After Poor Suicide Squad Reviews, Fan Creates Petition to Shut Down Rotten Tomatoes


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Yyyyyyep. Two movies, and RT becomes a gigantic DC-crushing machine.

Those high ratings for Nolan's Batman movies? The 96% for Arrow, and 98% for Flash, on television? All to lure you into a false sense of security!

Kidding aside, what I've read elsewhere suggests that the petition's author doesn't really expect RT to shut down or be shut down, he just wants people to think... about... something? How jaded and mean-spirited critics are, I guess.

We go through phases of this. People saying we can't turn off our brains and watch a popcorn movie anymore, people saying critics see so many movies they've forgotten how to enjoy them. I will even grant some small measure of sympathy for those ideas, on occasion; some critics do seem to take an almost sadistic glee in eviscerating a movie for reasons that may seem both personal and arbitrary, and some do give one an inkling that perhaps they've been at their job too long.

But there are way too many sacred cows out there already, too many cultural land mines. And so-called "popcorn movies" are one thing, but you shouldn't be making that excuse when you need millions of people to show up to your movie at $10 a pop in order to break even. I can turn off my brain for a $3 second-run theater or something I'm watching in a half-daze on Netflix; for full price I want, at the minimum, a script that doesn't break its own logic and actors who aren't "phoning it in".

The critics are just doing their jobs. And if 88 (and counting) didn't like Suicide Squad, well... A vendetta on the part of Rotten Tomatoes does not seem, to put it kindly, to be the more likely scenario.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
bastardofmelbourne said:
To everyone here who watches Zero Punctuation: If Ben Croshaw was a film critic, would he meet RT's qualifications to be included in the aggregate? And if he was, how would RT tell whether his reviews were positive or negative when he deliberately avoids giving a review a score in favour of giving you his actual, unvarnished opinion?
Yahtzee isn't a great example of a critic to use here. I've watched all of his reviews, its very easy to determine whether or not he likes a game. He's even joked about the level of stupid a person would have to be at to see an ep of ZP and not know if he recommended the game or not. And as said before, if for some reason RT couldn't tell one way or another... they could just ask. Or if they make the wrong assumption, the reviewer or critic CAN contact them and request they change their rating.

But on to the topic in general, every movie that is mostly hated has its random finger-in-ears fanboys. Hell, I absolutely loved Southland Tales. But as far as I go usually is saying "hey, I liked it" and maybe explain what it is I did like if someone is bashing it. Point is, some fanboys rant and scream about the injustice of it all. Obviously this person who initiated the petition is just the ranty and screamy-est of those juvenile fanboys.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Kyrian007 said:
Yahtzee isn't a great example of a critic to use here. I've watched all of his reviews, its very easy to determine whether or not he likes a game.
Wait, it is?

Considering that ZP is more or less designed to have as much fun as a game's expense as possible, I do find it hard sometimes to tell whether he likes something or not, because absolutely anything can be ripped to shreds at the end of the day (Cinema Sins is built on this for instance). Watch ZP long enough, you start to notice some recurring trends (e.g., this week's review reaffirms that he dislikes JRPGs, but aside from that, the last game I think he liked was...Doom, maybe? The rest are either games he genuienly disliked, or games that he still took the mickey out of regardless.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
Kibeth41 said:
It's petty, but not completely unwarranted in my opinion.

I feel that Rottentomatoes should be like Metacritic and have a separate section for User reviews. Because a lot of the time, I see a major discrepency between the two, and it usually means the movie is okay.

For example, let's take Warcraft and BvS. These movies had pretty bad critic reviews, but a LOT of good user reviews. This probably comes down to the fact that the critics aren't really fans of the source material and are more just watching the movies because they have to, without really "getting" anything that's going on. Whereas the users who go out to watch these movies are more than likely going to be fans of the source material already, and can provide a more accurate insight for other fans (probably you included).

