What I personally think is the best thing to do is to instead not allow yourself to play any other games. Force yourself to only stick to one at a time, and, eventually, you'll get done. Believe me, I have the same problem. I need everything in the games. Every side-quest completed, every item found, logged, and in it's proper place, every part of the map must be filled, everything. And thats what I do. I have 3 games sitting next to me as I write this, patiently waiting for me to play through "Infinite Undiscovery" the requisite 2-3 times that it will take to actually beat the game full and proper. And, when I get to them, I'll do the same for them(well, okay, one of them is Max Payne, and I don't think that has too much exploration, so that one is a moot point, but still).