6th Grader Shoots Potential Rapist


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Keoul said:
I thinks we're all jumping the gun by assuming the intruder is a rapist when the only crime they committed so far was home invasion.
Also damn, America needs better locks.

EDIT: Due to a severe case of misunderstandings allow me to reiterate.
1. The bold means it's a joke -nudge nudge wink wink-
2. I'm pointing out that he shouldn't be labelled as a rapist at all, just a burglar.
3. The Lock part is also a joke, that most Americans see their guns as the first and only line of defence, perhaps investment into a stronger door and security screens would have saved this girls from a traumatic experience.
"the only crime they committed so far was home invasion"? "just a burglar"?
This sort of attitude will only encourage more crime. While courts can't blame him for stuff he might've done (rightfully so), society shouldn't be so forgiving towards them.

OT: It's good that she managed to stop him, but I have to wonder how did she get an access to a gun? Is it common for 12-year-olds to have access to and learn how to operate one over there?


New member
Mar 13, 2010
IamLEAM1983 said:
That just makes me sad. The comments in the article make me sad, too.

In an ideal situation, nobody would have to own a gun.

Call me Socialist or Canadian or whatever, but....
You know Canada is listed #13 of 178 in terms of gun owners per capita by country, right? Further, that doesn't include police or unauthorized criminal owners, as I understand. With the Canadian PAL + RAL liscence, you can legally purchase semi automatic handguns and paramilitary calibre centrefire rifles. Due to recent legislation change, you don't even have to register non restricted firearms anymore.

Now, I'm not challenging the merit of your opinion on what should be, but despite public squeamishness surrounding the issue in metropolitan areas, Canada is actually a pretty gun loving country... "we just don't like to talk about it, eh?" ;)


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Doom972 said:
"the only crime they committed so far was home invasion"? "just a burglar"?
This sort of attitude will only encourage more crime. While courts can't blame him for stuff he might've done (rightfully so), society shouldn't be so forgiving towards them.

OT: It's good that she managed to stop him, but I have to wonder how did she get an access to a gun? Is it common for 12-year-olds to have access to and learn how to operate one over there?
Marginalizing people for actions they have not committed should not be acceptable either.
Exhibit A: Michael Jackson. Need I say more? He was accused of crimes he did not commit and despite being found innocent people still acted as if he was guilty of all charges thus ruining his life because of one greedy git.
Judge people for the actions they have done not a what you assume they will do, or else you'd just be afraid of everyone.

In relation to the OT portion of your post it was the family gun that the mother told her to get, and this was the first time she fired a gun.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
That's like a scene taken straight out of a movie. I have absolutely no respect for burglars or child rapists, so in my eyes, he deserves it.


*Insert Funny Title*
Feb 16, 2011
DoPo said:
Roelof Wesselius said:
How do we know the guy didn't just want to tie the girl up so he could search the house without her running to get the police?
We don't, Santa, but since you're here - is the girl on the naughty or nice list? :D
The dutch santa 'sinterklaas' only has a kidnap, Beat up, and a nice list.
I wish i was serious If your bad you get beaten with a broom, if your really bad you get kidnapped and forced to work his coal mines in spain. And if your nice you get presents.


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
lexius87 said:
Am i the only one who wonders what kind of parents leave their 12 yo child alone at home, not to mention with a pistol within easy reach?
I agree with this, but hey at least they seemed to have trained her to defend herself pretty well! I don't think the gun thing is so bad, I assume they taught her how to use it, that its not a toy etc seeing as she managed to load it up and shoot a guy through a door with it. I definitely don't agree with leaving your 12 year old home alone, particularly at night[footnote]I don't think the article specifies but I assume it was at night since I doubt anyone would break into a house in the middle of the day.[/footnote].

BiscuitTrouser said:
This is the best explanation. Even if youre going to respond with "ALWAYS assume an intruder is a rapist" it makes it a worthless descriptor in any news article since it applies to all home invasions ever of all time. Every home invador is a potential rapist. So every news article till the end of time from now on should call the perp "Potential rapist" and thus totally invalidate the term. If it can be used to describe literally everything it isnt useful as a descriptor. Its a silly title.
Agreed, in fact any human being can be described as a 'potential rapist', its a pretty meaningless term really, all it does is shove some interest into the article.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Doom972 said:
"the only crime they committed so far was home invasion"?
Yes, the only crime committed so far was home invasion. Here is how the reasoning goes - the guy invaded a home and didn't get to do anything else unlawful.

Doom972 said:
"just a burglar"?
Yes, precisely. He broke into a household, I think we can agree that he intended to commit another crime - a burglar.

Doom972 said:
This sort of attitude will only encourage more crime. While courts can't blame him for stuff he might've done (rightfully so), society shouldn't be so forgiving towards them.
OK, I'll just kill everybody I see today - they are all potential rapists after all. Wait, are you saying we can actually use that, whatchacallit, coh-moon scent? Scene? Sensation? Or that other one: loh-geek? Hey, not everybody is a geek, you know. I'd say let's throw these big complicated words away and just go with whatever - any attempt at calling bullshit on sensationalism increases crime!


New member
Mar 7, 2012
BloatedGuppy said:
Further evidence that all 12 year old girls should be armed with glocks.
I can't see any good reason not to arm all 12 year old girls with glocks


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Bvenged said:
That's like a scene taken straight out of a movie. I have absolutely no respect for burglars or child rapists, so in my eyes, he deserves it.
I'd agree with you, but when did he rape any children? Or anybody?