And then there are movies like Ghostbusters, which saw decent critic reviews, and abysmal user reviews. Probably due to critics looking at the movie with a more neutral viewpoint, away from any backlash or controversy. Whereas users have been on the hate bandwagon for Ghostbusters ever since its conception.

Do I think that Rottentomatoes should go? No. Is the petition petty? Yes. But could Rottentomatoes be improved? Definitely.

EDIT: Someone corrected me that RT has user scores. Shows how much I visit the website.
Honestly, Ghostbusters, while it had issues with male characters, lousy plot, and no understanding of the supernatural (seriously, coming up with ratings and classifications when they imply no-one on the planet has ever seen a ghost), the cast were fine. I just wish Paul Feig would get his damn sex change if he thinks males are dicks or incompetent.

I saw Suicide Squad, and I get why the low reviews. I mean, when I found out the script was written in six weeks, I understood why there were so many problems with the narrative. Warner Bros needs to put faith in their writers, and hopefully we get a good DC movie *Looks at Wonder Woman movie with hope, and concern*

Otaku World Order

New member
Nov 24, 2011
MCerberus said:
I'm going to float the conspiracy that this is all the machinations of Tara Strong, who was weirdly super into Hot Topic Harley.
I don't think it's weird to be super into Hot Topic Harley. Is it weird? Please tell me I'm not the only one who wanted to see this movie because of Hot Topic Harley... Well, me and Tara Strong apparently. I didn't know the voice of Juliet Starling would be into that.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
mduncan50 said:
Ok, another
My point still stands - these are the reviewers that I regularly visit, who, unlike reviewers like former Escapist alum Bob Chipman, aren't automatically looking for something to hate. Maybe it's you that's cherrypicking. Not a great movie, but not the bomb that people want it to be.


New member
Aug 4, 2012
Heres a crazy idea...Rotten Tomatoes is not a good website to judge if a movie is good or not! Its just like metacritic, I could go into the several issues, (like weighting certain critics heavier than others behind closed doors) but I'd be typing for hours, just ignore Rotten Tomatoes and see what the critics you trust have to say


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Kibeth41 said:
IamLEAM1983 said:
If anything, what they should learn from Marvel is to stop being afraid to embrace the stupidity of their properties' respective premises. Nobody loses their parents and then decides to turn into a cape-wearing detective-ninja; just as someone with Superman's abilities is likely to have more-than-rocky formative years.
But not everyone wants a second Marvel franchise...

DC have managed to present Batman and Superman's origins in serious manners many times before. They don't have to switch from that. It's nice to have different styles in movies, rather than having a singular comedy/superhero genre.

And personally, I like Batman's story. His parents were killed in an act of violence, so a gifted child decides to use his open doors and opportunities to pursue making the world a better place.

Sure, you might see the premise as absurd, but that doesn't mean that DC have to, or should act upon that opinion.
To be fair, Lego Batman seems to be taking Batman in his inherently silly direction so I highly doubt the live-action films will go as goofy.

Honestly, the problem with the DCEU isn't the style. Marvel has Daredevil and Jessica Jones and both are far darker than MoS, BvS and (probably) Suicide Squad and both are well received. The problem with the two DCEU movies is that they aren't as clever as they think they are. Well, that and they suffer from atrocious editing and writing.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Remus said:
mduncan50 said:
Ok, another
My point still stands - these are the reviewers that I regularly visit, who, unlike reviewers like former Escapist alum Bob Chipman, aren't automatically looking for something to hate. Maybe it's you that's cherrypicking. Not a great movie, but not the bomb that people want it to be.
As proof that it's good you're showing a video that gave it a 2.4/5 and called it a big disappointment? Interesting strategy Cotton.

thewatergamer said:
Heres a crazy idea...Rotten Tomatoes is not a good website to judge if a movie is good or not! Its just like metacritic, I could go into the several issues, (like weighting certain critics heavier than others behind closed doors) but I'd be typing for hours, just ignore Rotten Tomatoes and see what the critics you trust have to say
How are they weighting certain critics higher? It's a binary system, either they liked it or they didn't, and they show you every single review, and whether they liked it or not, you can do the math yourself. It is literally about as transparent as it can be. Not to mention, since Warner owns the site, you'd think any bias would swing in their direction.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Having looked at most of the critical reviews that RT was gathering? A lot of them didn't seem especially cruel. Most of them seem to think it was okay, just NOT the smash hit that DC wanted and needed. Good moments amid some blandness.

