6th Grader Shoots Potential Rapist


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Not only did she shoot him, she also managed to not kill him and instead just render him unable to harm her. Whether intended or not, that's perfectly reasonable self-defense.

Good job, little girl, many adults can learn from you. ESPECIALLY in the US, where people tend towards unproportional restribution...


New member
Dec 26, 2007
Imagine coming home drunk, so drunk in fact that you can't even use your door key, so you enter through the window, naturally. Trying to get yourself together, you scramble into what you think is your room, and try to open the closet to put your jacket away, and suddenly *BAM!*

But on topic now, it's nice the girl didn't get raped, but she could've easily accidentally shot her mother, hurt herself with the gun, or something else. There are enough cases where people accidentally get shot by their own family members, just saying.

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
This man is a 'potential rapist' like I'm a potential astronaut.

I'm glad that from what I've read no permanent harm has been brought to anyone involved, and that proper justice will be done(No, prison rape is not 'justice', it never will be and anyone who considers it so has no moral high ground to stand on).


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
That's pretty awesome. Logically knee jerk reaction and more productive than hoping he was a good man.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Mycroft Holmes said:
lacktheknack said:
Strawman Fallacy: A logical fallacy where the original statement is ignored, and a related yet completely different statement is attacked in its place.

Seen here in: The original statement recommended treating home invasion with extreme care and expecting the worst. You responded with a passive aggressive attack on his statement that media outlets should treat a home invasion as if the worst possible scenario was happening... a statement he did not make.

Please try again.
Oh kind of like his statement being a false response to the original statement about media, and I merely brought it back to the actual subject he was responding to. Perhaps you should try again.

lacktheknack said:
It doesn't matter what Keoul said, seeing how SlaveNumber23's post didn't address him properly, but his response was self-contained and did have its own point.
There's no reason for him to quote it if he was not responding to it. It was clearly a response, just a really stupid one. Unless your argument is that s/he quotes people at pure random. And then I suggest someone get him to a hospital or a psychologist because something is clearly not right if you're pointlessly quoting people.
I have also quoted someone, then gone and said something not entirely relevant because my brain went a different direction than I had anticipated.

Most people can detect these and not attack them for vague implications.


*Insert Funny Title*
Feb 16, 2011
How do we know the guy didn't just want to tie the girl up so he could search the house without her running to get the police?


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I might not agree with the use of the word Rapist in most articles about it, but who knows what he would have done?
With the whole missing girl in Wales thing here in the U.K right now, I'm just glad she isn't seriously hurt or traumatized.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
I love the folks coming up with all the weird and improbable scenarios that migh have rendered the man innocent where a very real threat to a young life existed. Reminds me of the scientist in Black Mesa Source who cry "Maybe we can reason with it!" upon spotting a zombie. Too funny.

I'll echo the prevailing concerns here in that we have NO idea what the assailant's intentions were with the little girl (Thus 'Rapist? WTF?') or why she had access to a Glock. But I will say it's lucky she *did* have access to it, that probably spared her and her family much more trauma than the experience of a home invasion had already rendered.

A damn clean shoot says I.

Edible Avatar

New member
Oct 26, 2011
GunsmithKitten said:
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Can't believe people are celebrating this. "Potential rapist?" He might have been a neighbour wanting to borrow some milk.

Teaching a 12-year old this kind of insularity and mistrust is barbaric. In other words, perfectly in line with American values.
How many people wanting to "borrow some milk" smash a window and go in thataway?
I dont know about you, but i always smash my neighbor's sliding-glass window when i stop by for a visit. I also leave a note saying that I stopped by in the form of a molotov cocktail.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
lacktheknack said:
I have also quoted someone, then gone and said something not entirely relevant because my brain went a different direction than I had anticipated.

Most people can detect these and not attack them for vague implications.
So learn how to use a forum properly? It sounds like a personal problem; and the poster I was talking to even admitted already that it was a response to the quoted section though he misunderstood it. So apparently your 'detection' was completely incorrect according to the very person you're defending.

Try again please.


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
Am I the only one who would bring a gun with me if I broke into someone's house? Seriously, criminals these days.

OT: We don't know that he was a rapist, maybe he was a robber looking for people before he stole their possessions. I don't know of that many people that randomly break into houses and look for the nearest person to rape... But then again, I don't know that many people who would just break into someone's house at all.

Anyway, possible bad thing averted, that's good, I guess.


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
The Plunk said:
If it's stupid, sensationalist assumptions based on zero facts or evidence that we're making, then we may as well say that the guy was actually Zombie Hitler, and if the brave, little girl hadn't shot him, he'd have started the Ultra Holocaust.
Seriously- I don't think it's that common for people to randomly break into a house to rape the nearest thing they see.

I would however find it more common if he was just going to like rob them or something.

Wing Dairu

New member
Jul 21, 2010
Alright, ignoring EVERYTHING and looking JUST AT THE FACTS:
Girl hides in closet. When pursued, she shoots her pursuer in the shoulder. He lives and is carted off to jail. The child sees the experience as empowering and walks away from it not psychologically scarred, but feeling stronger and more able to face the world.
This is pretty much the happy ending we all want.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Keoul said:
I thinks we're all jumping the gun by assuming the intruder is a rapist when the only crime they committed so far was home invasion.
Also damn, America needs better locks.

EDIT: Due to a severe case of misunderstandings allow me to reiterate.
1. The bold means it's a joke -nudge nudge wink wink-
2. I'm pointing out that he shouldn't be labelled as a rapist at all, just a burglar.
3. The Lock part is also a joke, that most Americans see their guns as the first and only line of defence, perhaps investment into a stronger door and security screens would have saved this girls from a traumatic experience.
Ohhhhhhh, they're called LOCKS?!?

We thought you guys said we should get better GLOCKS!

And that's how we invented the second amendment.

Boba Frag

New member
Dec 11, 2009
JoJo said:
That's pretty awesome, congratulations to the kid, although I disagree with the idea of people keeping guns in their houses (or on their person). For every rare case of a person possibly saved like this, there's accidents and the use of guns for crime to consider. I understand it may be different for our American friends since they have a large border with a poor crime-ridden country (no offence any Mexicans) which guns can leak over into the hands of criminals but I stand by my position in theory at-least.

TL;DR: Please flame me
Blah blah 18th century laws being used as justification for use of assault carbines for personal defence against geese and small mammals working for the king of england blah blah outrage etc etc...

A very dear American friend of mine is very strongly anti-gun and it's hard, to my mind, to justify the use of guns as 'protection' in a home.

I'm absolutely relieved and delighted the little girl managed to defend herself- people should be able to defend themselves in their homes, after all.

I live in Ireland and guns have caused enough misery in this country even when they're illegally held by terrorists or criminals, but arming the general population to bear arms would be ludicrous.

I've never felt a sense of 'I told you so' whenever I've heard of a fresh bout of tragedy in the US, though.
Just sad. Even sadder when I read that gun sales in Aurora had jumped since the cinema shooting.

I do believe that most gun owners are responsible people who respect the weapon's power (and it is a weapon- like the sword, it has no purpose other than to kill, even in a hunting context) but when you have assault rifles for sale to the public... Something's wrong.

Anyway, that's my two cents.


Please direct all flaming towards my posterior.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Don't see how he was automatically a rapist but oh well. Damn good job by the girl, guy had it coming.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Am i the only one who wonders what kind of parents leave their 12 yo child alone at home, not to mention with a pistol within easy reach?