

Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Old Trailmix said:
Worgen said:
Milky_Fresh said:
Trolling? I can type fine when I'm drunk... Just a bit slowly...
trolling? jhopw dare you, I challane you to a duel, with pistoles at dawn
That is if you can get up at dawn!
fine, I challange you to a diel at... uhh dusk, yueah that sit


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
When I was a kid, my dad, brother, and I got hit by some guy on the 401 near London. The car was totaled but we were all okay, miraculously. I still remember bits of the crash but I no longer remember any of the specifics.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I totaled my motorcycle on a windy mountain road, although it was only at 20, the bike still went a long ways rolling and I slid into the guard rail


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
I've never been in an accident (I have my own car, and I drive), but I remember one time in Sydney a cyclist slammed into the side of our car when we were waiting at the stop lights. Completely his fault, we'd been stationary for at least 15 seconds.

Anyway, it was an awesome view for me. I just saw this cyclist hit the side of the bonnet, then go forward and faceplant right in front of me. I don't feel bad saying this, because he tried to lie about his details to avoid paying insurance fees or something like that.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Lol never been too drunk to type, but then again who knows how drunk you are eh?

I almost nailed some soccer mom's suv once, terrible terrible event.


New member
Dec 25, 2009
This reminds me of a time when I was talking to a drunk guy on TF2. He spelled everything wrong, then I decided to get him talking and thought he wasn't drunk. The whole server was calling me an idiot for saying he wasn't drunk.

Then after lots of talking, I asked him what his job was. He said he was in college as an English major. I then asked him to prove that he was in college. He typed a line of Shakespeare without a single spelling error.

The whole server was like "Wow, density has a point there!" And he (the drunk guy) left the server.


Green Thumbed Gamer
Jan 11, 2010
I once fell asleep at the wheel whilst driving through a tunnel. I hadn't had much sleep the night before and had worked hard, in the hot sun, all day. My eyes drifted off for a moment, then BANG!

Next thing i know i've rammed my poor little Cordia into the back of a Corolla. My bumper gets wiped out and my radiator is pushed into my engine by an inch. I spend the next two years using cloth-tape to keep my indicators stuck onto the frame of my car.

The Corolla has a bad paint-job, barely any damage whatsoever. The punk who was driving it takes my details. The next week he tries to stiff me for over three-thousand dollars worth of damage. Apparently i 'damaged' the sound-system in his car. I had my own mechanic check his car - there was no damage to his sound system - and i ended up paying him just under five hundred for the paint and detailing.

I had it settled without insurance getting involved because i wanted to keep my no-claim bonus. I have never driven tired since, and if i've felt drowsy whilst driving, i'll chew gum or suck on a lolly, crank up the Symphony X and sing along at the top of my lungs, or pull over and have a power nap.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I post drunk all the time. Please understand that slurring your words doesn't need to be typed down for us, you can type just fine, so do it instead of trying to act drunker than you are.

I've been in quite a few crashes, the most severe of which was my own doing. It was late, or early in the morning really, and I lost concentration and had a head on with another car.

I was doing about 55 and he said he was speeding, so I guess it adds up to quite a high speed, lucky no one was hurt badly. My friend wasn't wearing a seatbelt though; air bags damn saved his life, and he bounced around the car like crazy and landed in my lap (he passed out).

I got some broken glass thrown at me, but all in all it was a pretty fun experience.

Not worth the cost of buying my parents a new fucking car, though...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
This thread is hilarious.

Worgen, please, PLEASE don't get online when you're drunk. Your threads cause horrible cases of laughter.


The 94th Blind Messiah
Nov 12, 2009
Milky_Fresh said:
BlindMessiah94 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
Trolling? I can type fine when I'm drunk... Just a bit slowly...
Yeah this seems like a cry for attention misspelling words on purpose.
Mmmm, seems a bit that way...
But I've seen this guy around before and he seems nice, so I guess I'll just give him the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe he is drunk and it just wrecked his judgement? You know when you see drunk people pretending to be more drunk than they are because they are a drunk enough to not know any better?
Could be. I just tend to tweak over bad spelling. That post was like the holy grail of grammatical incompetence. Made my head a'splode as they say.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
Worgen said:
RatRace123 said:
I've never been drunk and typed before, I have to imagine I'd find it difficult to even type in my username and password, lotta letters and numbers I put in.

At any rate, never been in an accident, I'm quite greatful for that.
nah see I hae it set to auto longin so I dont have to worry about htat... it occues to me his int the best mind state to post in
I hope you do find it funny, I'd find it hell of an embarrassing moment. Not a dig either, I've done much worse than this but I always dread turning on my computer to see what I've typed the night before either here or on Facebook.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
I was once in a car accident when my brother was driving and the roads were very slippery because it was raining. We had quickly gone to the shops to buy something to eat and on the way home he went around the corner slightly too fast and the bitumen on the road we were turning into was old and fairly crap. So the car spins out of control, my brother slams the wheel in the other direction and the car just misses a pole which would of been pretty nasty if we crashed into it. So now we are spinning in the opposite direction, he tries to fix the car up but it was too late and we crashed into a neighbour's fence, mangling it up. Lucky there wasn't anyone walking down the street at that time.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
wow I think I hit a new record for bad typing while drunk, I didnt even spell the topic right