Which isn't what DC needs. After Man of Steel and BvS, they don't need something alright or something decent. They need something GREAT.

Honestly, I think they should just play it sincerely. Not goofily or funnily. Just... Have larger-than-life figures, many of whom just want to do good in this crazy world of ours.

Wonder Woman actually is the first movie to make me EXCITED for the DCCU.

Also, other free suggestions.

Zack Snyder. Fire him. Don't let him near any of your other movies again.

Color. Add some. Make it pop. I mean, a recent Man At Arms episode showed Movie Aquaman next to a picture of the new Aquaman comic, and boy HOWDY was that a mistake, to show how washed out and dreary Movie Aquaman looked.

Also, whoever suggested or insisted on putting elements of the Death of Superman arc into BvS? Fire them too. Fire them for gross incompetence, and if they ask for references then call back every prospective boss and say "Just so you know he's the one who decided to kill off Superman in his second movie" (I admit this is a LOT on me, but that move was something that should have been struck down when it was proposed)


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Kyman102 said:
Honestly, I think they should just play it sincerely. Not goofily or funnily. Just... Have larger-than-life figures, many of whom just want to do good in this crazy world of ours.
So you think they should make it like the DC comic universe? well now that's just crazy talk!


Senior Member
Feb 20, 2011
mduncan50 said:
thewatergamer said:
Heres a crazy idea...Rotten Tomatoes is not a good website to judge if a movie is good or not! Its just like metacritic, I could go into the several issues, (like weighting certain critics heavier than others behind closed doors) but I'd be typing for hours, just ignore Rotten Tomatoes and see what the critics you trust have to say
How are they weighting certain critics higher? It's a binary system, either they liked it or they didn't, and they show you every single review, and whether they liked it or not, you can do the math yourself. It is literally about as transparent as it can be. Not to mention, since Warner owns the site, you'd think any bias would swing in their direction.
Well, to be fair, I suspect that most people only look at the tomatometer, which weighs the movie using a binary good-or-bad system. And according to that, only 20% of critics liked Suicide Squad. But the average critical rating, just beneath it, hangs at 4.8 out of 10, placing the movie just south of average.


New member
Aug 4, 2012
mduncan50 said:
Remus said:
mduncan50 said:
Ok, another
My point still stands - these are the reviewers that I regularly visit, who, unlike reviewers like former Escapist alum Bob Chipman, aren't automatically looking for something to hate. Maybe it's you that's cherrypicking. Not a great movie, but not the bomb that people want it to be.
As proof that it's good you're showing a video that gave it a 2.4/5 and called it a big disappointment? Interesting strategy Cotton.

thewatergamer said:
Heres a crazy idea...Rotten Tomatoes is not a good website to judge if a movie is good or not! Its just like metacritic, I could go into the several issues, (like weighting certain critics heavier than others behind closed doors) but I'd be typing for hours, just ignore Rotten Tomatoes and see what the critics you trust have to say
How are they weighting certain critics higher? It's a binary system, either they liked it or they didn't, and they show you every single review, and whether they liked it or not, you can do the math yourself. It is literally about as transparent as it can be. Not to mention, since Warner owns the site, you'd think any bias would swing in their direction.
You really think they don't tweak the algorithim behind closed doors? Why then do they separate critics by "top critics" and "critics"


New member
Feb 28, 2016

This is why I despise mega-fans. They cannot understand that not everything their precious little multinational, multi-million dollar corporation will be perfect, or even good. So rather than try and be reasonable, they have a collective *****-fest and do moronic shit like this.

