All you have to do to be considered a cuckold now? Have a job....


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
FriendoftheFallen said:
After you insulted me I ignored the rest. If you said you were over it you should apologize for insinuating that I was stupid and uneducated instead of attacking me more. If you are over it thenstop insulting me. Simple.
I have an argument, you keep ignoring it.
You keep committing the same fallacies and being abusive to me so we likely won't getting anything interesting or productive out of this by going any further. Seeing how you massively cursed out people a few days ago for disagreement in what seemed like a very emotional and hateful manner I find you getting tired of emotionality to be ironic. If you are over it then just move on. Taking more potshots just proves my point.
The difference is that one is embraced by law. That is part of actual acceptable legal defence that you can void a workplace agreement for things people have not right or rightly demands or credulity in the merit of sale. Outlirrs does not an acceptable legal defence of religious sensinilities in the marketplace make.
If one party is more guilty of this then why have I never seen you defend them? I might be in the wrong here, but the solution I put forward (enforcing equitable exchange and strong defence of the written contract to the exclusion of arbitrary nonsense). As I said before, one neo-Nazi in a city of millions getting punched is little compared to people who are beaten by police and murdered for conditions they have no means to acceptably relinquish or can do to begin with. The difference is that it still comes down to a freedom of expression. The bearing being that I am advocating that freedom of expression, at us core, is the capacity of self expression and its moral right is in the pursuit of self-construction as per an existential authenticity of self as put forward by philosophers like Sartre and Beauvoir.
The importance is profound, that person punching a neo-Nazi will be charged with assault. An employer who fires an LGBTQ person who comes out about it will get defended by government saying that's okay. Also... when you speak of misrepresentation, how about not doing so right here... eh? My argument is that the reason for striking the neo-Nazi comes from a different place than a government that caters to the special snowflakes in 31 U.S. ... states (argh... I refuse to just say 'American' because that's equally weird) ... who seem to think the marketplace should be a church.
Insulted you? You spent 3 paragraphs calling me a horrible person before I ever made a quip about it ... either that or for making a joke about religious freedom, because you apparently have a beef. How the fuck was any original joke targeted at you (beyond pointing out how ridiculous the rhetoric has become, how punching is bad but no one seems to argue how institutionalised discrimination isn't somehow worse for the same reasons)? My reply to that was how I was going to let that slide for the sake of the argument.

For the sake of trying to salvage the thread... I'M NOT GOING TO ENTERTAIN IT. So how about if we both drop it and maintain a cohesive argument here?


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
FriendoftheFallen said:
The insults I am referring to is how you have on multiple occasions portrayed me (or occasionally just my arguments) as stupid or uneducated. This happened a lot right after I critiqued utilitarianism. I don't see what there is to salvage. You seem to behave as if I was a buffoon and I see you as being inherently insulting and condescending when you reply to me. I'm happy to find others who are as interested in philosophy (perhaps more so) than I am but this mutual hostility between us makes it difficult to achieve a true discussion where we are not trying to score "points" at the expense of the other. I engage in this too since it is a mutual phenomenon.

Perhaps I will jump back in later when I am not as annoyed and thus am able to keep the discussion purely intellectual. I fear it has devolved to the point of mutual hostility.
Mutual hostility? W/e. I said multiple times that I'm not interested in this dialogue. Multiple times. If you need a break, take one... but don't pretend my joke about religious freedom was me triggering that outburst, darling. This was all you. Even afterwards I let it slide and said I'll simply ignore it. Then you accuse me of not engaging honestly? You pulled this stunt before.

I don't hate you. I don't. Don't presume 'hostility' when it's plainly enough on record.


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
FriendoftheFallen said:
Drathnoxis said:
Hmm, that doesn't make sense, because if you are working for someone you're the one getting screwed.
Isn't that the truth of the modern worker?
Unless I am misinterpreting your point in which case sorry for saying something irrelevant.
Yeah, but a cuckold is someone who gets off of watching their significant other getting screwed, and not getting screwed themselves. Or something like that.


New member
May 7, 2016
FriendoftheFallen said:
Smithnikov said:
Delicious Anathema said:
That's strange, usually the SJW stereotype is the person with gender studies degrees and no job, not the actually working people.
Like I said, it's tough to keep up with actually being an acceptable member of the human race these days.
And then all these sadistic elites who decide they get to determine who is acceptable. Then if you aren't "acceptable" they advocate punching you, getting you fired, or CULLING you. Yet they aren't fascist at all somehow. Seems like some people just want to justify horrible sadistic actions because it is ok because they are "acceptable." Some of us don't "accept" that hypocrisy.
Of course not. You've got your own culling, firing, and punching oyu want to do. Day of the Rope, Free Helicopter Rides, ect. Can't have competition.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Fucking wagecucks shitting up my vidya board.


