After 13 tries I managed to beat FTL...


New member
Aug 30, 2011
i usually get to the mothership when it launches a gazillion drones at you. Then I just die in 5 seconds


New member
Apr 4, 2013
My favorite victory: medbay was out, shields were out, engines were out, that fancy special weapon the federation ship (Osprey?) gets was out, life support was out, door control was out, the entire starboard side was on fire, and 4 of my 6 crew were dead. I managed to pound the thing down anyway, much to my surprise.

I can only assume my ship was busy breaking up while the end credits rolled.


New member
Apr 4, 2013
BLAHwhatever said:
i usually get to the mothership when it launches a gazillion drones at you. Then I just die in 5 seconds
Buy all the engine upgrades, when that happens, power down something else in order to pump your engine to full (not shields, obviously), it'll give you enough of a dodge % that your shields will hold. Alternatively, use a cloak, and when that happens hit your cloak button.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
Not too bad, I've got 24 hours played on my FTL and have completed it 6 times.


New member
Apr 4, 2013
Strazdas said:
20 hours sounds more like 1-2 games though. i mean, 20 hours is very small amount of time to spend on a game. well, maybe with those 3 hours for 60 bucks titles nowadays its not that small, but it used to be :(
With FTL its more like 30-60 goes. At most an FTL run takes maybe an hour and a half to victory, a loss might only take 5 minutes, then you start over.


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Cherish that feeling OP. I've put in nearly 40 hours, unlocked most of the ships (except for that elusive crystal ship) and have still only beaten it once.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Requia said:
My favorite victory: medbay was out, shields were out, engines were out, that fancy special weapon the federation ship (Osprey?) gets was out, life support was out, door control was out, the entire starboard side was on fire, and 4 of my 6 crew were dead. I managed to pound the thing down anyway, much to my surprise.

I can only assume my ship was busy breaking up while the end credits rolled.
I'm sure there was alot of duct tape involved in there somewhere.

OT: I've yet to have the time to sit down and play FTL, it's on my to play list..... a very tall list I might add.....


New member
Dec 24, 2012
Only 13? Damn...

I still haven't been able to beat it legit. I use CheatEngine to mod my scrap and just buy all the good stuff from stores.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
You managed to beat FTL? I got to hour 72 before giving up. It was definitly fun when I was playing it, it was quite addictive and fun. But now it only kinda makes me super angry so I stopped playing it. I wish I could say the same for Counter Strike. I get angry but dun stop :c

Jimmy T. Malice

New member
Dec 28, 2010
I got to the final boss once. I took down its first phase with three points of hull remaining, and I was trying to get to the repair station when I accidentally jumped into the boss again and died horribly.

Love this game, but the final boss is just too hard, especially if you haven't been lucky with weapon drops or you're playing on Normal.


New member
May 22, 2010
Strazdas said:
Well done hero. Now rest and try again.
Yeah games used to end like that once.
Well congratulations, now try beating StarDrive on Nightmare. (the easy mode is so easy any newbie can do that though)

erttheking said:
Only 13 goes?
Cheers man. I've clocked in over 20 hours and I still haven't beaten the damn game. I came close once though, I was able to take out the flagship's second form, but after that I was holding my ship together with duct tape and prayers and I couldn't get to a repair station because the flagship was right on top of the federation base. I didn't last long in the final fight.
20 hours sounds more like 1-2 games though. i mean, 20 hours is very small amount of time to spend on a game. well, maybe with those 3 hours for 60 bucks titles nowadays its not that small, but it used to be :(

Lil_Rimmy said:
But regardless, if you actually started the game up, played on normal and in one go beat the boss, I am calling bullshit. You must have at least read a strategy guide, seen videos or played easy first. I don't think there is a person on this earth who can sit down, download FTL and beat it on normal in the first go.
Could have been very lucky? there were times when i did something and it felt easy. thne going though a second play it would tkae me 10 tries to beat the same location because i got very lucky in the first run (namely the last reactor invasion on Shadow Of Chernobyl, damn those snipers who shoot you as soon as you move past the corner.
And there are people who would pick a game, any game, trie a first few moments and then sit and actually analyze what they did and how it went, learning a lot at the very begining. and in games like FTL where the setup balance of "if i do that ill loose that" this means a lot. SUch people usually like this type of games to begin with so acostumed to the whole idea.
Nobody's that lucky. You should see some of the threads from when it was a recent release -- there were people complaining about how it was nothing but luck, and the game was stacked against you so much that it was impossible to win. The reality is the game is stacked against you, and the skill comes in minimizing the damage that that bad luck does to you. Although even then, there's the occasional run that ends on the very first jump. I had one once where the first beacon was into a nebula with an ion storm and a strong ship waiting. Ion storms cut your engine power in half, which with it being the first jump, meant I was pretty much doomed.

