8 Ridiculous Rules From the New Warhammer Age of Sigmar


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Last year I was thinking about either getting back into WH:FB or start playing Flames of War instead. I decided to go with Flames of War, mostly because it i much, much cheaper. I am now certain I made the right decision.


New member
May 14, 2010
GabeZhul said:
Muspelheim said:
I came up with a few more!

Wrath of the Sands (Tomb Kings)

If you have fielded High Queen Khalida, you may, during the magic phase, dump a bucket of sand (if brought along) on the opposing player's models. Used cat litter may be used instead of sand, which will add the "Poisoned" effect to all models in base contact with the litter.

Hammer of Sigmar (Empire)

If the Empire player has dressed up as Sigmar for the occasion, they may smash the game table with a hammer once per magic phase. Any models knocked over are considered casualties, including models caught under the hammer.

The Darkened Woods (Beasts of Chaos)

If available, the Beastmen player may feed the eliminated opposing player's models to their goat.

Horns and Claws (Beasts of Chaos)

If the Beastmen player is suitably dressed up for the occasion, they may headbutt the opposing player after each resolved mêlée phase.

Dwarven Life and Livery (Dwarfs)

A Dwarven player must drink one shot of an alcoholic beverage for every dice rolled, model moved, test taken and whenever the opposing player calls them a wee sissy that cannae hold their drink.

If the Dwarven player vomits on the table, all models in base contact with the vomit are considered eliminated.

If the Dwarven player starts a fight and break the terrain over the opposing player's head, they win the battle.

This is damn fun.

Captcha: get out.

Oh, captcha, you're a right bore you are!
Are... Are these rules meant for drunken frat parties? Because I don't think anyone plays WH at drunken frat parties...

Also... Is it just me, or about half of these are about breaking/defiling/making the miniatures unusable? Is this some kind of stealth ploy by GW so increase their sales by making players destroy each other's figurines?
No, they're piss take rules Muspelheim made up. These aren't actual AoS rules.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
ccggenius12 said:
After giving the rules a read, the game itself seems playable enough
Provided you ban summoning spam, change measurements back to base-to-base, change the messed up cover mechanics which mean that models on top of walls get saves while those behind them don't, and change the fact that you could bring nothing but single model units of normal infantry to stop them having to take morale checks.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
09philj said:
ccggenius12 said:
After giving the rules a read, the game itself seems playable enough
Provided you ban summoning spam, change measurements back to base-to-base, change the messed up cover mechanics which mean that models on top of walls get saves while those behind them don't, and change the fact that you could bring nothing but single model units of normal infantry to stop them having to take morale checks.
Not to mention you can shoot into combat and shoot and melee whilst in combat, make the sudden death choices an actually challenge, able to take multiples of named characters, not have it actually state "You can continue setting up units until you have set of all the units you want to fight in this battle, or run out of space. This is your army."

By the end of changing all that, you'd have rewritten the whole 'rule' set.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Supposedly this new ruleset is a living rulebook, so it might improve as they update it.

Optimistic, i know.

Also, this is mandatory;

Aug 31, 2012
Boooo! Booooo! 3rd edition until death! DEEEEEEEEEEAAAATTHH!!!!!!

Thunderous Cacophony said:
I'm sorry, it's too late; rain of meteors destroyed Lustria, most of the Lizardmen died (including most of the Slaan) and the rest pulled an Ancient Aliens and flew away in their ziggurats. The End Times did a lot of stupid things, but that was probably the worst (even beating Settra getting smashed in Inter-Skellington Combat).
What? What? Never in all the days of Ward... I'm guessing Lustria and whatever the fuck those Egyptian themed skellingtons are called aren't the only ones messed about.

And to think I was pissed off when half of Stirland suddenly became Sylvania. Pity really, I stopped caring about 40K fluff years ago, it's difficult to ruin an incoherent, contradictory mess, but the Warhammer world was still pretty sweet, even post Storm of Chaos Bullshit, Black Industries managed to make it an entertaining place to play WHFRP, even though I tend to go for the setting of 1 and mechanics of 2.

