A new Batman Arkham game will be announced in March.


New member
May 7, 2009
Samtemdo8 said:
Zhukov said:
Samtemdo8 said:
There has been a lego batman game for awhile now:

I know, but that was from before the awesome new Lego Batman movie that's coming out.

They're going to want a ton of tie-ins for that, especially once it starts out-selling regular non-Lego Batman.
Fuck the Lego Batman Movie and its man-childish appealing tripe, Its things that people like Moviebob will fawn over, it pisses me off, its like Shrek to me, and I now hate Shrek.
You're literally filled with rage that people have the gall to enjoy something light-hearted. And THEY'RE the manchildren.


New member
Apr 12, 2016
One of the biggest praises of Arkham Asylum is how the combat and mechanics were unlike anything ever to that point, add to that a place where these things could be used to their maximum, by the third game, the mechanics were still there, but Asylum set some sort of standard that many games followed/copied and all of the novelty of that game had wore thin by that point, which made them think of something new for the fourth one and so on.

And while Blackgate and VR have been efforts to diverge the series by adding some variety, it doesn't stop those games of being average with the Arkham name slapped on it. Did anybody else here play Blackgate or Arkham VR?


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Samtemdo8 said:
As a fan of the TV shows, a Flash and/or Arrow game would be fantastic (assuming same quality level as Arkham Asylum/City).


New member
Aug 2, 2015
McMarbles said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Zhukov said:
Samtemdo8 said:
There has been a lego batman game for awhile now:

I know, but that was from before the awesome new Lego Batman movie that's coming out.

They're going to want a ton of tie-ins for that, especially once it starts out-selling regular non-Lego Batman.
Fuck the Lego Batman Movie and its man-childish appealing tripe, Its things that people like Moviebob will fawn over, it pisses me off, its like Shrek to me, and I now hate Shrek.
You're literally filled with rage that people have the gall to enjoy something light-hearted. And THEY'RE the manchildren.
Treating Superheroes as kid stuff is just wrong in my eyes. Its a regression back into the censored and kiddy Silver Age of the Comics Code Authority. We grew out of that and now we are going back into that.

It makes me depressed.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Samtemdo8 said:
Yeah but the 90s edgy grimdark Batman fathers Barbara's child or someone gets raped or everyone is brooding and sad and then everyone dies and its all miserable is so lame. So stupid. So weak!

There's enough drama and angst in fighting costumed supervillians without shoving in Days of our Lives scripts to make the in-between fight parts 'real' and 'dark'.
Silver Age may have been goofy, but everything post Watchmen and Killing Joke have been nothing but angst, angsty people being angsty and angsty grimdark.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Silentpony said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Yeah but the 90s edgy grimdark Batman fathers Barbara's child or someone gets raped or everyone is brooding and sad and then everyone dies and its all miserable is so lame. So stupid. So weak!

There's enough drama and angst in fighting costumed supervillians without shoving in Days of our Lives scripts to make the in-between fight parts 'real' and 'dark'.
Silver Age may have been goofy, but everything post Watchmen and Killing Joke have been nothing but angst, angsty people being angsty and angsty grimdark.
I enjoy Vertigo Comics. The pinnicle of Angst and Grimdark apperently. And Vertigo Comics is awesome, V for Vendetta, The Preacher, Hellblazer, and Sandman.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Samtemdo8 said:
Silentpony said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Yeah but the 90s edgy grimdark Batman fathers Barbara's child or someone gets raped or everyone is brooding and sad and then everyone dies and its all miserable is so lame. So stupid. So weak!

There's enough drama and angst in fighting costumed supervillians without shoving in Days of our Lives scripts to make the in-between fight parts 'real' and 'dark'.
Silver Age may have been goofy, but everything post Watchmen and Killing Joke have been nothing but angst, angsty people being angsty and angsty grimdark.
I enjoy Vertigo Comics. The pinnicle of Angst and Grimdark apperently. And Vertigo Comics is awesome, V for Vendetta, The Preacher, Hellblazer, and Sandman.
Well sure, but don't...don't you ever get tired of it? Maybe this comes off as hypocritical from such a 40k dork as myself, but grimdark? Again?
Like I understand the place it has, and certainly some characters are created for Grimdark. Its hard to imagine V going around on a Guy Fawkes themed motorcycle punching Mimes and midgets in the face while making snappy flirts with a woman dressed like a tree.
But surely there's enough comic interpretations to go around? Like we have enough angsty Batman games. We could do with either an Adam West one, or early Batman animated series, which while broody, did have a sense of camp and fun and at least compared to the Animated series comic is fucking cheerful.

I dunno. I think a silver/golden age Batman game wouldn't be the flop people think it'd be.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Silentpony said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Silentpony said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Yeah but the 90s edgy grimdark Batman fathers Barbara's child or someone gets raped or everyone is brooding and sad and then everyone dies and its all miserable is so lame. So stupid. So weak!

