Adjusting Battlefield 3's Brightness Could Get You Banned


New member
Jul 10, 2009
The stupid washed out colour filter is the worst part of that broken damn game. My fix was to setup an alternate contrast setting on my monitor. Fuck with that, EA. Come at me.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Or you could just... you know, adjust the color set-up on your monitor. Probably easier then modding the game too, depending on the manufacturer. Wait, I'm supposed to be mad about them not leting PC gamers mod there game... um... I'm very angry and upset over this issue and care very much about it... I am in no way just saying this because and feel many deep... ugh... emotions over this issue! Yeah... lots of feeling and stuff.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Okay. To play Devil's advocate, I can understand how they'd want to "lock down" the multiplayer variables so that nobody can give themselves an unfair advantage. (Though this practically screams for DICE to include an option for color schemes/shader selection in the game.) But this?

FitzOmega said:
Well, here's all the problem. DICE never really want to give the possibility to mod the game, and so a lot of thing is client based and with no server check.
This is practically the height of idiocy. It was bad enough that hacked servers could screw with clients in MW2, but allowing ANYthing important to be clientside without a server authentication is just begging for issues.

Come on, DICE. This "online multiplayer" thing isn't exactly new.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Well this isn't exactly as simple as changing the brightness as the title states, but it still shouldn't be a bannable offense


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Mangles69 said:
Wait....people still play that shitty game? When we have MOP/BL2/TL2/Resi6 and Dishonored (soon)? I don't even.
Well, there are people that don't like RPGs, MMOs, or Loot-Em-Up games. There are also people who probably haven't heard of Dishonored, and Resident Evil 6 I can't really make an excuse for, but it's just one game.

OT: ... I haven't played this game, but couldn't they just have special servers that allow mods and then like... have a system put in place that just shuts down your game if you're using mods on 'official' servers?


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
I can see why they might call this a "cheat". After all, based on the screenshots in previous posts, it would make it much easier to spot enemies compared to people using the default graphics.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Mangles69 said:
Wait....people still play that shitty game? When we have MOP/BL2/TL2/Resi6 and Dishonored (soon)? I don't even.
Don't forget about Hawken!

Agent Larkin

New member
Apr 6, 2009
Ever since the day EA said that they wouldn#t be releasing Battlefield 3 Mod Tools because the engine would be "Too complex" for the modders to understand I have said "Feck this" and never bought Battlefield 3.

I still play Battlefield 2 and the Mod Forgotten Hope 2 EVERY DAY.

Now I see that i 100% was right in my call. If EA/Dice won't accept that by now the only thing that keeps online shooters played over the years is mods well then.....nanana nana to them.

V da Mighty Taco

New member
Apr 9, 2011
Is anyone else pissed at how lazy DICE was with their idea of camouflage? Washing out the colors so that EVERYTHING looks like each other is not good game design. Players who aren't even trying to hide should not be blending into the walls and ground around them, plain and simple.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Mangles69 said:
Wait....people still play that shitty game? When we have MOP/BL2/TL2/Resi6 and Dishonored (soon)? I don't even.
other than RE6 and Dishonoured I have no idea what those games are. And RE 6 isn't something to be looked forward to, so much as eyed with suspicion.

anyway OT:
I perfectly understand WHY DICE/EA are banning players who use this mod, it is against the TOS and probably does make it much easier to see concealed players. What would be super is if they gave us an option to play on servers where the colour filters were removed, because god damn that looked beautiful. I miss the Alpha so much, as buggy as it was. Rockets through the bridge in Metro, M16A3s with a 3 stage fire select, players having out of body experiences, falling through the map...

Okay it was pretty damn terrible but it looked nice and the core gameplay was pretty good when it worked.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Rocklobster99 said:

I seriously wonder who came up with the idea to put that blue filter on everything.
It makes the game a lot harder to play too, and not in a good way. Players just meld in the background a lot easier facilitating camping and general confusion when things get hectic.

A damn shame, Bad Company 2 looked absolutely amazing and was a blast to play. Battlefield 3 didn't give me nearly as much enjoyment and that game has friggin' jets.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
The infuriating part is that a week after this became "hot" on the BF3 fora it was banned by it's developers.

Meanwhile wall-hacks, aimbots and a long, long list of glitches remain unfixed for months.

It's their attitude on the forums..if you ask about a map tool you get your topic locked. Same sometimes happens to questions about the missing PC VoIP.
Instead of opening it up like Skyrim, or any of Valve's stuff, they hammer it down completely.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Korten12 said:
Proverbial Jon said:
Karloff said:
Holling says, is "to [sic] colorful" for Battlefield 3.
Holling, when asked about the mod on Twitter [], responded by saying that "I wouldn't use those hacks if you don't want a perm ban on your account."
Wow. Someone's a bit butt-hurt that a mere modder made their game look better.
Well it's not like the modder actually improved anything, they just removed the filters and the colors shown in the mod are what the games naturals colors are.

So apparently DICE doesn't want to see the game as they originally designed it. XD
But...but...but if everything is vibrantly colored like it would be in real life rather than painted dull, grey, and are the players supposed to know that they're in a war? Because everyone knows the second a war breaks out reality shifts into a different, bland color spectrum!


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I'm on Dice's side here. Mods can tip the balance of a multiplayer experience and in games like BF3 it's important to try to maintain the balance. Maybe this mod in particular doesn't do anything very bad but it's easy to see how future mods could.

So yeah, it sucks that they are condemning a mod that makes the game look better, but I'm behind them all the way if it means they preserve multiplayer balance.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Rocklobster99 said:

I seriously wonder who came up with the idea to put that blue filter on everything.
Umm, that screenshot isn't very good for comparison since the difference in color isn't shown in the same zone.

The same map yes, but not the same area. Just saying.


New member
May 13, 2010
Want to mod a EA game: Ban.

Want to mod near any other game: "Oh sure, here are the tools we used to make the freakin' game. Have fun."

It may have something to do with the programming used to detect stuff, I dunno. But really, this shouldn't be a problem EA. )=

It makes me sad.