EA: Nintendo's 3DS is "Magical"

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
EA: Nintendo's 3DS is "Magical"

Do you believe in magic? Those that have played the Nintendo 3DS do.

I'm starting to get the idea that the Nintendo 3DS is either a revolutionary device, or it's inputting subliminal messages into everybody's minds and Nintendo will be using it to take over the world. EA's chief operating officer John Schappert recently told Industry Gamers [http://www.industrygamers.com/news/nintendos-3ds-is-magical-and-will-sell-like-hotcakes-says-ea/] that after seeing the 3DS at E3 he thought it was so incredible that it must have been conjured up by a wizard.

Specifically, he said: "The 3DS is magical. You put that in your hand, you look down, and all of a sudden it's in 3D without glasses. That's an amazing experience. I'm a huge fan." Schappert believes it will sell like "hot cakes" and the 3DS has "re-energized the industry."

He might be talking up the device because, as he also pointed out, EA has Sims [http://www.amazon.com/2010-FIFA-World-Cup-Xbox-360/dp/B002WEZ1GA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1280070200&sr=8-2] games in development for the 3DS. He admitted, slightly crazily: "The thing I like about being a third party publisher is... I've got bets on all these things. I want them all to be successful; they're all my children and I love them all." It's great that the man loves his job, but am I the only one a little scared by that last statement?

Even Nintendo has admitted that marketing the 3DS freaking out [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/101962-Nintendo-Admits-3DS-Marketing-is-Tricky], it's hard to not get excited. If the 3DS ends up being cool enough, I probably wouldn't even mind being forced to believe Reggie Fils-Aime is my lord.

Source: Industry Gamers [<a href=]



New member
Jun 9, 2010
It does sound impressive, but the iPad claims to be magical and revolutionary too and I'm still entirely uninterested in it.
The 3DS does sound worth getting so far to me though.

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008

Honestly, if this praise continues we're going to have the most praised thing in this industry. Perhaps more than Half Life.

Calumon: But not more than Portal.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
3DS does sound like the first instance of 3D being worth hassle. Once again nintendo is five steps ahead of everyone else.


That Guy
Jan 19, 2010
Everything becomes magical after some shrooms. Where do you think EA puts all the money they get from the huge rip-off known as Madden? 'shrooms man!


DRM-free or give me death!
Dec 11, 2009
Every time I keep hearing praise about this thing, the higher my eyebrow raises. I really doubt this thing is the best thing since sliced bread. While I've only tried the PS3 3D (and its umm how you say. Cool but for how long? kind of a thing)

I really see me not using the 3D aspect of this at all. Something also tells me that 3D slider can only go down so far and you're still stuck using some kind of 3D.

Just see people getting sick of it rather quickly. Kind of like having to put your greasy hands all over a giant screen.


Genre Wars Winner
Feb 17, 2009
It does sound magical and I do hope it doesn't use subliminal messages because I seen one and I thou- ALL GLORY TO THE 3DS!!!


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
Does the word "Hype" sound the warning bell?

Seriously though, i have already decided to get the 3DS because i've got high hopes for it. But the way everyone talks about it you'd think it was made by God's divine hands, blessed by Jesus and brought from heaven by angels or something.

Rogue 9

I, Jedi
Jun 22, 2008
Tom Goldman said:
If the 3DS ends up being cool enough, I probably wouldn't even mind being forced to believe Reggie Fils-Aime is my lord.
I already believe Shigeru Miyamoto is my lord, so this will simply be another holy relic for me to buy on launch day.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
It will be magic for those who can actually see the 3D in effect...for, other wells...another console


New member
Mar 10, 2008
LawlessSquirrel said:
It does sound impressive, but the iPad claims to be magical and revolutionary too and I'm still entirely uninterested in it.
The 3DS does sound worth getting so far to me though.
Yeah, this. I'm extremely skeptical of the 3DS mainly because Nintendo has always ridden this wave with their previous console(s). Remember the Wii? Remember how when it was first announced and people started playing it people were going "Whoa! It's, like, totaly reading my movements! This will, like, TOTALLY revolutionize gaming and immersion!" and after a few months people just didn't care about it anymore?

I bout the Wii and DS both out of impulse buys because all my friends had one. I have barely touched my Wii in the last couple months and my DS only gets turned on during long plane rides. I guess I'm not really a Nintendo boy here, but suffice to say I'm taking everything with Nintendo in it with a healthy amount of salt.

Whether the 3DS will be some revolutionary new innovation or yet another "gimmick" we'll have to wait and see. But for now, I'm not falling for the hype like I did with the Wii and DS.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
SomeBritishDude said:
3DS does sound like the first instance of 3D being worth hassle. Once again nintendo is five steps ahead of everyone else.
They aren't just 5 steps ahead of everyone else, they took those 5 steps then jumped into a light speed rocket and flew off. Nobody is quite sure how far ahead they are now, but we can rest assured that with things like the 3DS its pretty damn far.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Miyamoto is God and Reggie is his prophet. This picture is proof:

I can't remember being as excited about any console as I have been about the 3DS. If it lives up to one quarter of the hype and the real life is half as impressive as the screenshots I will be a happy camper. If it has a Skype client I will replace my cell phone with it.