There's enough drama and angst in fighting costumed supervillians without shoving in Days of our Lives scripts to make the in-between fight parts 'real' and 'dark'.
Silver Age may have been goofy, but everything post Watchmen and Killing Joke have been nothing but angst, angsty people being angsty and angsty grimdark.
I enjoy Vertigo Comics. The pinnicle of Angst and Grimdark apperently. And Vertigo Comics is awesome, V for Vendetta, The Preacher, Hellblazer, and Sandman.
Well sure, but don't...don't you ever get tired of it? Maybe this comes off as hypocritical from such a 40k dork as myself, but grimdark? Again?
Like I understand the place it has, and certainly some characters are created for Grimdark. Its hard to imagine V going around on a Guy Fawkes themed motorcycle punching Mimes and midgets in the face while making snappy flirts with a woman dressed like a tree.
But surely there's enough comic interpretations to go around? Like we have enough angsty Batman games. We could do with either an Adam West one, or early Batman animated series, which while broody, did have a sense of camp and fun and at least compared to the Animated series comic is fucking cheerful.

I dunno. I think a silver/golden age Batman game wouldn't be the flop people think it'd be.
Hmm well I enjoy Glam Metal as Radio Music, but I love Thrash Metal more, and Epic and Beautiful Orchestral Scores.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
CritialGaming said:

Seriously, this is a dead horse can we stop beating it. Asylum and City were great. But Knight and Origins were trash. These games have relied on the same too-easy combat system and the Joker for too long. Just stop with this nonsense already. Or....refresh your combat and make a entirely new and good story without leaning on the Joker, which will be hard because he is the only interesting Batman Villain.
I love the Arkham games but I definitely agree the combat(while fun) is way too easy. Easy infact to the point of it not being really satisfying. The games have enough to compensate for so it's not really a problem but I would definitely enjoy it more if it wasn't like..so easy being Batman. :p I understand the whole point of these games is as a power fantasy but I would prefer that being thanks to the player's skill rather than just the game being easy.

As for another Batman game itself I would love for it to be in the style of the Elseworld Batman Vampire trilogy. Or something similair to the cancelled Gotham by Gaslight game. Batman feels much less like a caricature in a Victorian setting and even his rogues gallery becomes much more menacing. Regardless of how good Mark Hamill's Joker is he just never becomes scary or disturbing. My ideal Batman game would probably be Red Rain Batman in a Bloodborne mold.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
stroopwafel said:
CritialGaming said:

Seriously, this is a dead horse can we stop beating it. Asylum and City were great. But Knight and Origins were trash. These games have relied on the same too-easy combat system and the Joker for too long. Just stop with this nonsense already. Or....refresh your combat and make a entirely new and good story without leaning on the Joker, which will be hard because he is the only interesting Batman Villain.
I love the Arkham games but I definitely agree the combat(while fun) is way too easy. Easy infact to the point of it not being really satisfying. The games have enough to compensate for so it's not really a problem but I would definitely enjoy it more if it wasn't like..so easy being Batman. :p I understand the whole point of these games is as a power fantasy but I would prefer that being thanks to the player's skill rather than just the game being easy.
I would say that, yeah, if you played Arkham like you played any other game, its easy as balls. But considering you are THE BATMAN, the game to me has always been more about being as close as possible to perfection. My first run of AK took forever because every single time I was spotted or my combo was broken, I would restart. That's where I found my satisfaction.

If you do want a challenge though, New Game+ is such a different experience. Instead of just relying on flashing symbols, you really do need to be aware of your surroundings and listen to audio cues. I have actually been killed by random mobs in the open world (although I was trying to be flashy with all my gadgets). New Game+ is made even harder by the unusually wonky combat system of Arkham Knight.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
stroopwafel said:
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
Silentpony said:
How can there be another? Doesn't Batman die?
Yeah, everyone knows that Bruce Wayne was Batman and now he's presumed dead. So how would that work?
It'll probably be Damian, his son. Anyways another Batman game sounds good to me. I love the Arkham games and the Batman universe in general and there is still a lot of stuff they can do with it. Ofcourse there is still the possibility it might be another game but considering they only put in the WB logo that is probably not the case. It would make sense for their in-house team to have worked on another Batman game after the release of Arkham Origins. Espescially given the success of the series.
I'd be pretty into the idea of a Dick Grayson and Damien Wayne game
Feb 26, 2014
Ezekiel said:
I read Year One, which was cool. The Dark Knight Returns bored me and was kind of ugly, so I didn't finish it. The character designs in Long Halloween are weird. They ruined Catwoman. I'm not interested in the comic books, but I like the animated series and have completed all the Rocksteady games.

I would redo the controls entirely. Less automation.

The combat wouldn't be about chaining combos anymore, but about taking enemies out quickly and using shadows. You could stand right in front of an enemy and they wouldn't see you because you're hidden in the dark like in Splinter Cell. I would remove the predator maps and let the player choose between stealth and combat or even use both. One of the moves I'd get rid of is Beatdown. I also don't wanna be able to warp at enemies across the room. The combat should be about positioning, like in Dark Souls or Zelda.

Fewer gadgets. Smaller gadgets. They should fit in his utility belt or on his person. Gameplay variety would come more from Batman's physical abilities and how he uses the environments. More interactive environments. Think Die Hard.

