Activision Joins the Anti-Used Games Crusade


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Ultratwinkie said:
canadamus_prime said:
What dipshits! I've said it before and I'll say it again, the sale and resale of goods has been part of human society and economy for centuries and so far only these dipshit game publishers have made an issue of it. Hell Ebay was set up for the express purpose of reselling used goods!
This is just bullshit. Not to mention the fact that they're wasting money that could be better spend making decent games.
they may be dip shits but they legally have the right to shutdown used game sales and sue whoever trades in their game. The CD is property of the publisher and the developer, not you. You only paid 60$ for the RIGHT to use the CD and its contents and therefore have NO right to sell it to another person or entity. Used game sales, in the eyes of the law, is piracy.
Actually no. If the game doesn't have a "not for resale" label on it, you can sell it all you want. What you described is actually more for the unauthorized distrubution of burnt copies of games. You have to right to copy the game, but not to sell it the backup copies to anyone.

If what you said was true, Gamestop would not exist as a company today due to a mass amount of lawsuits.

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
Not to be a total jerk or nothing, but I hope this extreme dislike for the secondary market causes another video game crash. I hope that by doing this that the bulk of the market decides that there is more to life than video games and sales plummet like a penguin without a parachute. I hope that most retail outlets go under so that sales are hampered that way when there are simply no stores carrying product.

I just think this entire issue is poorly thought out on the concept level and I hope it works out poorly for them.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I refuse to buy online DLC anymore after getting some expansions for Oblivion (360). Once I bought a good enough computer, I figured that unless the expansions are available on a separate disk (like on the PC) or an eventual GOTY, then too bad, I don't care. DLC doesn't feel like you own anything, you can't get a discount/sale, even for a new copy, and if you ever switch game consoles/versions or are just tired of the game, you're stuck.

Activision probably doesn't give a toss whether or not you go to gamestop and sell fifty copies of Uncharted, Mario, and Halo if you were to use that to buy Call of Duty. More likely they are really only against anything that stops you from shelling out $60 American for a half-made Activision game.

If Activision and the like don't want us buying used games, try putting more than a year or two into development and make a product that is actually worth owning for more than two weeks to entice actually keeping it. A lot of games nowadays are like a month of entertainment followed by an overpriced table coaster.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Raesvelg said:
I find the reaction to this... entertaining.

The only people who really have a reason to complain about this sort of thing are people who buy their games used, and people who for some unknown reason don't want have their console online. While I feel for the latter, they're relatively few and far between, and frankly typically just technophobic incompetents who probably shouldn't be gaming in the first place.

Now, as for the former group, the people who buy their games used, I'm going to clue you in on something:


They're not getting any money from you. In fact, in terms of games with online multiplayer aspects, you are arguably COSTING them money.

The argument of "I'm going to have to pay for stuff that should have been included in the game" is moot. You weren't paying ACTIVISION for the game in the first place, so it's not like you have any say in what should, or should not, have been included on the disc.
I buy a WORTHWHILE game brand new EVERY TIME I would brand it worthwhile, hence why I don't buy a game until at least a month after initial release; mainly down to other's reviews and how much I can piece together, impression wise, from various trailers and random videos people may make. In fact, I find myself intentionally looking for brand new copies of gorgeous games even if said brand new copy is ridiculously rare; an attitude I've only recently adopted.

I don't buy shitty shovel ware, blatant franchise milks and "graphic wh0re games with shite gameplay" brand new. No. I will buy it second hand, for a vastly reduced price, because it's certainly, certainly not worth a good chunk of something I worked days, perhaps weeks, to make.

In my eyes, second hand gaming retailers should have always had to pay, let's say, a chunk of the profit they make off the game to the publisher. Period. I find it in bad taste to constantly buy second hand games when none of the money goes where it's deserved.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
So Activision want to get more money out of Black Ops? Maybe they should make it less shit (maybe just think of a new franchise altogether), then more people would buy it. The only thing they're doing right now is putting people off their company.
Raesvelg said:
I find the reaction to this... entertaining.

