A setting for a game which has not been over used.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
RanD00M said:
700-1300 Viking era Iceland. Name me one game that features that.
Or better yet. Name me one game that has Iceland as it's main setting.
Viking: Battle for Asgard

Now...I think I want a game set in colonial America.

Matt King

New member
Mar 15, 2010
Scars Unseen said:
Matt King said:
completlet off topic but i have a really idea for a game that hasn't be used how about u play as the first zombie and u have to sytematical take over the world starting off as a stealth going into a action thing as u take over worl (pretty shit i know but feel free to use it)
We did something like that in WoW with preset rules. Some undead started walking(not running) from Undercity and saying "Braaaaains!" They headed toward Southshore, and a bunch of alliance(mostly low level) came to stop us. Rules were that if an Alliance got killed, they would go roll an undead and join in the shuffle. Undead were free to rez and continue the march if they got killed.

Meanwhile some higher level Alliance were pursuing the "cure." Can't remember what it was, but it took some time, so it might have been an instance raid or something. Anyway, once the "cure" was recovered, they distributed it to the Southshore team, who then began to give it to the undead by way of a hug emote. You get hugged, you're cured.

It was a lot of fun and the sort of event that kept me playing as long as I did (you know, before the players all became mindless dungeon raiding zombies)
that sounds pretty cool but i think a full game of it would be sweet


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I would like a game set in pre-colonized America, like the ancient Aztecs or Northern American plains. It would basically be a fantasy RPG, with different classes to choose from based around some form of Native American religion. And no clichéd political messages that we've all heard a million times!


New member
Apr 14, 2008
Gerrawn said:
A world war 2 game, but here's the twist: in the campaign you play as a german soldier.
Came in to post this. Main worry would be almost the complete loss of business in Germany, Austria, Poland, etc. That and the overarching fear that "OMG THE CHARACTER IS A NAZI", but I really think it wouldn't be important if you focused purely on the combat. Let's see... 1) Polish Campaign, 2) Invasion of France and the Low Countries, 3) Operation Barbarossa culminating in the Battle of Stalingrad and subsequent retreat, 4) Battle of the Bulge (or just the general counterattack against invading Americans), and maybe a last-ditch struggle in the Battle of Berlin? Once again, you run into problems with the fact that you know your side will inevitably lose, but I'm sure with good writing it could be made interesting.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
a game set in a dream, where the main character dreams about the dreamer and then you have no idea whether the setting is the dreamers dream or the character's dream. also the dream is a lucid dream. the first dream that is; the second dream is about dreaming of someone else dreaming. or was that the first one....

my setting has already mindfucked me. this game must be made.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Ancient Baltic tribes fending off german invaders. Call it Battle for the Sun. Spears, maces and the occasional sword against heavy cavalry. Tack on the inter-tribe conflicts, all warriors being also farmers and you have quite the challenge.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Turn of the century Egypt, combining Cairo with the rolling desert and Ancient Egyptian antiquities.

I don't know what would happen there, exactly, but something akin to Lovecraft's work would be amazing.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Nexoram said:
So does anyone remember any game set in Australia?
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger? 1 and 2?

That was about as Australian as you could get. BOOMERANGS AND KOALA'S!