If you wanna feature Catwoman and the other crime fighters as alternate characters, please make their gameplay suit them. Catwoman's climbing was always kind of bad because the gargoyles and other platforms were made for Batman.

Actually, remove almost all the gargoyles. They're too common. Give me other platforms.

Use lesser known villains. Perhaps even make up your own. Make Harley Quinn look like a harlequin again, if she needs to be there.

No vehicles. I didn't exactly dislike the batmobile, but it has no place in a Gotham filled with civilians.

I want more social (civilians) and psychological (enemies) aspects in the gameplay. I wanna really fuck with henchmen's heads.

Bosses. They were, sadly, removed from Arkham Knight.
I like this. I'd also like a Batman game that doesn't forget that Batman is a detective. I'd like crime scene investigations that don't hold the players hand throughout the entire thing. And better yet, missions that have multiple suspects and the player is tasked with finding out who it is by actually doing the detective work.

Asita said:
Ezekiel said:
Fewer gadgets. Smaller gadgets. They should fit in his utility belt or on his person. Gameplay variety would come more from Batman's physical abilities and how he uses the environments. More interactive environments. Think Die Hard.
No no no. You're going about it in completely the wrong direction. What we need is a game where you actually make your own utility belt. How many batarangs do you want to pack? Armored batsuit? It's yours. You want to pack an oxygen tank? You've got it. Skicky-grenade launcher? Just try not to kill people with it. Collapsable shield? You're golden. Atari controller? You're good! ...And now that you're out in the field you get to learn that the game has a proper encumbrance system and that 350+ pounds of gear slows you down to a crawl. So beginneth the lesson of Utility vs. Economy.
Also a nice idea. Especially since it allows customization. So Batman can be decked out in the best gear to take out a particular villain. Heavy Bat Armor isn't going to be particularly useful in catching Firefly, for instance. And if your going after Clayface, you may want Shock Batarangs or Freeze Grenades. You could also just go through the entire game with just the basics, Batarangs, Batclaw, and the Crytographic Sequencer (Maybe), and Batman will move faster due to the low weight of his equipment. I like the sound of this nonexistent Batman game already.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
Arkham Asylum was great. Open enough for us to have varying approaches to most situations but small enough that it never felt as if you were being dragged away from the main story.

That was my problem with Arkham City, it was great to be able to explore but it was too busy. You'd be feet away from your next mission when you'd hear the phone ringing and you'd have to head off to save a Zsasz victim on the other side of the map.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
Zhukov said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Zhukov said:
Samtemdo8 said:
There has been a lego batman game for awhile now:

I know, but that was from before the awesome new Lego Batman movie that's coming out.

They're going to want a ton of tie-ins for that, especially once it starts out-selling regular non-Lego Batman.
Fuck the Lego Batman Movie and its man-childish appealing tripe, Its things that people like Moviebob will fawn over, it pisses me off, its like Shrek to me, and I now hate Shrek.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Lego Batman movie makes more money than the live action no-longer-being-directed-by-Ben-Affleck Batman movie.

Maybe after the DC movies have crashed and burned they'll reboot them as Lego Justice League. That'd be awesome.
No that be lame, I am sorry but these lego movies are for kids and I have grown out of this shit for seeing how truly stupid it is.

And they are gonna focus on other Lego-fyed movies like they are gonna make Lego Harry Potter or Lego Lord of the Rings movie.
Yeah! Kids stuff is lame /sarcasm


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2015
votemarvel said:
Arkham Asylum was great. Open enough for us to have varying approaches to most situations but small enough that it never felt as if you were being dragged away from the main story.

That was my problem with Arkham City, it was great to be able to explore but it was too busy. You'd be feet away from your next mission when you'd hear the phone ringing and you'd have to head off to save a Zsasz victim on the other side of the map.
I would have found that super annoying if zipping around the city like Spider-Man wasn't so dang fun!

I think all they need to do is do Arkham Knight right. Put us in a huge Gotham city, keep the civilians, but set the game at night so that there aren't that many of them running around, and there you have it.

Also get rid of those stupid drones


New member
Jul 2, 2012
....Whats with peeps ragging on the series having left the Asylum like it always was all the whole thing was about? I don't recall the sequels being called Arkham Asylum City and Arkham Asylum Knight.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Blitsie said:
....Whats with peeps ragging on the series having left the Asylum like it always was all the whole thing was about? I don't recall the sequels being called Arkham Asylum City and Arkham Asylum Knight.
The Arkham moniker doesn't make sense after City though. Arkham (Asylum) is an institution that grows from Asylum to City, but is only tangentially related to Origins or Knight.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
Johnny Novgorod said:
Blitsie said:
....Whats with peeps ragging on the series having left the Asylum like it always was all the whole thing was about? I don't recall the sequels being called Arkham Asylum City and Arkham Asylum Knight.
The Arkham moniker doesn't make sense after City though. Arkham (Asylum) is an institution that grows from Asylum to City, but is only tangentially related to Origins or Knight.
Ah good point! Probably a victim of its own success kind of scenario as by Origins people referred to those games as the "Arkham series" so any changes to the name after City even would've had people thinking its a different project.