...ok...just skimmed very briefly over 1D4chan's pages for the End Times and the Age of Sigmar. I think I'm going to sit in a corner for a while, hugging my 3rd ed rulebook and crying.


New member
May 25, 2011
I don't get it. I was never into Fantasy as much as 40K, but as far as I can tell it effectively no longer exists at all. This is an entirely different game that happens to re-use the word "Warhammer" simply because they couldn't be bothered to come up with a new name.

Muspelheim said:
If any game could use some lighten-up, it'd be Warhammer.
No, not really. 40K is the one that's all grimdark all the time (with some exceptions for Orks), Fantasy has always had plenty of colour and humour mixed in. In any case, the way to lighten things up would be to do so in the actual game. In fact they've made the world significantly more grimdark, and making players prance around like idiots just so that their armies can actually work isn't going to help with that.

Michael Dunkerton

New member
Jan 8, 2013
Warhammer: Quelf Edition.

I seriously don't get this. I've only played 40k (6thE) but I don't get the idea that for a game to be fun it has to be nonfunctional. If you play with cool people, games can be very competitive and still a blast. I like the humor that's already in Warhammer and 40k fluff. But this is insane.


Biologist Supreme
Jul 29, 2009
Devil's advocate here: I've played the game, and (shock!) it's actually very fun. The streamlined rules play very quick and easy, but the individual units have enough variety in them that there's still room for strategy (for those saying otherwise, the game is still very new and very different, which means no metagame for it has arisen yet). The silly rules exist, but they're rarer than you might think (well over 90% of the units don't have them), and can be completely optional. The game as it is now is deliberately designed for shorter, casual play, and it succeeds in that.

And that "as it is now" is important. GW has made it clear that this is meant as more of an intro to the new system than anything else. The (non-existent) balancing and army-building rules, for example, are definitely a big problem. I won't try to argue that. Right now it comes down to each individual group of players to balance it out for themselves, which will work for some, but not others. But according to GW - or at least their rep at the Forgeworld Openday - there will be full rules for balancing army lists coming later, and like the other rules, will be completely free (can we at least acknowledge they're doing this much right?).

I'm not here to say the system is perfect or that I won't miss parts of the older editions, but it works better on the table than a lot of people, many of whom I suspect haven't played it yet, are saying it does. My suggestion, play a small game yourself (again, the rules are free) and decide then.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
008Zulu said:
Are these serious rules? I thought they were bad jokes (no offense).
So did I. I thought this had to be a terrible idea at humour, so I went to the GW website, looked at the empire PDF and the one about riding the invisible horse is actually in there.

I mean, yeah, GW has been pretty dire for a while, but they keep coming up with some new way of sucking.

Kahani said:
No, not really. 40K is the one that's all grimdark all the time (with some exceptions for Orks), Fantasy has always had plenty of colour and humour mixed in. In any case, the way to lighten things up would be to do so in the actual game. In fact they've made the world significantly more grimdark, and making players prance around like idiots just so that their armies can actually work isn't going to help with that.
40k used to be Grimdark in 80/90's dark British comedy ways, though.

Dr. Crawver

Doesn't know why he has premium
Nov 20, 2009
The one thing I'm looking forward to though is in a year or two, someone basically having learned the checklist of stupid actions in his head that he needs to do to make his army fully op, and he begrudginly goes through the motions each time. No enthusiasm or excitement in any of it.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
Damn it, Matt Ward! I wish you were still with Games Workshop so I could laugh at you being blamed for this!

I don't play Warhammer of any kind, I just laugh at how stupidly grimdark the setting is.

The Material Sheep

New member
Nov 12, 2009
The Great JT said:
Damn it, Matt Ward! I wish you were still with Games Workshop so I could laugh at you being blamed for this!

I don't play Warhammer of any kind, I just laugh at how stupidly grimdark the setting is.
I know... Matt Ward isn't around to blame for the absolute retardation that is the Age of Sigmar ruleset. The broken special rules, the lack of points costs, and the blandness of the reduced stats. It's just lame and we no longer have the eternal scapegoat Matt Ward to blame. GW are just complete idiots.


Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
The Material Sheep said:
The Great JT said:
Damn it, Matt Ward! I wish you were still with Games Workshop so I could laugh at you being blamed for this!

