Metal Gear Solid: Rising Makes Mercy an Option


Mad Scientist
Jul 13, 2010
Metal Gear Solid: Rising Makes Mercy an Option

Metal Gear Solid: Rising can be completed without killing any humans, allowing players to disarm, wound, and intimidate their foes.

Metal Gear Solid: Rising is a major departure for the long-running Metal Gear series. Past entries have focused on stealth, with players spending a majority of their time crawling through darkened corridors and hiding under boxes. Rising, which stars the ninja cyborg Raiden, is a much faster, more action-packed game. With gameplay focused on motion-controlled swordplay, Rising is potentially a far more violent game as well. Still, Rising will retain one thing in common with past Metal Gear Solid games - despite the focus on slicing and dicing, you won't have to kill a single human.

Rising producer Shigenobu Matsuyama told Kotaku that "You could actually have a no-kill completion [in Rising]. There will be a lot of mechs and cyborgs, but if you slice them up, that will be considered as a no-kill as well. You'll have the freedom of killing humans, of course, but you can proceed through the game without killing a human being, but slicing up mechs and cyborgs."

Offering your enemies mercy won't convince them to stop trying to kill you. Still, while pacifism will force you to sneak around a bit more, you aren't exactly helpless. You can disarm opponents with your sword, cut away their ammo, or even inflict minor wounds. Enemies that are sufficiently intimidated by these actions will run away.

Players should be careful with their sword, Matsuyama noted, "You could maybe accidentally cut human enemies. I would like to add the expression of the pain [that enemies feel]... not just make a slice 'em up, dice 'em up."

While Matsuyama doesn't necessarily want to induce feelings of guilt, he does want players witnessing these expressions of pain - grimacing, screaming, and the like - to consider the moral weight of their actions. He added, "I want to emphasize that I will never reward a player for killing human beings in the game. I won't make it easier to clear the game [that way]. I will probably make it more difficult."

Regardless of how you feel about the moral issue, giving players the option of not killing their foes is a rare allowance for the action genre. It will be interesting to see how swinging to either extreme - pacifism or torture - will change the overall gameplay experience.

Source: Kotaku []



New member
Apr 21, 2009
So a game that looks to have one of the most interesting sword fight mechanic I have ever seen now lets you NOT kill people.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
I like not haveing to kill people, in the other games i have rarely killed people unless i had to.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Mercy? With that kinda crazy swordplay?

That's pointless.

What's next? A stealth version of Left 4 Dead?

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
ANImaniac89 said:
So a game that looks to have one of the most interesting sword fight mechanic I have ever seen now lets you NOT kill people.
All still using that interesting sword mechanic. Imagine, charging up to the enemy after deflecting their every shot, before you throw their gun in the air and cut in two.

Calumon: Then prepare him a fruit salad.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
I still want some actual gameplay of 'stealth' in this game. I've loved the Solid series since the beginning and I'll be very disappointed if you aren't given the option to stealth out the whole thing.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
Thats why the Metal Gear's had so much replay value for me. I had so much fun messing with guards, disabling them, so I can return to mess around with them again on the way back through. Good move.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Cut away everyone's legs? Sign me up.

No, I'm kidding. Although I like where they're going with this, I don't know if I like the whole "grimacing" thing. I don't want to feel horrible suffering of deceased enemies, that's not exactly what I play games for.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
I'm getting a mixed vibe from MGS:Rising.

On the one hand, from what I've seen it looks awesome. The swordplay mechanic, if done correctly, could be very interesting and I like the idea of maiming or intimidating your enemies with the sword, much like how a real bad-ass pacifist would do.

On the other hand, it doesn't really feel like a Metal Gear Solid game. Sure, I guess it could be a Metal Gear game, but from all the previous games being so heavily focused on stealth, MGS: Rising seems a bit too gratuitous and out there (I know, I know, irony) to really qualify, to me, as a MGS game. It's mainly the blood and gore I've seen that puts me off, the MGS series has rarely shown blood and gore on the level of MGS:Rising, which leads me to believe it has something to do with the Western market's obsession with boobs, blood, and body parts.

But I will reserve judgement until I see more of the game and play it myself. Overall, I am looking forward to it, but it's just got something that's nagging me.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
Jack and Calumon said:
ANImaniac89 said:
So a game that looks to have one of the most interesting sword fight mechanic I have ever seen now lets you NOT kill people.
All still using that interesting sword mechanic. Imagine, charging up to the enemy after deflecting their every shot, before you throw their gun in the air and cut in two.

Calumon: Then prepare him a fruit salad.
It did make everyone at E3 cheer, didn't it?
Anyway, I thought it'd be more of a... you cut the guy's gun apart in his hand, and maybe even take off a hand sort of deal.


New member
Jul 18, 2010
It's what all MGS games try to be with each new outing: a deeper and more personal experience. I like the fact that the MGS team has constantly tried to breach gamers' emotional depths. To me, this makes it more like an MGS game now. I was worried it was going to focus completely on slicing everything up.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
It seems like they're trying to make some sort of godly swordsman simulator game.

This is a must buy for me as of this moment.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
That would be a pretty cool achievement to do whilst playing the game. Id certainly give it a shot...and, likely fail, heh


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Yay! That was always a fun challenge in MGS4, I'm glad to see they're keeping it. I was worried that they'd leave it out with this new direction. I still don't quite grasp why this is Metal Gear Solid though, it should really be Metal Gear _______ instead. I'm glad they're doing it (I love franchises that branch out a bit).