Roelof Wesselius said:
DoPo said:
Roelof Wesselius said:
How do we know the guy didn't just want to tie the girl up so he could search the house without her running to get the police?
We don't, Santa, but since you're here - is the girl on the naughty or nice list? :D
The dutch santa 'sinterklaas' only has a kidnap, Beat up, and a nice list.
I wish i was serious If your bad you get beaten with a broom, if your really bad you get kidnapped and forced to work his coal mines in spain. And if your nice you get presents.
No, no no - if they are bad, they either get beaten over with their present or kindapped and forced to make presents for the good kids. Santa's little helpers? They are little, yes, but aren't elves.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
blackrave said:
BloatedGuppy said:
Further evidence that all 12 year old girls should be armed with glocks.
I can't see any good reason not to arm all 12 year old girls with glocks
I see one

*knock knock*

Me (assuming I lived in the USA): Who is it?
Door: Girl scouts.
Me: Oh, OK *opens door*
Girl: Do you want to buy some cookies? *pulls out a Glock* Go ahead, make my day!


New member
Sep 4, 2009
DoPo said:
Bvenged said:
That's like a scene taken straight out of a movie. I have absolutely no respect for burglars or child rapists, so in my eyes, he deserves it.
I'd agree with you, but when did he rape any children? Or anybody?
Well, since he was going after her, if it was his intent to abuse her then he deserves being shot, but I meant in general. Raping anybody is a vile thing to do as it can scar a person for life, but children in particular are more vulnerable, so if a child rapist gets shot, I'd be hard-pressed to give a damn about them. My wording wasn't the best originally, sorry.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
DoPo said:
blackrave said:
BloatedGuppy said:
Further evidence that all 12 year old girls should be armed with glocks.
I can't see any good reason not to arm all 12 year old girls with glocks
I see one

*knock knock*

Me (assuming I lived in the USA): Who is it?
Door: Girl scouts.
Me: Oh, OK *opens door*
Girl: Do you want to buy some cookies? *pulls out a Glock* Go ahead, make my day!
Still, glock-in-the-face would be pretty effective way to sell cookies


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Bvenged said:
DoPo said:
Bvenged said:
That's like a scene taken straight out of a movie. I have absolutely no respect for burglars or child rapists, so in my eyes, he deserves it.
I'd agree with you, but when did he rape any children? Or anybody?
Well, since he was going after her, if it was his intent to abuse
That's the thing - if he intended to abuse her. There is very little to suggest he did - namely, he went after the girl. Which has a other plausible explanations other than rape, as I mentioned several times already. But what if he didn't have the intent to have any sort of sexual intercourse with her? This is also a valid conclusion from the information we have. In fact a slightly more valid conclusion, since the only piece of data to suggest any raping is a news article which outright says that he wasn't a rapist.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Faraja said:
Because I don't know THEIR plans. Are they just here for the stuff? Are they prepared to kill me?

Because I don't know what THEY'RE packing. I do, however, know what I'm packing.
Better make sure you don't miss, you've just raised the stakes. Someone's getting shot, if they weren't going to kill you before they definitely are now.

[edit]it's easy to say good on her, the guy deserved it because everything turned out ok (or as ok as it could) but I wonder what peoples reaction would be if the story was "12 year old shot dead after attempting to shoot burglar during home invasion"


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
blackrave said:
DoPo said:
blackrave said:
BloatedGuppy said:
Further evidence that all 12 year old girls should be armed with glocks.
I can't see any good reason not to arm all 12 year old girls with glocks
I see one

*knock knock*

Me (assuming I lived in the USA): Who is it?
Door: Girl scouts.
Me: Oh, OK *opens door*
Girl: Do you want to buy some cookies? *pulls out a Glock* Go ahead, make my day!
Still, glock-in-the-face would be pretty effective way to sell cookies
No, see, I agree with this, however I'll still get mugged. And they probably wouldn't have the cookies I like.

Somewhat relevant

Unless they are willing to haggle, I'll see this as a problem.


New member
Apr 30, 2012
wulf3n said:
Faraja said:
Because I don't know THEIR plans. Are they just here for the stuff? Are they prepared to kill me?

Because I don't know what THEY'RE packing. I do, however, know what I'm packing.
Better make sure you don't miss, you've just raised the stakes. Someone's getting shot, if they weren't going to kill you before they definitely are now.

[edit]it's easy to say good on her, the guy deserved it because everything turned out ok (or as ok as it could) but I wonder what peoples reaction would be if the story was "12 year old shot dead after attempting to shoot burglar during home invasion"
Both of your points don't really stand up.

On the first one; you're assuming that all home invaders are armed. I pretty clearly stated that I didn't know if they were, but I would be. Second, even if I did miss, they could just as likely bolt once they realize they're in for a fight.

On the second; that wasn't the headline.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
If you were in a corner with a gun and no way to escape from a person.
You can still bonk them on their head with the 'hilt' of the gun.
You don't have shoot it.

I know girls are made of paper. But I still think a blow to the head would still hurt enough to make the man recoil so you could make another blow. Or at least kick him in the nuts.


New member
Apr 30, 2012
Doom972 said:
OT: It's good that she managed to stop him, but I have to wonder how did she get an access to a gun? Is it common for 12-year-olds to have access to and learn how to operate one over there?
The mother probably told here where it was in case something like this happened. Other wise, if it's already loaded and a semi-auto, it's not hard to figure out. Point the barrel at the duded you want to shot, pull trigger, win.