Thanatos2k said:
1. ....Really?
2. What is wrong with the controls? The controls are extremely tight, as they should be in an action game.
3. Never had this happen.
4. You only have to do that when you fail. Again, the patience and learning.
5. What do this even mean? Some weapons are slow, some weapons are fast. Depending on how much weight you're wearing you are slow or fast as well. The responsiveness is EXACTLY where it should be.
See, it's complaints like these that really make no sense, and make it appear like people are complaining just to complain. Complaints like "bad UI" and "unintuitive controls" are generic hand waving at problems that are hiding the real reason you're having problems. It's not the UI and it's not the controls, because plenty of other people don't have problems with the UI and don't have problems with the controls. Just be honest - "I don't like failing, and I fail a lot in this game."
You make it sound like the entire game is just one long session of I Want To Be The Guy where you are instantly killed by the slightest thing once you progress past the spot you last got to, then you do it all over again. That's not how it is at all. If you're truly learning then you become better at recognizing traps, recognizing how enemies behave, recognizing when to proceed cautiously, recognizing how much reach your attacks have, how much you can block safely, and so on. If you're dying at every possible new trap and enemy then you aren't learning a thing.
Trishbot said:
I admit, if the game had a simple "easy" mode, I'd have jumped on this game a long time ago.
The whole point of the game is that it *doesn't* have an easy mode. It is intentionally uncompromising.
1. While not the worst thing I've ever seen, the UI isn't great.
Why is the unequip button the exact same button as the compare equipment button once the equip button has been pressed? Why is the rightmost dialog box filled with information that is largely irrelevant until I press Y to see stats that would generally be considered critical to choosing a situation specific loadout?
Why don't equipment items stack - I have infinite inventory space, but I don't need to see three pages filled with hollow waste cloths when I scroll through. Why isn't the inventory better organized - I shouldn't need to hunt for my currently equipped items in the upgrade screen. Why are new consumables automatically equipped to the fast select menu - maybe I prefer to keep only two or three items in there to make on the fly usage faster.
Why doesn't the weight class just say "Fast/Medium/Slow" rather than make me guess and check to see if there is rounding in % calcs.
When choosing skill points, why isn't there a visual indication of how much stamina or health I will be gaining? - The game has trained me to measure my combat efficiency in "tick marks" on two bars, but expects me to understand numerical representations of those same without visually demonstrating it.
Its great that the game expresses scaling with damages on an easy to read letter basis - but how does a B scaling compare to a C scaling? It's better, but how much better?
2. For reasons no doubt lost to time, the controls actually allow themselves to be stacked in spite of any of the players actual desire. In my experience this has even included attacking, being interrupted with a stagger, and then having my character actually try to complete the command I gave to attack again because I hit the button twice originally.
Also - Why would jump ever be double tap the run button when roll is single tap, and why is the run button the same as the backstep button? I get they all fall under a specific 'movement' banner, but christ almightly, jumping backwards is the exact opposite of what I want when trying to run forward, made infinitely worse by the game delighting in thin walkways, deathfalls and somewhat bizarre hitboxes.
3. Enough people have that there are still existing forum threads on how to deal with the camera getting caught on some of the larger demons loincloths, or getting stuck in scenery for the goat demon fight.
4. A shame then that much of the game is based around a trial and error basis, particularly bosses who rarely have a bonfire nearby.
5. Why does my character still wield a black knight blade like he can barely lift it, when I long ago passed the skill requirements? Why does running or rolling carry the danger of a delay in action? Why does the result of a parry have more in common with the time I press the button to do so than any graphical interaction of shield and weapon - and why does it also have a delay? Why do I still swing Astoras blade like an idiot despite having the dex and str necessary to hold it properly, even if I lack the faith to use its full potential?
I like the game quite a bit, but I won't pretend the game has no problems.