Ahmaud Arbery: Is this a strike against Citizen's Arrest, Gun Control, The Legal System, or All?

lil devils x

šŸMore Lego Goats Please!šŸ
May 1, 2020
Yes. It is a cultural thing.

People complaining about the general public wandering through the construction of their home

For some reason, people do hang out in construction. To see what's being built or that they are just interested in the process. Not just kids either, as some of these people attest to.
Yea.. I remember having a date in a house under construction during my teenage years, he had set up candles, wine, picnic blanket.. pillows.. he went all out for a 16 yr old. I also remember a party at an unfinished house with about 60 people or so.. I am sure they likely didn't appreciate that either. It is just a "thing" that happens in some areas.

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
Yes. It is a cultural thing.

People complaining about the general public wandering through the construction of their home

For some reason, people do hang out in construction. To see what's being built or that they are just interested in the process. Not just kids either, as some of these people attest to.
I did a brief stint in construction and yeah people will take a look, especially in the framing stage. Some of them are interested and will ask if the house is going up for sale, what room will this be for? etc

only problems I ever experienced was some kids had entered a job site one night and spray painted giant dicks everywhere. I mean, I assume it was kids, coulda been the artist 'wanksy'? the other time was this tweeker girl came into the job site when we were on break asking for a cigarette. she then just hung around in the driveway until she was told to leave. At the end of the day when we were packing up and locking the gate I saw her again at the end of the street watching us. Next day we find the wire fence had been cut and someone had been snooping around. nothing was taken as we didn't leave our tools at work and I could be making assumptions that this girl was the trespasser but She gave off this very weird vibe though and the way she was just hanging around I feel she was using the opportunity to see what things might be laying around later.

I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up but it's so depressing the lengths some people are going to to blame this guy.
A lie has been spreading online that he was wearing timberland boots and was in possession of a hammer, that and also he was wearing cargo shorts whilst out running.
The boots and the hammer are bullshit but they are really reaching with the khaki shorts one. I always run in that type of shorts so I don't see the problem.

Ultimately, even if this man was out on the rob, what gave these men the right to go all vigilante and take the law into their own hands?


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Yes. It is a cultural thing.

People complaining about the general public wandering through the construction of their home

For some reason, people do hang out in construction. To see what's being built or that they are just interested in the process. Not just kids either, as some of these people attest to.
Yep. I can indeed attest to that. My father's work was heavily tied to Real Estate, so he liked to keep an ear to the ground regarding house sales. Many has been the conversations we've had about the housing market, how list prices compared to what the house should be worth, and how long we expected the house to remain on the market at its list price. This also meant that whenever he knew of a home in the [extended] neighborhood that was on sale, he'd have us detour to at least pick up a posted brochure, and in the case of under-construction homes on days when nobody was working we might walk around the property or even inside the house if it was still early enough in the process to be feasible.

This hasn't changed over the years. I was visiting not so long ago and we went for a walk...which happened to pass one such house. Needless to say, we took a look around to get an idea for its layout. This one was actually of particular interest to us, because the lot's owner had recently been in a dispute with the neighborhood because he'd wanted to subdivide it and five houses where one once stood. Granted, it was a big lot for a single house, but we were all of the opinion that it would start feeling cramped at three. Hence the curiosity over the new layout.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Yes. It is a cultural thing.

People complaining about the general public wandering through the construction of their home

For some reason, people do hang out in construction. To see what's being built or that they are just interested in the process. Not just kids either, as some of these people attest to.
This was definitely a thing my friends and I used to do when walking around neighborhoods bored, and we were far from alone in doing it. This was all throughout our teenage years.

Secondhand Revenant

Recycle, Reduce, Redead
Oct 29, 2014
The Nine Hells
I wonder what the calculus is where wishing death on a trespasser is fine but if you did the same on people who actually negatively impact a lot more people and seek to take further actions that will do so the person would act outraged


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
I wonder what the calculus is where wishing death on a trespasser is fine but if you did the same on people who actually negatively impact a lot more people and seek to take further actions that will do so the person would act outraged
It's not calculus, it's formal logic.

It goes something along the lines of "IF Black"...


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
That assumes he thought he was going to be shot. Unfortunately we can never know for certain what he thought.
Why wouldn't he assume he was going to be shot? There is a pretty well established history of white dudes with guns, shooting young black men for incredibly flimsy reasons. Hell I'm white and if 2 redneck assholes (like the thousands who live around me and I see every day), came at me with weapons, I would assume I was going to get shot. There is a large percentage of the male population in this country who live in a constant "Action Hero" mindset, and actively seek out reasons to go prove their manliness by shooting someone in a way they think is justified. I hear it nearly every day in my waiting room of my office. The level of gun worship is quite terrifying. They were weened on Dirty Harry and John McClain and Rambo and Red Dawn (a favorite around here), and they LIVE for the chance to reenact that shit.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
So it looks like Gregory McMichael was a lousy cop before his retirement.

Gregory McMichael, the white retired law enforcement officer who helped chase down and kill Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old African American man, failed to complete sufficient basic law enforcement training for years, a deficiency that led to him losing his power of arrest.

McMichael, who worked as an investigator in the Brunswick judicial circuit district attorneyā€™s office from 1995 to 2019, lost his power of arrest in January 2006 for failing to complete the required 20 hours of training the previous year, according to personnel records obtained by the Guardian.

He continued to be deficient in his training for the years that followed and didnā€™t get the waiver required to reinstate his power of arrest authority. Some of the training McMichael lacked included required courses on use of force and firearms.

