Hmm...thickypoes? As in, diction of a stagnantly thick sort, as in E. A. Poe? Stupid ghosts who allow themselves to be shot to re-death by an adolescent on horseback with arrows that shouldn't even be able to pierce their non-corporeal forms [What are they? Ephemeral Shafts? Ooh, that sounds like a good name for a horror-fetish-porn...preceded and followed by its companion pieces, Ephemeral Head and Ephemeral Tailfeather, respectively]?
Or maybe Mr.Pitts corrected your spelling again, and you meant to say, "Thickypoos;" a large log of smelly shit of a consistency only created by a heavy diet of fiber, pork, and cheese.
In any case, I agree. They are fat.
There is a way to win The Game, as clearly stated in The Rules. The only way to win The Game is to not play it. [There are some who say one of The Rules is that you cannot NOT play The Game, as it requires no consent; however, way back in '98 when The Game came to our neck of the woods, there was A Rule which stated, "There is a way to win The Game," so as to encourage people to play The Game actively and find the said methodology to victory. The Game being an expression of Ironic Processing and an example of the Streisand Effect, I tend to the think the latter, as I have H4H...naively, perhaps, yet it remains.]
Postface Post Scriptum:
You all just lost The Game, as you stubbornly insist on playing it.
Postface Post Post Scriptum:
I just wanted to use P.F. and P.S. together at once, and hey! A P.F.P.P.S...bonus.
P.F.P.P.P.S.~edited to capitalize "Rule," and to include one more P.S.~