I'm surprised anyone really debates this anymore. For video games, it IS coming and it IS inevitable.
>>>>Only being able to purchase games online will never work for multiple reasons and near the top is Gamestop just makes to much money to give up their brick and mortar stores.
Yeah! I was in Musicland the other day and....Oh wait, those all folded as did most other music stores. Or haven't you noticed that the only music stores left are the dwindling number of second-hand independent stores? Even retail chains like Best Buy are cutting back their music sections as online takes over in sales.
Well, at least, movie rental stores like Blockbuster or Hollywood Video will never go awa----Wait a minute.....
Believe me, the end of the road for Gamestop is coming.
>>>>First off, if retail chains like Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and Target go under--or simply switch to online only--like he says, the U.S. jobs market is going to take a bullet to the head and probably never recover.
That's already happened several times. Not just in the aforementioned examples but in other more diversified chains such as Media Play and Circuit City. This has had a bad effect on the jobs market, not just in jobs lost but with the age group that this hits. A lot of the stores that close are where *adopts old man pose*, in my day, a lot of teens who didn't want to do food service got their jobs. Without the work experience of these jobs, this makes the kids less likely to get jobs out of colleges because they not only have nothing on their resume but they haven't learned the more subtle lessons that these first-time jobs brought (punctuality, dealing with the public, etc.)
>>>>I also love how developers all see a future where games are purely digital. Yeah, they sure don't want you buying used, so of course that's the future they envision. It's just adorable that they actually think it's going to happen.
Look at sites such as Penny Arcade that have been long advocating the demise of the physical as a good thing. Hell, just look at this site. There are so many escapists who have been suckered by the corporations into thinking that this would be a good thing that, even when a company like Quantic Dream make the ridiculous claim that used games cost them a million sales, they leap up to defend these claims. It will happen and a large portion of gamers will help it happen.
I mean, not to invoke Godwin's Law but, on this site, people are increasingly acting like buying used games is on par with running a concentration camp.
>>>>I wouldn't be surprised, what with digital distribution, but it'll be a helluva long time before it happens.
Sooner than you think. When the PS3 started and got those patents for Digital-Only distribution, gamers/gaming sites had a cow villifying them for it. Now people think nothing of buying PSN/XBLA games and both are doing increasing sales figures for selling full games now. The gap between selling at retail and selling the digital copy is dwindling to nothing for Sony and Microsoft. On the PC front, buying a retail game is now considered a quaint practice when you can buy from Steam (or Direct2Drive/Stardock/other such services).
>>>> If physical copies were to go away I would stop being a gamer.
People talk big whenever the industry makes a move like this but, in reality, people rarely follow through.