Secondhand Revenant

Recycle, Reduce, Redead
Oct 29, 2014
The Nine Hells
So it looks like Gregory McMichael was a lousy cop before his retirement.

... is this normal, it sounds like he didn't have the basic requirements to do much at all as an officer except sit at a desk? Is that all they had him doing for 24 years or did they just ignore his inadequacies...?

lil devils x

šŸMore Lego Goats Please!šŸ
May 1, 2020
So it looks like Gregory McMichael was a lousy cop before his retirement.

... is this normal, it sounds like he didn't have the basic requirements to do much at all as an officer except sit at a desk? Is that all they had him doing for 24 years or did they just ignore his inadequacies...?
This is in the south, so likely he was able to carry out normal duties for a long time before being benched. Hell here in Texas, Sheriffs are elected by the public and have no universal set standard minimum requirements. Some localities may set minimum requirements such as a high school ged or diploma, but there are still jurisdictions that don't have any minimum requirements, especially in rural areas yet they are armed and can enforce the law throughout the county.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
This is in the south, so likely he was able to carry out normal duties for a long time before being benched.
He does appear to have has his right to arrest revoked at certain points, so it seems as long as someone noticed he does seem to have been restricted, although the local DA (who allegedly declined to charge him before recusing herself) got him a waiver. He does also claim to have been suffering from two heart attacks and depression for why he'd missed some of the training, although why this resulted in so many annual failures to complete mandatory training is less clear.

I note he completed just one training course on de-escalation tactics, and four on Islamic terrorism (!).

lil devils x

šŸMore Lego Goats Please!šŸ
May 1, 2020
He does appear to have has his right to arrest revoked at certain points, so it seems as long as someone noticed he does seem to have been restricted, although the local DA (who allegedly declined to charge him before recusing herself) got him a waiver. He does also claim to have been suffering from two heart attacks and depression for why he'd missed some of the training, although why this resulted in so many annual failures to complete mandatory training is less clear.

I note he completed just one training course on de-escalation tactics, and four on Islamic terrorism (!).
The scary thing is, to be a sheriff here, you do not even need any of that.
There have been numerous "work arounds" they pull on actual police forces though in the south to "turn a blind eye" to someone who did not qualify to keep their gun to keep the "good 'ol boys" happy. Sounds like they were doing that here as well. He likely only had it brought up due to complaints against him, but then buried it again when things cooled off and his buddies likely hooked him up again. That is usually how this works for these guys, sometimes going to work for other local forces if it gets too bad where they are. It isn't just the south though in that regard, we have cops with criminal records still on the force as well in other areas:



Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
He does appear to have has his right to arrest revoked at certain points, so it seems as long as someone noticed he does seem to have been restricted, although the local DA (who allegedly declined to charge him before recusing herself) got him a waiver. He does also claim to have been suffering from two heart attacks and depression for why he'd missed some of the training, although why this resulted in so many annual failures to complete mandatory training is less clear.
One would think that health concerns of such magnitude causing him to miss annual mandatory training so regularly would also impact his ability to perform his other duties...

I note he completed just one training course on de-escalation tactics, and four on Islamic terrorism (!).
Somehow I'm not even surprised anymore.

Anyone want to take a guess on how many training courses he had on white supremacist terrorism?


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
One would think that health concerns of such magnitude causing him to miss annual mandatory training so regularly would also impact his ability to perform his other duties...
Of course, I would generally support the willingness of employers to protect workers with genuine health problems.

Anyone want to take a guess on how many training courses he had on white supremacist terrorism?
That might be going a bit too far. However, bearing in mind very limited information to make a judgement, my suspicion of is someone who imagines all sorts of exciting fantasies of heroic law enforcement, whilst being complacent about the humdrum basics that the job needs more.


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Mate, christ they even look like the most typical flag shagging, gun drooling, inbred kkk fetishing fuckwits ever to poison this sodding planet as it is.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Apparently, the police asked the homeowner to call his neighbors whenever he got action on his security system according to newly released text messages. I smell a lawsuit for the family.

Also, the homeowner had 2.5k worth of fishing gear stolen from his property but never reported it apparently. Not sure how much I trust them any more but here you go anyhow.

Last edited:


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Apparently, the police asked the homeowner to call his neighbors whenever he got action on his security system according to newly released text messages. I smell a lawsuit for the family.

Also, the homeowner had 2.5k worth of fishing gear stolen from his property but never reported it apparently. Not sure how much I trust them any more but here you go anyhow.

If the cops actually outsourced their work to this unqualified dingbat, it says nothing positive about them.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2020
Looks like murder to me. Manslaughter at best.

The old guy being an ex-cop shouldn't make things better for him, in fact it should even more damning... but reality ensues, i guess.

Oh and, no matter how "suspicious" the jogger might've looked: Trespassing or loitering shouldn't be met with being shot, or even being aimed at. Not unless you trespass into nuclear enrichement facility, or a place like that.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Apparently, the police asked the homeowner to call his neighbors whenever he got action on his security system according to newly released text messages. I smell a lawsuit for the family.

Also, the homeowner had 2.5k worth of fishing gear stolen from his property but never reported it apparently. Not sure how much I trust them any more but here you go anyhow.

Where are you getting the fishing gear info? And why would he store $2,500 worth of fishing gear at a property with no doors?


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Where are you getting the fishing gear info? And why would he store $2,500 worth of fishing gear at a property with no doors?
Doesn't matter, does it?

I did a quick Google search and this fishing gear stuff seems popular on white supremacist boards (of course it is). The aim here is to merely throw as much shit at the wall in the hope some of it sticks.