Accpet Steam's New EULA or Say Goodbye To Your Steam Account UPDATED


New member
Apr 26, 2011
In germany this TOS means nothing...

First of all they hold products hostage that you allready paid for. That alone is more then enough reason for any judge to tear that TOS a new one.

Second they simply change the TOS very one sided and totaly out of left field. Now im not a laws expert but if i remember correctly this is not legal in germany.

You cannot sign away your rights due to a contract... if that was possible it would be legal to have slaves simply by having people sign away their rights.

Basicly steam can write whatever they want into their TOS, but infront of a german court it doesnt mean squat if it conflicts with german law.

And seing how the european court strengthened the backs of customers just recently i doubt the german courts would decide any different.

As a side note:

Even when you buy a game in a store the TOS of said game means jack squat... since they didnt enabled you to read it before you bought the product.

On the other side no one has so far taken a game company to court over such a matter in germany because usually the companys arent stupid enough to seek confrontation with their customers.
May 29, 2011
yuval152 said:
Well... I don't agree with completely shutting down your account, but it's your choice whether to use Steam or not. Using Steam requires agreeing to their TOS. If you don't like it, don't use it. That simple.
This is true but it sucks for the people with alot of games on steam that disagree with the new TOS.
Well it's not like they can keep using it after that. It's their service, they can name to conditions, it's your decision yo use it. It would be nice for steam to give a full refund but that would be giving money back for a game the player has already played. If you're going to use an online service like this you need to be prepared for stuff like this happening. Don't really see the big deal here anyway.

One Shot wonder

New member
Jul 26, 2011
You mean the new TOS that acknowledges those of us in sane legal systems can ignore the bits of EULAs that strip us of all our consumer rights? I'm alright with it. Valve will always cover their arses, they're obliged to in the real world.

So long as it's run by a fat (or not so fat, if gabe wants to diet) guy (or girl, w/e) who loves games (non-negotiable) and never has a stock flotation I'm happy with it. To be honest even under the old agreement if they were going to be 'evil' they could have really screwed with everyone. Instead, it's been acknowledged their emergency plan in the event of closing down steam permanently is to use it to no-steam crack all their users' games.


New member
Sep 12, 2012
I sent this request to steam...

Thank you very much for your reply.

I really appreciate your response and hope you will allow me to respond.

I would first and foremost like to indicate to Steam that I have never been a customer of Steam. Although I've been force to use Steam as an activation site for my store bought PC Games Steam should never insinuate that I'm a customer. I've never intended to purchase anything from Steam, never played any multiplayer services on steam and would never had downloaded steam if it wasn't for my game activation. When I purchased my PC games I thought the activation with Steam was helping to stop theft, not to eventually give up my rights, however small those rights may be.

Now that Steam has decided to change their user agreement and because I don't want to sign the new agreement, why should I lose my privilege to software I have a license to use. I purchase the games with my hard earned cash while Steam did nothing other than make sure I wasn't fraudulently playing the game. How did I give up my rights to play the games I purchased, by not agreeing to Steams contract? Now I'm kinda understanding why people copy games rather then pay for games.

If the game developers are going to throw their customers under a bus by allowing pirates like steam to take away our ability to play the games, why buy them. We the people can support games companies, but the game companies won't support we the people, what kind of crap is that? Please don't tell me that it's not important to take a stand at some point; please don't tell me that it won't get any worse, please don't tell me to trust; because you have changed the user agreement before and will continue to change it until people take a stand.

Please understand that I'm trying to work out a solution to my problem. Steam has hijacked my games to force me to sign the agreement i don't want to sign. I'm really not sure if making someone do something they don't want to do falls under a law called extortion, but it really makes me feel upset that a company can take advantage of me without any repercussions.

So I've taken a step towards trying to reconcile our differences. I created a new e-mail address and have agreed to the terms agreement. My new e-mail address is "[email protected] for the sole purpose of activating my games with steam. I would appreciate your assistance in allowing me to re-activate my games from my old e-mail address to the new address. If you agree I will immediately send my old e-mail address.

Once again your help is much appreciated.

I hope they do something for me.