The only people who really have a reason to complain about this sort of thing are people who buy their games used, and people who for some unknown reason don't want to have their console online. While I feel for the latter, they're relatively few and far between, and frankly typically just technophobic incompetents who probably shouldn't be gaming in the first place.
Well done sir, you win the prize for the most arrogant, idiotic comment I've ever seen on this site.
Not everybody is a 'hardcore gamer' (note the irony) like you. In fact, some people choose NOT to arrange their daily lives around playing games online. Now, I like games. However, I like lots of other things a lot more. So I'm a technophobic incompetent because I don't want to spend £50 on a wireless adapter for my 360? And then a monthly fee to actually use the service? No, my attitude is shared by most 360 owners.
If we're talking PS3, it's free. No worries there. But I still can't believe you're so naive as to class every single person who doesn't want to hear whiny 13-year olds (and socially incompetent 19-year olds) swear and shout and scream at them as a technophobe. Maybe those people are put off going online by 'hardcore gamers' like yourself.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Wait didn't MW2 become one of the best selling games of the last decade? It still holds a strong position in game sale charts? And they are complaining about people buying second hand? So when some people eventually won't be able to buy the latest COD because the resale value of the previous game is so small doesn't that mean they will suffer in the long run?

I was indifferent of Project Ten Dollar Originally because it never took too much away from the game. Nothing that mattered too much and EA did it correctly in the case of Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2. Those games were huge they could afford to cut insignificant sections out of the game a package them as bonuses. If MW2 is the standard of COD games there is not much to be cut out that won't leave people pissed off.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Uh...there's still a problem with this. Let's say you buy a game brand new with the free DLC. $60, right? Well, let's say you get a game used for say, $40, and then you purchase the DLC for usually $10 at most. In this example, that's $50.

So in the end, you're still paying less for used then you would new. So what's the overall appeal to buying new? (I'm all up for supporting the developers, but not everyone sees that as much of an issue)


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Am I the only one who keeps reading these things by all the publishers about DLC and misses the days of cartridges where 99% of the time they sent out a complete game, without game killing bugs or any of the other stuff that they now have to patch through updates or DLC?

I'm tired of putting in a new disc and being told I have to update the game because of something they fucked up. Maybe if the companies had better quality control and a person knew that when they bought a game on release day that there game would work and not have to let it sit there and wait for updates to come "shortly" (Remember the Major League Baseball 2K6 fiasco?) so they could play the game, people would be more apt to buy a new game as opposed to waiting until it's fixed and buy it used.

I know this is a broad statement, but I really think CD's and DVD's have been one of the worst things for the evolution of games. How many of us have gotten a game that had the little prongs broke off of the case so the disc slides around and got scratched before we even opened it? How many of us have had a game refuse to be read by the laser for whatever reason?

I bought a game the other day (brand new) came home and it had come out of the new "green case" prongs and was scratched to hell, I took it back and they (Walmart) told me I had to return it for a like item, which was cool because I wanted to play it because of the laws stating you can't get refunds on opened disc based items-problem was, they were out of it. So I was supposed to just be happy with my unplayable game, luckily my cousin by marrage is one of the store managers and she got me a refund on it and I went somewhere else and got it. (I know that doesn't have to do with the topic but I'm making a point lol)

See, if this had happened in the NES or SNES days it wouldn't have been a problem, I could return the game no questions asked for a refund. But since they've gone to CD's and DVD's they changed the laws because of "piracy"-The publishers created a way (by moving to discs) that forces the customer to keep their games no matter what after buying them. So once used game stores got popular they realize that they don't have a way to control the customer once they bought the game like they thought they did.

So instead of making games worth what people have to pay for them and ensuring they would keep them based on the merits of the game, they decide that the way for us to want to keep our games is by making us give them more money for additional things in the game. It's a good idea in theory, but horrible in practice because they end up doing it ass backwards like cutting levels then releasing them as DLC a month or two (or even day one) after release day. We end up with butchered games and they complain that people trade the game in after beating it's >10 hour campaign and say they are losing customers because of it.

If they really wanted to maximize profits and cut out the used game business they should release a game and then instead of the next year putting out #2, just use the assets from the first game and release the second game as DLC (at a lower price) that requires the first one for the main code. (This is really true with games like Madden) That way people will keep the original and others who want the second one will buy the original game also, not to mention production costs will go down. I know, I'm just talking about expansion packs but it's really the only way to have both sides win without making either side suffer any.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Woodsey said:
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Normally I side with the publishers on this, but Activision are shooting themselves in the foot.

