GameStop Releases Its Own Game

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
GameStop Releases Its Own Game

GameStop has fulfilled its terrifying promise to break into the game industry by releasing its own game starring its mascot, Buck.

The U.S. game retail chain GameStop has long said that it wanted to get into actually making games instead of just selling them. They started that journey this summer by acquiring Kongregate, the browser-based game portal that boasts 10-million users. That journey to the dark side is complete with the release of Buck and the Coin of Destiny on the Apple iTunes App store. Play the 2D side-scrolling platformer starring the company's mascot, Buck the Bunny, for only $.99. Raise your hand if you knew that GameStop had a anthropomorphic rabbit as its mascot. That's what I thought.

Now I don't want to judge a book by its cover, but the screenshot is quite uninspiring. Yeah, it's safe to say that I won't be playing Buck and the Coin of Destiny anytime soon.

At least GameStop is trying to appear philanthropic. If you buy the game before Oct. 31st, 10 percent of your purchase will go towards "animal rescue and rehabilitation efforts." GameStop did cap the possible donation at $5,000, which by my quick calculation would come from 50,000 downloads.

Perhaps I'm being too cynical, but I doubt that this game will reach that number in the next few weeks.

To hear more about what it's like working in a New York area Gamestop, check out the series of articles in The Escapist Magazine by Scott Jones - Confessions of a GameStop Employee [].

Apr 28, 2008
Thats their mascot? I thought it was just part of a theme they use for commercials...

Huh, guess I learned something today.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Irridium said:
Thats their mascot? I thought it was just part of a theme they use for commercials...

Huh, guess I learned something today.
Same here. So GameStop's mascot is actually that bunny thing... and its name is Buck...
Well my not having an iPhone and my complete lack of interest will be prominent factors in buying this.


New member
May 18, 2010
on the bright side, it's nice to see they went old school by releasing a game in which you dont play as a freaking space marine (or human, for that matter, come on people, creativity anyone?), for a change

on the other side..... well, gamestop =P


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I figured ti was their mascot after being in more than 2 commercials. But it looks like they released a flash game and are now charging money for it. I will support GameStop instead by going to Kongregate if I want to play a 2D side scroller.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
D'awww... soooo cuuute! He is soooo huggable! This makes me not want to buy their game!


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Gamestop has a mascot???

Then again, I've never seen a gamestop...

Game + Gamestation (UK)
Electronics Boutique (Australia)

... In any event, weird.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
Reminds me of those god-awful Burger King games that they tried to push out a few years back... /shudder.


Media Snob
Mar 19, 2010
Greg Tito said:
Raise your hand if you knew that GameStop had a anthropomorphic rabbit as its mascot.
*raises hand*

Not particularly interested in the game. It looks pretty lame and that rabbit pisses me off for some reason.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
sunburst313 said:
Greg Tito said:
Raise your hand if you knew that GameStop had a anthropomorphic rabbit as its mascot.
*raises hand*

Not particularly interested in the game. It looks pretty lame and that rabbit pisses me off for some reason.
It may just be worth 99 cents to constantly make it fall onto those spikes then.
What is it with 2D platformers and spikes anymore?


New member
Apr 23, 2009
This is one I feel I can pass on...yeah. Going to get game done by a game producer company. Not a game seller one


New member
May 13, 2010
Reminds me of those Burger King games. My brother got me one as a joke, we got about an hour of laughs out of how crappy it was. This doesn't even sound that good


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Greg Tito said:
Raise your hand if you knew that GameStop had a anthropomorphic rabbit as its mascot. That's what I thought.
*Raises Hand*
I figured it a long time ago...I mean it was pretty much used in every ad they had in their weekly papers, showed up in game informer gamestop ads, and is on the gamestop website.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
And here I was hoping it would be like Yoshinoiya Beef Bowl and you were a new employee at Gamestop. I'd probably put it on DS or Wii. Oh wait, PS3 and 360 can now get their fair share of shovelware too now!

levels 1-10 would be organizing the store shelves and answering guest questions while not really answering guest questions.
levels 11-20 would add working at the cash register on top of organizing the walls.
Then you can get a bonus stage where you have to run the store with no co-workers and you have a line of 20.
levels 21-30 introduces receiving shipments to the mix.
levels 31-50 will introduce absolutely nothing new.

you know you wanna play now.


Unequivocal Fan Favorite
Nov 30, 2009
Greg Tito said:
GameStop Releases Its Own Game

GameStop has fulfilled its terrifying promise to break into the game industry by releasing its own game starring its mascot, Buck.

The U.S. game retail chain GameStop has long said that it wanted to get into actually making games instead of just selling them. They started that journey this summer by acquiring Kongregate, the browser-based game portal that boasts 10-million users. That journey to the dark side is complete with the release of Buck and the Coin of Destiny on the Apple iTunes App store. Play the 2D side-scrolling platformer starring the company's mascot, Buck the Bunny, for only $.99. Raise your hand if you knew that GameStop had a anthropomorphic rabbit as its mascot. That's what I thought.

Now I don't want to judge a book by its cover, but the screenshot is quite uninspiring. Yeah, it's safe to say that I won't be playing Buck and the Coin of Destiny anytime soon.

At least GameStop is trying to appear philanthropic. If you buy the game before Oct. 31st, 10 percent of your purchase will go towards "animal rescue and rehabilitation efforts." GameStop did cap the possible donation at $5,000, which by my quick calculation would come from 50,000 downloads.

Perhaps I'm being too cynical, but I doubt that this game will reach that number in the next few weeks.

To hear more about what it's like working in a New York area Gamestop, check out the series of articles in The Escapist Magazine by Scott Jones - Confessions of a GameStop Employee [].

I DEMAND an Escapist Video Review.
