An excuse for Piracy.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
I the only song I ever downloaded off a bittorrent site was: Good Evening by Outasight. The musician published it for free on his web site, but you could only download it in America, and I couldn't find the single on Itunes.

I'm against piracy, just because it fucking destroyed Peace Walker.

A ton of my friends pirate, but what do I care. I think both sides need to shut the fuck up.
If you have to pirate, go ahead. But just think about the people you are stealing from.
If you're against piracy, then voice your opinion, but don't be an ass about it.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Only excuse- If it is impossible (in the sense that it is no longer in circulation, not the "I'm too lazy to look for it in more than once place") to obtain through legal means. Other than that, no.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
LooK iTz Jinjo said:
So today I got into an argument with a friend who labeled me a criminal because I pirate a fair bit of software. I've used up all my usual reasoning on him until so I had to think of something new. It was today that I also downloaded Linkin Park's new album, A Thousand Suns and the only word I can think to describe it is just bad. It's really bad, it has nothing of the Linkin Park of old and even if it wasn't by them it would still be a shitty album. This is what I used in my argument, that if I paid good money for that at a store I would be outraged that I had wasted my hard earned cash. As it is I'm just annoyed that a band I used to quite like has gone so downhill (though that's not new news or anything).

So Escapists, I pose you two questions.
1. What is your excuse for Piracy?
2. What did you think of Linkin Park's new album? It's alright you can say it's bad.
Have you deleted and bought all the albums that you downloaded and liked? If not then excuse void.

My excuse is that i can't afford buying all the games a want to play, music i want to listen, movies to watch and tv shows i want to watch before they transmit them here.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
freedomweasel said:
I had forgotten about all that region lock business..

I guess I would say that I see these as cases that could be "understandable" but still, not "right".
Pretty much my take on it. They make you jump through a lot of hoops for legal acquisition, but it still doesn't make piracy the "right" option, you still aren't paying people for their hard work.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
He was acting like a punk-ass ***** and I already had the knife out-
Oh, piracy?
I don't pirate...

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
deathandtaxes said:
No you saying the piracy laws are 'just' is like suggesting that execution or forced transportation for stealing a loaf of bread in 18th century England was 'just'.

I get the feeling you have never actually read any of the laws your saying are 'just' and just assuming that they are.
I get the feeling you're drama queening based upon comparing execution to piracy laws. Which is far more valid than your feeling.

The lion share of rights laws are not unjust. That's not to say that all of them are fair, but you're going to make wild comparisons and claim I haven't read them because I've come to a different conclusion, so whatever, I guess.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
I don't pirate anymore, but when I did...
Music - Too many times where I hear one good song from a band, but the CD, and the rest of the CD is trash. Other times I wanted sound tracks, like the one for Brutal Legend.
Games - Couldn't find them anywhere (Undying) or the demo wasn't long enough for me to figure out if I liked it or not (World in Conflict), but all the games I pirated in the past I have bought except Undying since I still can't find it anywhere...
Movies - Well, the only 'legal' way to get them on my iPod was to get them from the Apple store which is a rip off and their movie selection sucked at the time (and probably still does).

But, like I said, I don't pirate stuff anymore because it is bad and wrong...

Oh, and I grew out of Linkin Park in middle school, and then they did that rap shit and I'm kinda glad I grew out of them...


New member
Jun 25, 2009
I've not heard the new album yet so I can't comment there.

I say one thing which is, I don't really care if I get branded a criminal or an offender.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Charcharo said:
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Charcharo said:
Well there is one excuse for piracy here in my country. Here most Games, Movies and Albums cost much more!
Australians complain but they have it VERY EASY there.
The average person here gets 300-400 leva (1 euro is 1.94 leva) and the average PC game is 80 leva. 80...
A console game is 120-130... Thats why no sane person buys consoles, get a gaming PC for 1300 leva and game BETTER.
Its unfair with movies too, and most albums.
I do not pirate, but I understand the reasoning.
Thats actually only about $10 more for games than Australia has it, but that still is a fair bit to pay. You poor, poor bastard.
Thats not so funny when the average amount of money a person makes on a month is 360, is it?
Same problem here, only in dinars, and a bit more expensive.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
I used to pirate quite a bit, but I don't do it anymore. Why? Partly because I'm scared of getting caught and partly because I don't feel like I can justify my actions. I don't have a right to unlawfully enjoy the works of others without giving them compensation. Still, I don't preach to my friends about it.

Also I haven't heard LP's latest album.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
did you immediatly delete the music off of your computer after realizing you didn't like it?

that would help.

Second, if it was an ear-gasm to listen to, would you buy it?

If neither, you're just worthless and I take your friend's side.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Zachary Amaranth said:
manaman said:
"It's the law" arguments don't work either. Say it was the law that women can't vote, or blacks no longer are allowed to attend school past primary education.
Thankfully, people actually changed the laws regarding women and blacks. I doubt much will be done in the vein of fighting these laws, in part because piracy is primarily self serving while civil rights are not. Of course, when Martin Luther King broke the law, he still paid the price. Most acts of civil disobedience will result in some form of punishment. And it used to be that people actually paid the price. Now it seems like people want to be martyrs without any of the actual suffering.