I don't play Warhammer of any kind, I just laugh at how stupidly grimdark the setting is.
I know... Matt Ward isn't around to blame for the absolute retardation that is the Age of Sigmar ruleset. The broken special rules, the lack of points costs, and the blandness of the reduced stats. It's just lame and we no longer have the eternal scapegoat Matt Ward to blame. GW are just complete idiots.
Personally, I blame the Cruddace making rules for a game that doesn't have tanks and hating it as he does so. Thast or someone replaced the water cooler water in their offices with the leftover bong water.


New member
Sep 2, 2008
I actually don't mind these joke-y rules too much. They're meant to bring some good fun to the table. I mean, fantasy (and 40K) are and should be beer-and-pretzels games before anything else. I mean, it's only a single O&G book ago that you could only use the WHAAGH skill if you actually bellowed it at the top of your lungs.

What does annoy me is that that the reduced stats mean that every model is pretty much like every other model. I mean, nothing has a to hit/wound roll worse than 5 or better than 3, which means that the good models became worse, and the worst models became better. It all feels too samey to me at the moment.

Kahani said:
I don't get it. I was never into Fantasy as much as 40K, but as far as I can tell it effectively no longer exists at all. This is an entirely different game that happens to re-use the word "Warhammer" simply because they couldn't be bothered to come up with a new name.
How so? I mean, this is kind of similar to the older editions of WHFB, where the focus wasn't as much on huge armies but more on smaller warbands. And even if you disagree with that: it also has a lot of Warhammer: Mordheim thrown in.

No, not really. 40K is the one that's all grimdark all the time (with some exceptions for Orks), Fantasy has always had plenty of colour and humour mixed in. In any case, the way to lighten things up would be to do so in the actual game. In fact they've made the world significantly more grimdark, and making players prance around like idiots just so that their armies can actually work isn't going to help with that.
I think you're missing the point of the settings. 40K is all Grimmdark all the time in an over the top parody. WHFB is colourful, yes. However, the setting itself is grimdark in a much more insidious way. The main game doesn't make that completely clear, but the RPGs in the setting do.


New member
Jun 5, 2013
according to 1D4chan (so taken with as much salt as you feel that deserves) an interview with the designers implies these rules are intentionaly applied to old units to make them "embarrassing" to play optimally


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Suggestions for additional rules:

-When firing cannons, rather then guessing ranges, you now take a peashooter and simulate the cannonball firing yourself.
You do +d3 wounds if you make explosion sounds with your mouth when the cannonball lands.

-When casting spells, players have the option to shout out spells in a booming voice and act like they are actually performing the incantation (staff is optional) for +1 to wings of magic rolls.

-When charging a cavalry unit, the charging player must sound the cavalry trumpet which has been helpfully provided in the starter box set, or can be purchased separately.

-If a dark elf player, the player can lift their shirt and flash his/her breasts for +2 bonus attacks to all witch elf units. There is a similar rule for Slaneeshi players, except they have to flash their genitalia.

Peh if I wasn't lazy, I'd make a thread topic outta this.

Anyways haven't touched tabletop in ages but I can't help but wonder WTF has happened to warhammer fantasy.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Thunderous Cacophony said:
Muspelheim said:
Those are great. Here's another:
Fey Step (Wood Elves)
During the movement phase, a Wood Elf player may throw one (and only one) handful of leaves over the board to blind their opponent. While the opponent is blinded, they may move every model they can grab up to 6 inches in a random direction until the opposing general calls "no takebacks".
Pain for Pleasure (Units with the mark of Slaanesh):
Whenever a unit/model with the mark of Slaanesh takes damage, the controlling player may prick themselves with a sharp object, drawing blood whilst whispering "I've been... *deep breathing* naughty", if so, ignore the damage.

OT: Super cereal though, this is hilarious, can't wait to see the jimmies this rustles. Soooooo many bitter Longbeards.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I expect to see <link=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/tag/view/pretend%20to%20be%20a%20horse%20to%20reroll%20attacks?os=pretend+to+be+a+horse+to+reroll+attacks>this tag used more often now, Escapist.