GameStop Releases Its Own Game


New member
May 2, 2010
I always did like 2D side-scrolling platformers... but I prefer them free on a good flash gaming site, and not on an iPhone which I will almost never care about even if I could afford it. Shame, because I kinda like this little mascot dude.


New member
May 27, 2010
*waves hand around in the air* Yeah I knew about the bunny. This game looks stupid though. I don't know what they think is going to make it sell ...


New member
Oct 31, 2008

Yeah, I have better things to spend my money on. Far, far better things. For example, Minecraft!


New member
Sep 23, 2010
LTFOL (Laugh The F*** Out Loud) (if that becomes popular I will laugh my ASS OFF!)

They actually made a game out of that stupid add campagin??????

I don't care what anyone else says that is the funnyest thing I've seen (and heard) all year.

Anyone else remember that thread about some EA prick sayin Old Republic would be the biggest flop ever?
Well, I think we may have found a new contender for that title.

*laughing my ass off* it already is sort of popular...


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Matt_LRR said:
Greg Tito said:
GameStop Releases Its Own Game

GameStop has fulfilled its terrifying promise to break into the game industry by releasing its own game starring its mascot, Buck.

The U.S. game retail chain GameStop has long said that it wanted to get into actually making games instead of just selling them. They started that journey this summer by acquiring Kongregate, the browser-based game portal that boasts 10-million users. That journey to the dark side is complete with the release of Buck and the Coin of Destiny on the Apple iTunes App store. Play the 2D side-scrolling platformer starring the company's mascot, Buck the Bunny, for only $.99. Raise your hand if you knew that GameStop had a anthropomorphic rabbit as its mascot. That's what I thought.

Now I don't want to judge a book by its cover, but the screenshot is quite uninspiring. Yeah, it's safe to say that I won't be playing Buck and the Coin of Destiny anytime soon.

At least GameStop is trying to appear philanthropic. If you buy the game before Oct. 31st, 10 percent of your purchase will go towards "animal rescue and rehabilitation efforts." GameStop did cap the possible donation at $5,000, which by my quick calculation would come from 50,000 downloads.

Perhaps I'm being too cynical, but I doubt that this game will reach that number in the next few weeks.

To hear more about what it's like working in a New York area Gamestop, check out the series of articles in The Escapist Magazine by Scott Jones - Confessions of a GameStop Employee [].

I DEMAND an Escapist Video Review.


OT: I wonder if he'll get his eyes poked out and such in the game...


New member
Sep 23, 2010
tetron said:
Matt_LRR said:
Greg Tito said:
GameStop Releases Its Own Game

GameStop has fulfilled its terrifying promise to break into the game industry by releasing its own game starring its mascot, Buck.

The U.S. game retail chain GameStop has long said that it wanted to get into actually making games instead of just selling them. They started that journey this summer by acquiring Kongregate, the browser-based game portal that boasts 10-million users. That journey to the dark side is complete with the release of Buck and the Coin of Destiny on the Apple iTunes App store. Play the 2D side-scrolling platformer starring the company's mascot, Buck the Bunny, for only $.99. Raise your hand if you knew that GameStop had a anthropomorphic rabbit as its mascot. That's what I thought.

Now I don't want to judge a book by its cover, but the screenshot is quite uninspiring. Yeah, it's safe to say that I won't be playing Buck and the Coin of Destiny anytime soon.

At least GameStop is trying to appear philanthropic. If you buy the game before Oct. 31st, 10 percent of your purchase will go towards "animal rescue and rehabilitation efforts." GameStop did cap the possible donation at $5,000, which by my quick calculation would come from 50,000 downloads.

Perhaps I'm being too cynical, but I doubt that this game will reach that number in the next few weeks.

To hear more about what it's like working in a New York area Gamestop, check out the series of articles in The Escapist Magazine by Scott Jones - Confessions of a GameStop Employee [].

I DEMAND an Escapist Video Review.


OT: I wonder if he'll get his eyes poked out and such in the game...

And a ZP... Yahtzee will tear it apart in the funnyest of ways!!!!

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
Wait, would they screw over their own developers? I mean, it's Gamestops nature to do that. It seems self-destructive.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
The only time I want to see white anthropomorphic rabbits is when they're pursuing fruit-flavored breakfast cereal or toting a Luger with a talking dog.

Silly rabbit, games are for Steam.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
harv3034 said:
And a ZP... Yahtzee will tear it apart in the funnyest of ways!!!!
Oh, got ninja'd. I total second that. Get Yahtzee on this ASAP. It'd probably be a god candidate for the next "Best ZP" award.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Jarrid said:
CrystalShadow said:
Gamestop has a mascot???

Then again, I've never seen a gamestop...

Electronics Boutique (Australia)
Yeah, we used to have those in the States too, until GameStop ATE THEM.
Mmm. Sounds like the UK situation. XD

We had (and still have), a major chain called Game, and a second one that's slightly smaller called GameStation (Where I live, you find both within about 100 feet of eachoter).

Thing is, while they both still exist, some time last year, the company that owns Game bought GameStation.

So... They look different, but they're now essentially the same.

Fake competition. XD


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Say whaaaaaaaaaa?

Although I know someone who has a iphone and likes rabbits. Quick I must save them!

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
I find if funny that if Gamestop were to start selling games that come on a disc rather than be downloaded they'd be the only company not to get some profit (without adding stuff like ten dollar) when the game is sold as pre owned.