A Possessed Chaos Space Marine replaces the protagonist in the last game you played


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Well, Mark of the Ninja would certainly have a different feel to it. :D

I do have to say that the execution moves would be a bit more...lively.

Eclectic Dreck

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Sep 3, 2008
BathorysGraveland2 said:
Asclepion said:
To be honest with you... sounds lame as hell. Seems to me that he/they are designed to be as badass as possible, and in doing so is forced TOO much. There are limits to everything, and when such a limit is crossed, it descends into mediocrity. Not impressed.
It's all about scope and scale. A Space Marine in the 40k universe is superhuman, certainly. They are stronger, faster, smarter and more resilient than a person in peak condition by an order of magnitude. A standard tactical trooper is as tough and capable of some armies elite heroes.

But, they also fight in wars against things like Tyranids which can strip the life from a heavily defended world in a matter of weeks or against immortal machines who's basic weapons can destroy the most powerful tanks in a single shot. Couple that with the fact that at any given time there are only a million or so space marines and they are tasked with the defense of a million worlds of the imperium and they seem less silly and out of place.

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
FarCry 3. Suddenly, my kill count of over a thousand pirates in less than two weeks on the island starts to seem a lot more reasonable.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Combustion Kevin said:
Dire Victory!

I really wonder what his moves in DOTA 2 would be.
Q - Purge the Weak - Slows and damages all enemies in a radius for 5 seconds
W - Blood Price - Toggle - Increases damage per attack by a percentage of target max life at a cost to users own life pool (also percentage)
E - Blood Lust - The character lunges a short distance (300 or so) towards the cursor. He gains additional attack speed for 3 seconds.
R - Ascend - The character becomes a champion of Khorne and is granted a power sword, increased movement and attack speed and resistances for 10 seconds. Attack range is reduced to melee (125 I'd say).


New member
Sep 17, 2008
World of Warcraft.... so the entire continent of Pandaria is going to be purged in a matter of hours, then the rest of the world


New member
May 21, 2008
Considering I just played Star Wars: The Old Republic...not much. I mean, if I was doing Kaon Under Siege flashpoint, it would be "normal." Maybe a boss fight, but he would get cut down easily. Heck, even if it was part of the main game content, you're looking at that his head probably would be sliced in an elaborate cutscene.

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
Mega Man 4.

"Puny russian doctor! You think your pathetic machines can stop me?" *Tears Toad Man in half, rips weapon out of system, starts running to Bright Man's stage* "Maim! Kill! Burn! MAIM! KILL! BURN!"

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, I remember using a mod to play Skyrim as a space marine and wow, taking down dragons with a pair of plasma pistols was awesome, I can only imagine how easy it would be to rip apart all the puny mortals of Cyrodil. With no armor and weapons he'd rip apart the blades in the first 2 minutes of the game, then rip and tear his way to a place where he could summon deamons and then the entire province burns before the first 2 hours are over.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Battlefield 3, puny tanks.

Also, I feel that it would make the campaign just that little bit more interesting.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Kerbal space program, I don't think he would fit in the capsule

I wonder how high a CSM can jump on the mun

Gray Firion

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Mar 5, 2012
BathorysGraveland2 said:
Asclepion said:
To be honest with you... sounds lame as hell. Seems to me that he/they are designed to be as badass as possible, and in doing so is forced TOO much. There are limits to everything, and when such a limit is crossed, it descends into mediocrity. Not impressed.
Welcome to the setting of Warhammer 40000, where everything else is similarly over the top. =P

Cecilo said:
Well, if your avatar is any indication, you are a Witcher fan. Correct me if I am wrong, but what about the main character of the Witcher series ISN'T designed to be badass. Kills monstersby himself, is incredibly smart and strong, is fairly suave.

Pretty much any main character from any game is hyped up to the level of badass that space marines are. Just instead of having one person who is magically more efficient at getting things done, killing people or creatures, then everyone else, Space Marines are all that badass. Because everything else in their universe is just as deadly.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying it isn't over the top. Just pretty much everything is.
There is Over the top. Then there's Warhammer 40k.

