Activision Joins the Anti-Used Games Crusade


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Shut up Activision. You make enough money. Lower the price of your fucking games or start paying for my used ones. You're just being greedy children now. Most companies accept £40 is a reasonable price for that technology, and at length. You gave me half the gameplay at extra price. Wankers.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Surprise surprise, Activision said something silly, because they're known for being a humble company. Only bad games have to worry about the used game bin. The good ones sell enough that they don't care.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Wait, I thought that the point in the anti-used thing is to encourage buying new games and in return we get free content. If that's the case, than wouldn't the "$15 DLC" argument not mean anything? Also, what's with the hate on Activision? Granted, they don't have that many good games, but it seems like that the heads of the company molested everyone here when they were kids. If possible, could I get an answer from someone who doesn't hate Activision that much?


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Omnific One said:
daubie said:
Activision, listen..
You've done some good work. Sure, we were disappointed by the first Assassin's Creed, but you redeemed yourself with the sequel (mostly). You are now milking that sequel, of course, but what developer wouldn't do that at this point. You are the most frustrating developer of the decade. The DRM and piracy crap, business decisions, and now this crap too.

I would not be able to afford my life long friendship with gaming if it was not for used game sales. Activision, you are working to destroy what I love. This. Means. War.
Wow, you're right. I have absolutely no idea what I was thinking there. X_X

Pss... Activision didn't make/publish Assassin's Creed. Ubisoft did.