Anyway, an average playthrough of this game is about 20-30 minutes, after which you've lost. A win takes longer, but it would be a ridiculously long playthrough that lasted more than two hours, so 20 hours is quite a bit more than two playthroughs.

P.S.: I'm thinking the poster in question meant it was his first attempt /on normal,/ as in he had been playing it on easy for a while before attempting normal. Which is possible, although the difficulty jump between modes is big enough to make even that a pretty big feat.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
At some point I turned off the group that chases/pushes you through each section. Now I get to explore the environments more fully and am more prepared by the time I get to the boss. But yeah, before then I had to really fight to get there and the boss fight was usually the epic live/die fight.

I think an easier difficulty would have made the game a lot more enjoyable for people who just enjoy the gameplay and don't want an unnecessarily difficult scenario that impedes the ability to enjoy the game.


Forgot to remember to forget.
Jun 26, 2011
As the others here have said, Only 13 Runs? You deserve a medal for that one. my track record is nowhere as nice, I finally beat it (easy) on my 100th play (Kestrel). Funnily enough my 2nd victory was right after the first one, my maiden voyage with the Osprey. After that I beat it 2 more times down the road (Basilisk and Osprey again), All of that in 66 hours.

My most harrying play had to the Maiden Voyage of the Osprey. First time using the ship, Finding out that that it CAN'T have cloaking at all (Artillery beam takes that slot) only added to the tension. but luck was with me as I neared the end of sector seven I happened upon a burst fire laser mk3 (The one that fires 4 beams, I think) that added with the one you start with and the Artillery Beam made short work of anything... save for stage two of the boss... No cloaking. Gods, that was rough, I think I came out of that with perhaps 2-3 HP left. But in the end I managed to eke out a victory with the Osprey, In a way it kind of means something to me, first time using a ship and I win with it. Like it was the ship the federation should have been using all along.


New member
Oct 23, 2009
Either they patched it to increase the difficulty or I just never realised how insanely good I was at this game.

I didn't beat it on my first go, but I figured out some pretty good goals to work at which proved successful more often than not. I got to a point where I got to the end boss practically every time and killed it pretty reliably.

Still, I remember that first encounter with the boss where you got absolutely trounced and the first time you see it blow to smithereens. Powerful emotions from a five dollar game.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
There are certain strategies and tactics that make the game a lot easier once you figure them out. The strategy aspect involves planning jumping routes so that you manage to grind out the sectors as much as possible and figuring out good builds(I wrote a tier list for equipment pieces, just because I was bored). Tactics involve figuring out how the weapons should be used properly(missiles/beams should be fired in volleys, EMP builds should have autofire), what systems to target, or whether you should just board the motherfuckers. I manage to win 70-80% of the time nowadays on Normal difficulty, but it's still a legitimately challenging game even on Easy. So, cheers mate, good job on completing FTL! Now, go for that Normal mode, it's definitely not impossible.

Anyways, my favorite moment of the game thus far(which is after like 30-40 playthroughs and probably like 60+ games)? It has to be when I was at part 3 of the final boss with a missile based build, only I ran out of missiles(which is one of two reasons why I hate missile builds). Thus my brave crew did the only thing there was left to do:

They manned the fuck up and killed the flagship by punching it to death.

No, seriously. I took out the zoltan shield on it, teleported my entire crew onto the flagship and started destroying all the systems(except the oxygen system) by hand. The AI started repairing the systems, but it never did it fast enough to get any weapons up, and all that did was to make sure my badass crew members could do damage by knocking the systems back into red. It took a few minutes, but I managed to take the flagship out.
The fact that my entire crew died in the explosion is a minor detail, and their sacrifice will forever be remembered.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
The problem I had with FTL is I beat it on my very first try, probably some sheer luck, but after that the game's appeal was lost to me - since the goal of the game is just to beat it, what now?

Playing again and losing would just be a step backwards... so thank FSM I didn't pay much for it because it just got boring for me.