It's just people goofying off and making light of the whole neetdom thing that's come about in the past few years.

It's based on the whole Neet vs Normie memes that've been going for years.

It's self-deprecating in a lot of ways. Memeology is a seriously under-studied field.


New member
May 7, 2016
The Lunatic said:
It's just people goofying off and making light of the whole neetdom thing that's come about in the past few years.
Light? This is about as light as fish and chip batter.

Well, way to drive it home how apparently now people with jobs are the outcasts and the undesirables in society. Another bottle of Jack down...

Memeology is a seriously under-studied field.
What's there to study?


New member
May 7, 2016
BuildsLegos said:
Smithnikov said:
What's there to study?
Poe's Law? Both you and a certain Marvel-hater around here have a bad habit of taking everything too seriously. Finding it bothersome, I get because this pollution of ideas is bad comedy at best; but then you go and let it actually bother you.
How do you know they're not serious?


New member
Oct 12, 2010
PhoenixMaster said:
I swear I never heard of that stupid word "Cuck," before this idiotic election took place. Now its everywhere on the web.


Red in Tooth and Claw
May 6, 2010
WolfThomas said:
Baffle2 said:
and lets me do things other than sit in a basement drying my wanking sock on a radiator.
Oh Mr lah-di-dah owning his own wank-sock. Some of us have to rent.
Renting one? That's lucky I'm just stuck with the communal wank sock


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Saltyk said:
Worgen said:
Canadamus Prime said:
WTF is a "cuckold?" Hang on...
So having a job makes me the husband of an unfaithful wife? What??
Wait, cuckold is just cheating? I thought it was a fetish were a guys wife "cheats" on him with another guy, but the husband watches and gets off to it.

Edit: Oh holy crap, I just realized that people who use 'cuckold' as an insult are even bigger shits then I initially assumed. They are also misogynists. Cause the way I see it tend to be used would mean that the man can't keep his property to himself.
You know how I mentioned I saw a webcomic explaining what cuckold is that I couldn't tell if it was meant to explain it or mock it?

Well, according to it, it's not just watching someone else fuck your wife/girlfriend. It's actually submitting to some rather serious emotional abuse. Not even kidding, according to the comic, the other guy can just push you around and give you ridiculous orders just to demean you. Anything from kicking you out of the room to have sex with your significant other to forbidding you from having sex with her for a week. It can also mean having your significant other mock you as well.

Seriously, despite still being unclear on whether it was actually intended to mock or clarify the fetish, I actually felt bad for the character in the comic. It looked to me like he was being emotionally abused and was simply too meek to stand up for himself and claimed it was a fetish as a defense mechanism.

I'd link the comic, but it does contain nudity. Pretty sure that would get moderated even in the Wild West.
Can you give me the name?

I want to laugh at something bad.


New member
May 7, 2016
FriendoftheFallen said:
Smithnikov said:
FriendoftheFallen said:
Smithnikov said:
Delicious Anathema said:
That's strange, usually the SJW stereotype is the person with gender studies degrees and no job, not the actually working people.
Like I said, it's tough to keep up with actually being an acceptable member of the human race these days.
And then all these sadistic elites who decide they get to determine who is acceptable. Then if you aren't "acceptable" they advocate punching you, getting you fired, or CULLING you. Yet they aren't fascist at all somehow. Seems like some people just want to justify horrible sadistic actions because it is ok because they are "acceptable." Some of us don't "accept" that hypocrisy.
Of course not. You've got your own culling, firing, and punching oyu want to do. Day of the Rope, Free Helicopter Rides, ect. Can't have competition.
No, I don't and that is disgusting and preposterous to assume so. S I thought you had some semblance of decency and moderation in your arguments. I feel like I am now wrong about that.
Decency and moderation? That's apparently for cuckolds and SJW's, so I ditched it.


New member
May 7, 2016
FriendoftheFallen said:
If you think those are the people that possess decency I fear you are deluded.
Certainly not. I don't know who does anymore.

Whomever said there are no bad tactics, only bad targets was an amoral monster, as is anyone who follows that philosophy.
Moviebob, and he lost me long before that with his proclamation that not only is PC Gaming dead, but Sony Playstation's success in it's generation was a lucky fluke that it didn't deserve over Nintendo.

Trying to falsely portray me as advocating culling or helicopter rides is hurtful deceitful and just plain abusive.
Yea. Sucks when people do that to you, doesn't it? Like proclaiming you a cuckold, a race traitor, autistic, a degenerate, ect...