Age of Conan Goes Free-to-Play


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
Free-to-play is the future, kids!
It's the future for shitty MMOs that don't have enough to offer to give someone the incentive to actually pay for the damn thing. It's sad to see everyone yelling "it's the future!" just because every single MMO aside from the obvious one has been utter crap to date, something which everyone is very well aware of.

Here's to Rift and TOR showing people subscription MMOs are perfectly viable when they're not shit.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Metalhandkerchief said:
Vrach said:
Andy Chalk said:
Free-to-play is the future, kids!
It's the future for shitty MMOs that don't have enough to offer to give someone the incentive to actually pay for the damn thing. It's sad to see everyone yelling "it's the future!" just because every single MMO aside from the obvious one has been utter crap to date, something which everyone is very well aware of.

Here's to Rift and TOR showing people subscription MMOs are perfectly viable when they're not shit.
Age of Conan has sixty times the content of Rift, and is steadily getting more. It's easier on the system too since last year's engine overhaul. But I guess when most gamers are shortsighted and can hold a grudge for decades, it's hard to come back from a bad launch. AoC are steadily climbing back, that much is evident from in-game.

I only hope there aren't people left to still fool themselves to think Age of Conan is still bad. Not that I would mind. If someone still does, the only ones they are fooling are themselves.
Oh I'm downloading it as we speak to give it a try, that's not my point. I'm merely pointing out the stupidity in chanting "f2p is the future!!!" when it's a very shitty model for games that at best results in a pile of mediocrity. It might bring in the money for a studio to make a profit, but I've yet to see it result in an actually good MMO that's on par with what WoW and Rift have to offer.

I just hate to see everyone buy into the f2p model because it's a model that was accepted due to the fact MMOs to date weren't good enough to sustain themselves with a ppm model. Yes, f2p is the future for mediocre MMOs, but that's not what we should be aiming at as an industry, it's aiming for failure.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Metalhandkerchief said:
Krion_Vark said:
Anarchy Online has been free to play for years. Funcom knows how to set up their F2P market well. Age of Conan didn't have that good of a following when it came out but A LOT of people went over from AO to try it out and people said they liked it but since it had the monthly fee attachment a lot of people stuck with AO which is onto its 10 year I believe in the next couple of weeks.
There's a lot of things that suggest you don't know much about anything. First, AoC sold over a million boxes, which is more than any other non-WoW MMO has done in history. It just stank so badly at launch that they lost most of those players.
And LIKE I SAID A LOT OF PEOPLE WENT BACK FROM AoC to AO when it came out. It doesn't mean it has a good following if it sells a million boxes it just means a lot of people bought it to try it out.


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Just been playing this game for most of the day and I have to admit that it's the most fun I have had in an MMO for a long time.
If I knew it was this good, I would've played it ages ago.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
Metalhandkerchief said:
Covarr said:
Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory plays this game. Therefore, I will not. A stupid reason, perhaps, but I've already invested plenty of time into LotRO and APB:R, so I don't really need another MMO.

P.S. Thanks
Sheldon didn't play it, that blonde chick across the hall did.
The episode was about Penny playing it, yes, but the other four core characters already did. That includes Sheldon.

P.S. Thanks