This gets a special mention though, since (as many a fellow commenter has mentioned above) Warner Bros. actually has a stake in both RT and its parent company, Flixster. Not to mention sheer reality-altering idiocy of people who don't understand how RT actually gets its review scores.

EDIT: Guys, if I misuse a word, you can call me out on it. Just don't be a dick.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Just saw Suicide Squad, and whatever the critics say I loved it. Better than BvS, but that's not a stretch. It has issues, of course, but its more of a B+ movie than a D-.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Noooooo, the petition is closed! D:

I had my money on it being run by one of the code monkeys over at Metacritic. ;__;


New member
Feb 28, 2016
thewatergamer said:
Heres a crazy idea...Rotten Tomatoes is not a good website to judge if a movie is good or not! Its just like metacritic, I could go into the several issues, (like weighting certain critics heavier than others behind closed doors) but I'd be typing for hours, just ignore Rotten Tomatoes and see what the critics you trust have to say
Again, someone needs to learn where RT gets its ratings. True enough, Metacritic is biased, true enough. But the bias is towards critics and establishments with a good reputation (whose ratings are weighted), not towards Disney or FOX.

Rotten Tomatoes is not nearly as biased. That big score you see next to the movie title is how many critics recommended viewing the film, not the average score (which, BTW, is directly underneath it in fine print). Honestly, I find that is a far better system than Metacritic or IMDB.

An even better idea would be to not let a critic/fan divide in review scores stop you from seeing a movie. Just remember that there have been multiple instance where the critics were wrong and where the fans were wrong.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
thewatergamer said:
mduncan50 said:
Remus said:
mduncan50 said:
Ok, another
My point still stands - these are the reviewers that I regularly visit, who, unlike reviewers like former Escapist alum Bob Chipman, aren't automatically looking for something to hate. Maybe it's you that's cherrypicking. Not a great movie, but not the bomb that people want it to be.
As proof that it's good you're showing a video that gave it a 2.4/5 and called it a big disappointment? Interesting strategy Cotton.

thewatergamer said:
Heres a crazy idea...Rotten Tomatoes is not a good website to judge if a movie is good or not! Its just like metacritic, I could go into the several issues, (like weighting certain critics heavier than others behind closed doors) but I'd be typing for hours, just ignore Rotten Tomatoes and see what the critics you trust have to say
How are they weighting certain critics higher? It's a binary system, either they liked it or they didn't, and they show you every single review, and whether they liked it or not, you can do the math yourself. It is literally about as transparent as it can be. Not to mention, since Warner owns the site, you'd think any bias would swing in their direction.
You really think they don't tweak the algorithim behind closed doors? Why then do they separate critics by "top critics" and "critics"
thewatergamer you can LITERALLY do the math for yourself to see that it's correct. As for Top Critics, from their own site:


Top Critic is a title awarded to the most significant contributors of cinematic and critical discourse. To be considered for Top Critics designation, a critic must be published at a print publication in the top 10% of circulation, employed as a film critic at a national broadcast outlet for no less than five years, or employed as a film critic for an editorial-based website with over 1.5 million monthly unique visitors for a minimum of three years. A Top Critic may also be recognized as such based on their influence, reach, reputation, and/or quality of writing, as determined by Rotten Tomatoes staff.
Also, on the Tomatometer you can choose to only use Top Critics if you want.

Take off your tinfoil hat. Nobody is trying to railroad WB/DC, especially not on their own site.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
Honestly, who cares? Just watch what you want. Why do you need your tastes validated by your dad a bunch of critics?

Nerd fandom remains the worst.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Ok, some quick Googling has revealed that the people who started the petition know that it won't get the site shut down, but is rather an effort to make critics aware that they don't like the negative reviews about the movie. And what?!

Why the hell... oh, nope. Having a rage stroke. Back in a day or so.