Modern Warfare 2 was what, £50? No shit, I can't believe people bought that second hand!
Sixty USD, I'm not sure what that works out in Pounds Sterling, but, yeah. Especially since it hasn't come down in price since it was released.
£55 in the UK actually (I just checked) which is a fair bit more expensive than $60. In fact, are you sure that's how much it was? $60 is ~£35!
Gah, I spaced that one. I'd forgotten that the exchange rate was nearly 2:1. Sorry.
Woodsey said:
So you like the idea of £15 map packs? Interesting.
Wait, the $15 map packs are £15 over there!? o_O


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
To be perfectly honest, I really can't fault any developer/publisher for implementing this. Like movies, games require a substantial investment to be created, and because of this, sales are as much about making that money back as they are about profits. I don't care that Activision is the fucking devil, used game sales do actually hurt gaming companies because they're no longer getting a return on their investment. If they want to see to it that their franchise is lucrative, then I have no reason to call them pricks over this. Besides, nobody seemed to get their panties in a bundle when EA did this for Dragonage and ME2.

Simple as.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Normally I side with the publishers on this, but Activision are shooting themselves in the foot.

Modern Warfare 2 was what, £50? No shit, I can't believe people bought that second hand!
Sixty USD, I'm not sure what that works out in Pounds Sterling, but, yeah. Especially since it hasn't come down in price since it was released.
£55 in the UK actually (I just checked) which is a fair bit more expensive than $60. In fact, are you sure that's how much it was? $60 is ~£35!
Gah, I spaced that one. I'd forgotten that the exchange rate was nearly 2:1. Sorry.
Woodsey said:
So you like the idea of £15 map packs? Interesting.
Wait, the $15 map packs are £15 over there!? o_O
I lied, they're £11 on Steam. But this is still for what, 4 or 5 maps? It's a joke. They should be £5 at most.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Woodsey said:
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Normally I side with the publishers on this, but Activision are shooting themselves in the foot.

Modern Warfare 2 was what, £50? No shit, I can't believe people bought that second hand!
Sixty USD, I'm not sure what that works out in Pounds Sterling, but, yeah. Especially since it hasn't come down in price since it was released.
£55 in the UK actually (I just checked) which is a fair bit more expensive than $60. In fact, are you sure that's how much it was? $60 is ~£35!
Gah, I spaced that one. I'd forgotten that the exchange rate was nearly 2:1. Sorry.
Woodsey said:
So you like the idea of £15 map packs? Interesting.
Wait, the $15 map packs are £15 over there!? o_O
I lied, they're £11 on Steam. But this is still for what, 4 or 5 maps? It's a joke. They should be £5 at most.
You're still getting shafted to the tune of about 20% more than the US price on those. But it's been an open conspiracy theory for a while that Activision decided to screw over the MW community by not releasing map editors and then charging half again what they used to for official map packs.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Normally I side with the publishers on this, but Activision are shooting themselves in the foot.

Modern Warfare 2 was what, £50? No shit, I can't believe people bought that second hand!
Sixty USD, I'm not sure what that works out in Pounds Sterling, but, yeah. Especially since it hasn't come down in price since it was released.
£55 in the UK actually (I just checked) which is a fair bit more expensive than $60. In fact, are you sure that's how much it was? $60 is ~£35!
Gah, I spaced that one. I'd forgotten that the exchange rate was nearly 2:1. Sorry.
Woodsey said:
So you like the idea of £15 map packs? Interesting.
Wait, the $15 map packs are £15 over there!? o_O
I lied, they're £11 on Steam. But this is still for what, 4 or 5 maps? It's a joke. They should be £5 at most.
You're still getting shafted to the tune of about 20% more than the US price on those. But it's been an open conspiracy theory for a while that Activision decided to screw over the MW community by not releasing map editors and then charging half again what they used to for official map packs.
Haha, I was going to mention that it's more than what it should be, but it's like a £2 difference; I don't want to sound tight.

Ah well, I haven't played CoD since Modern Warfare and even that didn't interest me very much.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Just when I read that article about them thinking female leads can't carry games and I thought 'well, at least they can't make themselves look any worse' they pull this shit on us! XD

I honestly couldn't care less about bonus DLC with a new game, if it'a a game that I feel is worth a purchase then I'll buy it, otherwise I'll either wait for some price drops, or I'll just hire it.



