All male Fox News panel freak out over the numbers of women providing the main income in households


Sep 9, 2010
Oh wait, it's okay guys! Fox News have come out saying they didn't mean that the female in a two parent heterosexual household earning the most money was bad, they just assumed that most houses where the female has to work instead of staying home to look after the kids must be a single parent household and that most single parent households are damaging to the growth of the children, saying nothing about single parent homes where the parent is male.

So instead of saying that women shouldn't be working while the men stay home, they simply made the assumption that any household where the woman is working is a single parent household and any household where the man is working is a perfectly balanced, two parent family with no problems ever.

This is so many levels of bonkers, I very nearly tried to write a paragraph describing every implied stereotype that their new argument holds that is no better than their original argument, but I just had to give up.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
My mother was the primary breadwinner in my family.

Fox news is infamous around the world for being full of crap

Seriously.... why do you Americans watch this drivel? Is it for the entertainment value or what is it?


New member
Jun 9, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
But even on that level I don't agree with either side. I don't want the federal government deciding any of that shit. The modern solution to all that isn't allowing people to make that choice, but having the federal government make the choice for them. Which still applies to what I stated. The point is that no matter what, it doesn't make it any better. People are more dedicated to causing problems and not understanding the other side than working with them. That include social issues. In the thread main post, the stat can be bad news. People should be able to understand that. Fox brought up the point that it showed a collapse in the nuclear family. Than can be bad. This could mean that men continue to abandon their wives and children in society on near a 10% or 20% scale. People should be able to hear their points before starting a fight about it.


New member
Jun 9, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
The problem is with social issues, if the government doesn't change it, it doesn't get changed. It took a government change before woman could vote. It took a government change for black to marry whites. IT TOOK A GOVERNMENT CHANGE FOR THE US TO STOP TREATING OTHER HUMANS AS PROPERTY. Some changes NEED to be forced for the sake of progress.
That is nonsense, if the North had moved from slavery as product of economic and industrial progress, then the South which had its fair share of anti-slavery ideals on the rise, was going to make its way there anyway. I wouldn't enslave someone if it was legal, this thought would have become dominant without the government. The federal government arguably dealt with everything wrongly at that point. They used power on a federal level to incite more rage from the 1800's Democrat party which was in power in the South, which in my opinion, was the cause of Jim Crow laws and Grandfather clauses created during the mid 1800's. That wasn't progress, that was control. If the South hadn't had its thoughts on state's rights over ruled by the government then the racist sentiment would have been lesser. The Republicans made the issues about slavery and racism, and, I believe, that in return so did the Southern Democrats. That may have prevented the invention of the Klan on the large scale that it existed if the issue of Racial equality wasn't made into a feral/state government issue. It may have been a less violent (maybe even quicker) progression without government intervention or even that war that happened. So I believe that is a bad point.
EDIT: This means that the only change the government should make is stepping out of the issue. Instead of legalizing something, just not having the government decide the issue. This includes Gay Marriage and drug legalization, the government should just step out of it. It would make the solutions much easier, as both sides may get what they want.


Dec 24, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Because Americans spend an awful amount of time sterotyping everyone else?
The irony, the irony is painful.

We have American created sterotypes of virtually every race on this planet.
Yes, because because Americans are the sole creators of all the world's stereotypes. Hell, even if that were true (it's not even close) How would it make stereotyping Americans better? Wouldn't you just be sinking to their level?

America is a huge melting pot of races, ethnicities, religions, and ideologies from nearly every corner of the globe, yet it's constantly being homogenized on this site, especially whenever threads like this pop up. I mean, can you really blame me for not wanting to be associated with the people in this video?


New member
Jun 9, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
All that would happen if all decisions were left to the people is mob rule would dictate everything. There are still large sections of Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas that DO NOT SUPPORT INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE. Large sections of the south believe homosexuality should be PUNISHED BY THE DEATH PENALTY. A fundamental right for two humans to marry should not be left up to mob rule. Just because some ignorant people believe something wrong should not make that wrong law.