There ARE limits everywhere, otherwise every game would play as if you were on Godmode. A couple well aimed stabs at Geralt would kill him, but a grenade explosion to the faceplate would barely faze a Space Marine.

It's a matter of scale. Warhammer can be fun, but I admit that often it's just too much. That said...

OT: So, I just set loose a Chaos Space Marine in Ered Luin. Heh, just made monster play that much more interesting for everyone in LotR Online. =P


New member
Jul 24, 2008
BathorysGraveland2 said:
Asclepion said:
To be honest with you... sounds lame as hell. Seems to me that he/they are designed to be as badass as possible, and in doing so is forced TOO much. There are limits to everything, and when such a limit is crossed, it descends into mediocrity. Not impressed.
Seems to me that you need some perspective.
These guys are considered the average run of the mill basic troops in their universe.

It's not just one guy who has been turned up to 11....it's the whole galaxy.
An ordinary Chaos Marine IS a demonic supersoldier murder machine, but the things that are his enemies are nightmares incarnate.

The entire 40k universe is made of pure nightmare fuel...and comedy.
In short, Starcraft is a very bland rip-off of Warhammer 40,000.


For every corrupted traitor Chaos Space Marine there is a loyalist Imperial Space Marine fighting in the defense of the Imperium of Mankind.

For every Space Marine there are billions of basic Tyranid Gaunts that will descend upon your world. Even a basic Gaunt is the equivalent of a Xenomorph from Aliens.

For every Space Marine there are untold legions of undead robots from the dawn of time. Masters of time, space, and technology who make a mockery of Space Marines.

There's an entire hell dimension taking every opportunity to tear into the material universe and vomit forth legions of demons.

There are aliens with hyper-advanced anti-grav tanks, mechs, and massive super cannons.

There are ancient aliens with vast psychic powers that can read and influence the future, or summon huge storms of psychic lightning to tear apart your mind, body and soul. The souls of their dead are used to power and operate huge robot warriors.

For every Marine there is a crusading/marauding horde of psychopath Orks that can use actual manifestations of their crude faith to build incomprehensible uber warmachines out of scrap metal, and live for little more than the thrill of war itself.

Human soldiers only compete in this galaxy by shear weight of numbers. For every Space Marine that defends them, there are several billion humans.

I'm with you CAPTCHA! "Gimme Pizza" "Vanilla Ice Cream"


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Those creepers are fucked. On the other hand, the reapers probably aren't. And who would've thought Spec Ops: The Line's vision of Dubai could get even more messed up?


New member
Mar 2, 2009
God of War: Ascension.

So, nothing really changes much. The main character is more well rounded and humanized, but he is too big to fit into most of the levels.

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Ieyke said:
For every Space Marine there are billions of basic Tyranid Gaunts that will descend upon your world. Even a basic Gaunt is the equivalent of a Xenomorph from Aliens.

There are aliens with hyper-advanced anti-grav tanks, mechs, and massive super cannons.
I don't think gaunts are on par with Xenos. They might be as fast and as strong, but without the Hive Mind influencing them through a synapse creature they're completely mindless. The Xenomorphs wouldn't have been anywhere near as lethal if not for their cunning.

Ah, the Tau. I wish there was as much written about them as there is about the Imperium. They're just so much more pleasant than anything else in the 40K universe.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
dark souls
wow, that fits well, the ultimate goal for pretty much every is becoming a a demon prince and then figure out a way a become a god. Which is kinda sorta what happens can happen to you in dark souls. not much change, probably more of a strength focus character build with one of them giant hammers and pyro-things(don't possessed spit fire or something?)

Teh Jammah

New member
Nov 13, 2010
Last game I played was Max Payne 3. So I guess more or less the same only with a higher body count (somehow) and much less cut scene incompetence