New member
Oct 22, 2008
AcidLillies said:
I buy a WORTHWHILE game brand new EVERY TIME I would brand it worthwhile, hence why I don't buy a game until at least a month after initial release; mainly down to other's reviews and how much I can piece together, impression wise, from various trailers and random videos people may make. In fact, I find myself intentionally looking for brand new copies of gorgeous games even if said brand new copy is ridiculously rare; an attitude I've only recently adopted.
And if you don't think the game is worth paying full price for, it shouldn't especially upset you if you're not getting all the bells & whistles that the people who DO think the game is worth paying full price for will receive.

The fundamental root of the complaint here, from the majority of people, is that the people who pay the extra, say, $20-30 will be getting $10 more content than the people who buy their games used.

Oh no.


New member
Mar 18, 2008


Seriously, do they SERIOUSLY lose that much profit from used sales or piracy. Both remove a TINY fraction of their profit, the games industry is growing massively and profits are soaring, Activision made £200,000,000 from DLC ALONE.

They just use this as an excuse to charge even more exorborant prices for mediocre games with 4 hour campaigns and horribly untested and inbalanced multiplayer. Before they used piracy as an excuse to make it easier for them to develop the game since they didn't do any PC dedicated server support, they also charged £60 'as an experiment'. Now they are gonna remove content from the game and charge you £10 to download it AND make the game full price.


New member
Mar 18, 2008
Woodsey said:
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Normally I side with the publishers on this, but Activision are shooting themselves in the foot.

Modern Warfare 2 was what, £50? No shit, I can't believe people bought that second hand!
Sixty USD, I'm not sure what that works out in Pounds Sterling, but, yeah. Especially since it hasn't come down in price since it was released.
£55 in the UK actually (I just checked) which is a fair bit more expensive than $60. In fact, are you sure that's how much it was? $60 is ~£35!
Gah, I spaced that one. I'd forgotten that the exchange rate was nearly 2:1. Sorry.
Woodsey said:
So you like the idea of £15 map packs? Interesting.
Wait, the $15 map packs are £15 over there!? o_O
I lied, they're £11 on Steam. But this is still for what, 4 or 5 maps? It's a joke. They should be £5 at most.
You're still getting shafted to the tune of about 20% more than the US price on those. But it's been an open conspiracy theory for a while that Activision decided to screw over the MW community by not releasing map editors and then charging half again what they used to for official map packs.
Haha, I was going to mention that it's more than what it should be, but it's like a £2 difference; I don't want to sound tight.

Ah well, I haven't played CoD since Modern Warfare and even that didn't interest me very much.
No it's £15 for 2 maps since the others are just ported from COD 4. Something anyone in the PC community could do with basic mod tools and for free.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
adderseal said:
Well done sir, you win the prize for the most arrogant, idiotic comment I've ever seen on this site.
Not everybody is a 'hardcore gamer' (note the irony) like you. In fact, some people choose NOT to arrange their daily lives around playing games online. Now, I like games. However, I like lots of other things a lot more. So I'm a technophobic incompetent because I don't want to spend £50 on a wireless adapter for my 360? And then a monthly fee to actually use the service? No, my attitude is shared by most 360 owners.
If we're talking PS3, it's free. No worries there. But I still can't believe you're so naive as to class every single person who doesn't want to hear whiny 13-year olds (and socially incompetent 19-year olds) swear and shout and scream at them as a technophobe. Maybe those people are put off going online by 'hardcore gamers' like yourself.
Well, technically I got exactly the reaction I was hoping for out of that, so woot!

And gogo branding someone who owns a whopping 4 games for his console (half of them bought used, I might add) as a 'hardcore gamer'.

Now, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the distinct impression that the basic Xbox Live package was free. If I'm wrong, then by all means, you have my apologies.

If I'm not, however, then I stand by my statement, except I'll just have to expand it to include the lazy as well as the incompetent.

If you have an ISP, you can run a cheap ethernet cable to your Xbox. You're posting on this site, so you obviously have an ISP. You can drop a few bucks (pounds) on a cable, IF YOU WERE SO INCLINED, and would have nothing to complain about that you magically don't have access to DLC. You are under no compulsion to get a headset and deal with the stereotypical and oft-maligned 13 year olds that apparently lurk on Xbox Live.

In short, your excuses are, frankly, rather flimsy.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
diasravenguard said:
The video game indrustry is the biggest entertainment industry already, in terms of making money.
I think the adult entertainment industry is still the number 1 in the world. . .
Really? With all the free porn you can get on the Internet for free? I guess that's sorta the same problem now that I think about it. Haha.