A pack mentality only serves to create discord at the benefit of very few.
I didn't know I was talking to Thomas Hobbes. People don't need the mass control of the state to function, and as for your evidence: That doesn't mean crap. Large sections of the South? That's complete nonsense! I live in the South, and have traveled around the South, there is no such thing as what you are saying. You are just making up stuff. Death Penalty requires the consent of a judge on a high level, so that's goddamn impossible. There shouldn't be laws on social activities of a human who is able to give consent(otherwise known as adults). No one should be able to dictate another person's life given they are in their right and adult mind. I'm not in support of whatever dumb idea you are projecting on to me. That these imaginary Southerners will return to slavery and start killing gay people. I'm in support of the opposite of that. The government ONLY exists to protect the rights of its citizens. No other reason. The best way to support its citizens is to step out of social matters, and only reenter when a violent step has been taken to attack someones rights. And mob rule? You mean left to the individual? If a church doesn't want gays to marry that's their right! If another church says they do that is their right. And ignorance, I think the left is much more ignorant that the right. Whenever I talk to someone on the left they are unable to defend their economic stances or why social and economical liberties deserve picking and choosing through the federal government. So don't talk about ignorance.
Also, pack mentality, you act as if the nature of politics hasn't become the pack mentality. People on both sides follow leaders and ideals they don't understand or question because of a pack mentality. It was Reagan for the Republicans and that new guy for the Democrats.


New member
Mar 20, 2011
I feel that it is a bad thing. We can't have children. We suck at taking care of children. We are not cleverer nor stupider) In the family we have so little to give but courage and strength and today we seem to fail at those as well. I am sorry but in the name of equality I refuse to just be an add on. I insist of carrying more than just my own weight. Otherwise I am just an obstacle or someone who is just nice to have with you and that is not enough.


New member
Mar 20, 2011
And he probably is, but we don't feel in our right enviroment. I have been working with children for four years so it is not that we can't do it, but it really doen't come natural

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Lilani said:
Zachary Amaranth said:
And it's funny how the flip the narrative once the kid is born. Suddenly, the mother (or parents) is irresponsible and shouldn't have had kids.
Well, for them it's not that the mother shouldn't have had kids. It's that the mother shouldn't have sex, because these guys don't like contraception or abortions either.

The thing is, they almost always phrase the narrative like the woman chose to have the baby. Nto everyone, but most of the time. Especially in the conservative echo chamber of Fox News and the like.

EDIT: I'm going to add a bit I always found a little strange. Remember Srah Palin's kid? Bristol, I think? The one who had a baby out of wedlock? Sarah was running on abstinence and family values as her kick was knocked up. When asked about it, she tended to just say that her daughter made the right choice. And I....My brain can't handle the path of logic there. Her kid was demonstrating what was wrong with abstinence-only education as she was preaching it, but she was instead applauding the choice Palin and other conservatives didn't thin kshe should be able to make (whether to keep the baby or not). Meanwhile, Bristol was considered off-limits, despite the fact they weren't attacking her so much as trying to reconcile Palin's stance and her daughter's...."decisions," I guess.

And then Bristol started talking family values and abstinence. Because it did her so well.

And for the record, I'm for sexual freedom. I don't begrudge her having sex OR kids, if that's what she so chooses. But I think it's pretty horrible to get knocked up out of wedlock and then say that we should continue teaching abstinence-only edumacation and all that crap.

...Though I wonder if her stance has changed now that mommy isn't running for President anymore.

Now, if one extrapolates this longer term, you could infer the same: that women who have sex are accepting the consequences. Except they treat rape victims the same way more and more often.
But there is another element to this, which brings me to....

RoonMian said:
Yeah, because you aren't allowed to have sex when you're not able to sustain children, see demonising birth control.

But the greatest evil of course is big government and the nanny state. Except, you know, when it reaches into your bedroom or into your vagina when transvaginal ultrasound is required for an abortion.
They want government so small it can fit up your vagina!

...But more to the point, they not only demonise birth control and sex if you can't sustain a child, they demonise sex education. A lot of women don't fully understand where teh babbehz come from, so the connection between sex and pregnancy isn't entirely clear. Men too, but men aren't the ones who are generally saddled with a child and medical issues from sex. Especially as we've moved the narrative more and more towards the women being to blame.

So basically, we blame them if they get pregnant because they had sex, even if they don't know sex can lead to babies. They should have taken responsibility for things we refuse to teach them and actively make taboo subjects because...ponies.

Screamarie said:
Curses! You have discovered our evil plan! You shall have to be assassinated! Um...S-Stay where you are...don't move and you'll cream, yes that's right, ice cream. Just...stay where you are...

...Wait, what was that other bit?

(but seriously, don't kill me, I'm on your side!)

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Therarchos said:
And he probably is, but we don't feel in our right enviroment. I have been working with children for four years so it is not that we can't do it, but it really doen't come natural
I don't think you're using the word "natural" right here.