Amnesia DLC Now Free For Everyone


New member
Jun 4, 2009
I want to play it...but...I'm just too much of a wuss.

It literally took me a month to finish the game, I'd play for five minutes, then get too scared and quit. Heck, I saved and quit at least 6 or 7 times before I even encountered the first monster.

Also, this might make you lol or facepalm. I have a friend at work that's somewhere between a casual and mainstream gamer. He said he got Dead Space and it was "literally the scariest game" he had ever played. I told him about Amnesia and how it's terrifying before you even find monsters. He looked at me like "dude, no way, how can it be scary without monsters jumping out at you?" This is why I love Amnesia, it remembers that being surprised is not the same thing as being scared.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
If my computer could actually run the game I would probably be ecstatic since I didn't get the Steam version and I really wanted to get the Justine DLC.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
This is awesome news! I just wastthinking that I wanted something horrory to play. Let the shitting of the pants commence!


is a trap!
Nov 22, 2010
My responses

DLC: Free stuff! Wooo!
Soundtrack for people who didn't buy from valve:


New member
Nov 28, 2007
Frictional are a bunch of champs. Amnesia's not as scary as everyone else makes it out to be, but it's a shite sight scarier than any horror title out at the moment, they've done incredibly well. Not only that, now they're releasing free, high-quality DLC.

The big-name money grabbers would really learn a lesson from these guys on both game development and business strategies.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I've been looking forward to playing this, but my computer displays a weird upside-down transparency of the lighting and shadows that so far no troubleshooting has been able to remove. Kinda hurts the atmosphere.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
I played about an hours worth of Amnesia on a friend's account, and it didn't really scare me. I'm still a bigger fan of Penumbra (plus, I've watch Toby Turner's Let's Play of Amnesia, and I can't imagine the game being scary now).

However, I still want the game, but $20 is still a bit rich for my blood. With how frequent Steam has sales, I can wait until it goes down to whatever it will inevitably be.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Eventually I'll have to play through this seriously, to be honest "Amnesia" never really did it for me, the game seems quite forced at times, and I find the "total helplessness" in this scenario to be kind of heavy handed and unrealistic. It's a game that pretty much has you playing hide and seek with a monster, for the sake of playing hide and seek, and because the game won't let you use common sense.

That said, I think "Justine" was a superior work to the main game to be honest, I didn't run into many situations where I felt like "okay, with a bit of common sense this is what I think I should be doing here instead". The controlled nature of the enviroment where everything was planned was done well, compared to Amnesia where your character is a sort of wild card and the enviroments weren't prepped specifically for you.

I do have to wonder at this deal though, the new levels are nice new DLC, but I kind of thought anyone who owned Amnesia got Justine. I didn't buy "The Potato Sack", but since I tried Amnesia after all the raving it got, had the game, and when I looked it was there. I even checked after Portal 2 released and that piece of DLC was there.

I mean it's nice that they are adding more material, but I'm not sure how much credit they can take for saying "Justine" is part of this paticular bundle, when it was a free promotion glued on earlier.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
The full game was actually free from OnLive yesterday, although I'm not sure when the period ends. It was only available for 24 hours. I got my copy, played a bit and soundly soiled my trousers and haven't wandered back yet.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Awesome; I just got the game from Frictional Games yesterday, and was wondering what the `Bonus Content' folder was... Plus, free soundtrack.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
HankMan said:
I'm just not into horror games, so I'd just as well forget The Dark Descent
Nice one ^^

OT: Bought it, got scared, didnt play it anymore. Being scared isnt as fun as it used to be :|


New member
Nov 3, 2008
I'm actually a bit surprised by this, I didn't even know that this was potato sack DLC only. I think it is great that they are finally releasing it to everyone who owned the game, but still it kind of rubs me the wrong way on how this DLC was for the potato sack only. I personally didn't buy the potato sack because I had those games except for like 3 of them, so there was no way in hell I was going to drop $30 something on 3 indie games. I thought the potato sack portal content in the levels was just something to encourage people to buy the potato sack/their games and their loyal customers who already bought those games would get the portal stuff for free.
Edit: My mistake, read it as the DLC was only part of the potato sack and not for everyone on steam.

The Human Torch

New member
Sep 12, 2010
I bought this game for a few bucks from Steam, during the whole Potato Sack thing. Haven't worked up the courage to play it though.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Rednog said:
I'm actually a bit surprised by this, I didn't even know that this was potato sack DLC only. I think it is great that they are finally releasing it to everyone who owned the game, but still it kind of rubs me the wrong way on how this DLC was for the potato sack only. I personally didn't buy the potato sack because I had those games except for like 3 of them, so there was no way in hell I was going to drop $30 something on 3 indie games. I thought the potato sack portal content in the levels was just something to encourage people to buy the potato sack/their games and their loyal customers who already bought those games would get the portal stuff for free.
It was steam DLC only. You didn't have to buy it as part of the Potato Sack. Any copies of the game bought on steam had the DLC. And now it's available in the copy bought directly from Frictional Games.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
HankMan said:
I'm just not into horror games, so I'd just as well forget The Dark Descent
HankMan strikes again.
Nice pun, indeed. And i feel stupid for taking 20 seconds or so to figure it out... I mean, come on, how did i not link Amnesia with forget??

OT: I don't think I've got the nerve to play that game. I'm horrible at playing such scary stuff, and get freaked out damn easily. But it is awfully nice of them to give out free DLC. Well played!


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Lukeje said:
Rednog said:
I'm actually a bit surprised by this, I didn't even know that this was potato sack DLC only. I think it is great that they are finally releasing it to everyone who owned the game, but still it kind of rubs me the wrong way on how this DLC was for the potato sack only. I personally didn't buy the potato sack because I had those games except for like 3 of them, so there was no way in hell I was going to drop $30 something on 3 indie games. I thought the potato sack portal content in the levels was just something to encourage people to buy the potato sack/their games and their loyal customers who already bought those games would get the portal stuff for free.
It was steam DLC only. You didn't have to buy it as part of the Potato Sack. Any copies of the game bought on steam had the DLC. And now it's available in the copy bought directly from Frictional Games.
My mistake, the way I read the first sentence in the context of the article made it seem like the DLC was only a part of the potato sack and not steam as a whole, good to know.


New member
May 18, 2009
Quiet Stranger said:
I want to get it but someone tell me why I should other then that the game will make me shit my pants.
Isn't that the point of horror?
Anyway, I'm planning on getting the game as soon as it's on sale, or if I finally get a job I shall reward myself with this haha. I can hope it's a daily deal soon I guess... But yes, good news for people who do, or will own it. And very awesome of Frictional Games.