sure that different encounters feel different.

Corollary to 2: If you're not going to provide enough choices, consider leaving that element out. Otherwise, it only draws attention to the lack of choices. Only 3 tattoos? Just leave them out. Can't sit in chairs? Omit them.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I really hope they put the silt striders and boats back in... and I wouldn't mind spears either

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
The danger music.

It was really weird when you know you are being attacked just by the change in music. Hated it when it would just start playing and there was no enemy in sight.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
On the closely related subject of things that should NOT change, keep the developer console. My third playthrough I did as a giant pile of hax with infinity health and crazy movement power. And it was awesome.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
I think that bringing back Silt Striders and getting rid of Oblivion's version of fast travelling would be awesome. I didn't like how all I had to do to travel anywhere in that game was click on my destination on the map screen, from anywhere. Silt Striders are better because they cost money to use and you have to find them in major cities, so it makes the fast travelling feel more like part of the game rather than your character having some random teleportaion device always at their disposal.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
My 2 main points are:
1) Please don't make the characters ugly to the point of looking inbred
2) Please take more time in getting different actors to voice, I mean I know there's a lot of dialogue and it takes a lot of work, but it just gets plain disturbing after a while, when it sounds like the whole game is done by 4 people. Even the ogres fgs.

another point, but probably too major to include here, is add some variety and skill into the combat please. It feels a lot like...what's that game now dammit...oh yeah, Risen.


New member
May 20, 2009
I think the skill sets need to be revised again. And by revised i don't mean stripped down to bear bones RPG elements for the console tards. No, It just needs to have some skill sets seperated and some skills collapsed in. i dunno if i wanna go back to the skills hell morrowind was but at least it left room for specialisation. Getting 100 in any skill felt like an accomplishment. getting it in oblivion felt much less so. And on top of all that in morrowind after getting to that 100 you could start training in something else. In oblivion the stupid leveling system made that nigh on impossible and switching to another set of skills to much of a gear change. And even if you did bypass that stuff it was still a hollow victory to hit the 100 mark.

Also stilt strider = YES. it doesn't even have to be a crazy transportation animal just a caravan or boats. Just a sytem that allows fast travel to certain specific points not just where ever i click.

Whatever i'm bias, i will always hold morrowind up as a shining example of a western RPG and great game. Oblivion for all it's upgrades and new features always felt hollow and just not as good.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Calibretto said:
So its a deadly sin for a game to be hard?
so in your ten commandments you would have :
Thou shall not make any game that challenges one to any degree or thou shall be burning in hell for all eternity?

No wonder I am an atheist I really dont understand religion sometimes. T_T
If I did have commandments, one of them would be 'thou shalt read things properly on the internet before making nonsensical responses'.

I said 'robbing the player of their control', not 'making the game a challenge'. Taking control away from the player is, in my opinion, very annoying in a first person game as you can't fight back for those frames.

Fighting in Oblivion was not difficult or challenging, it was just irritating.

Feel free to read that last sentence a second time now, replacing the words 'Fighting in Oblivion' with 'your comment'.

Liquid Paradox

New member
Jul 19, 2009
Ahh, the conversation wheel... I can't even begin to describe my loathing for that particular abstract. Apparently, every single conversation goes like this:

You: "Hey, you look pretty good in that armor."
Them: "Stop it, your too kind!"
You: "So I was fighting this troll the other day..."
Them: "Do you expect me to believe that?"
You: "Did you hear the one about the Argonian and the Breton who walked into the bar in Bruma?"
Them: "Was that supposed to be funny?"
You: *threatening look*
Them: "Please, Don't hurt me!"
You: "Screw this, have some money."
Them: "See, was that so hard?"


New member
May 8, 2010
Oblivion is an old game. At the time of it's release there wasn't much, if any, game around like it. The innovation it had, surpassed any minor flaws it had in-game. Even with certain bugs or parts of the game that people didn't enjoy, could be tweaked with the Construction Set, for those lucky PC Players. I gotta say, I've never played, enjoyed, and worked on a game as fun and interesting as Oblivion.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Get rid of regenerating magic. It renders so many things obsolete.
And God-travel needs to be removed. It doesn't matter if it pisses people off.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
It would be nice if they made a computer game instead of a console game with a computer port. Oblivion was totally baby mode. I don't want to play another horribly easy game even if it does feel like it isn't a bland empty wasteland. Ironically Morrowind had like 30% of the landmass as a wasteland. Oblivion felt like a flash game lmao.
Uh dude, Oblivion was originally for PC. It took like one or two years before it got onto the PS3.....


New member
Apr 15, 2009
ultrachicken said:
henritje said:
you forgot BUG REMOVAL! 5+ years after release and it,s still buggy! (yeah I know that some modder released a patch but it,s a 60$ AAA game not a Ikea product that you gotta fix yourself!)
Also I would like the audibility to dual wield dagger,s (maybe include it as a separate skill buffed by rogues/assassin,s?)
I'm guessing you mean "ability," not "audibility." But Skyrim lets you wield whatever you want in each hand. Dual daggers? Yep. Lightning in one hand, axe in other? Yep. Dual shields? Yep.

I want archery to deal more damage. Seriously. Bows are not peashooters, they are lethal weapons.
That has been confirmed :D! Isn't it awesome? And why does evergame make archers weaker than they are? I main reason I love the King Arthur game is because archers actually kill..... And I'm really tired of all the enemies who can walk around with 35 arrows.