Sorry, Charlie.

There are very few exceptions in which the laws regarding piracy are unjust. Most excuses for piracy don't trump the rights of the author or owner. Don't like it? Fine, but that doesn't make it unjust.
Of course when you only take one little part of my post it looks like I am comparing piracy to civil rights, and saying copyright laws are unjust and therefor advocating piracy.

I wasn't. You have to read the post I responded to to get the whole picture. The person I responded said there was no excuse for breaking the law. There most defiantly can be an excuse for breaking the law.

I ended the post by basically saying that copyright laws seem to be doing a pretty damn good job already so don't get it in your head that draconian laws proposed and invasion of privacy by these are simply fallout from a righteous war they are waging against piracy.

Piracy losses even by the industries own estimates, are on par with big block retailers losses to theft. Which means it's a problem, but not a problem of the proportions they lead most people to believe.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Lotet said:
Snotnarok said:
I usually pirate when there's no demo for a game, I'd like to see if my PC can run the game and I'd like to see if I like it. Being there's no return policy on games it makes it hard to try it no? So I grab a torrent and try it, if I like it, I buy it. If not why the hell would I keep the damn game on my PC?

To you silly people saying there's no excuse to pirate, there is, and I just said it. If the company wont provide a demo then I'll make my own.
check the hardware specs and read reviews maybe?... your argument isn't really absolute
Hardware specs are a bunch of bullshit, my friend couldn't get Gears of War to work and his PC was well over the requirements. Epic Studios wouldn't answer any emails either, forum moderators ignored him too. So that's 50 dollars well spent when a demo could have really shown us what would work instead they basically just ripped him off and got away with it.

Shycte said:
Snotnarok said:
I usually pirate when there's no demo for a game, I'd like to see if my PC can run the game and I'd like to see if I like it. Being there's no return policy on games it makes it hard to try it no? So I grab a torrent and try it, if I like it, I buy it. If not why the hell would I keep the damn game on my PC?

To you silly people saying there's no excuse to pirate, there is, and I just said it. If the company wont provide a demo then I'll make my own.
That's not a real excuse. Why? Because 99 % of the times, people don't buy the real game, and besides, your argument has no legal support.
You say that like you're 100% positive most people don't buy them, I do, and that's all I need to know when I do it. Legal support? You think a court would honesty have a case when I own the game? All 5 games that I actually did pirate to test I bought, or someone gifted it to me.

Let me ask you this, a company puts out a game but release no demo which helps test if they made a good version, if it works on my PC (in todays world there's plenty of games that are incredibly poorly ported (GTAIV, Saints Row 1&2, Bad Company 2, big name titles mind you) , if I like it? Review sites are bribed so it's hard to get an accurate view on if the game is good. To top it off, you cant rent, return or borrow a friends copy with PC games. With a console sure you've got at least 60 options for trying it, not with PC games. Mind you I stated clearly that I demo it on a pirate version THEN I buy it if I like it, and to restate if I don't like it, why would I bother keeping it.

You just pirate games I bet and don't buy them!:


So you're saying that its wrong for me to "find my own demo" to see if it works before I go spend 50 dollars for a game that might not work at all? And just hope that my 50 bucks will be well spent? And that this multimillion dollar company didn't just shovel it on to PC and hope to make a quick buck? You know like Borderlands had no working multiplayer for about 2 months on PC?


New member
Apr 17, 2009
blakfayt said:
AhumbleKnight said:
I've tried that here in america and all they do is say "not our fault your old favorite band is now a bunch of whiney emo pussies, find someone else who gives a damn you're holding up the line" no company is in no way obligated to give you your money back just because they company that created your product failed to meet your expectations. Basically they same thing in both gamestop and hastings here in the shitty old USA.
Yeah, I don't know the deal in the US but I think it would be worth your time researching the actual legislation. I have had the same thing said to me here but then I cited the legislation and got my way. Chances are, the dude behind the counter won't know what your talking about and they definantly won't care. Thats when you ask to see the manager. Again, this is why I say read the legislation.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Snotnarok said:
Lotet said:
Snotnarok said:
I usually pirate when there's no demo for a game, I'd like to see if my PC can run the game and I'd like to see if I like it. Being there's no return policy on games it makes it hard to try it no? So I grab a torrent and try it, if I like it, I buy it. If not why the hell would I keep the damn game on my PC?

To you silly people saying there's no excuse to pirate, there is, and I just said it. If the company wont provide a demo then I'll make my own.
check the hardware specs and read reviews maybe?... your argument isn't really absolute
Hardware specs are a bunch of bullshit, my friend couldn't get Gears of War to work and his PC was well over the requirements. Epic Studios wouldn't answer any emails either, forum moderators ignored him too. So that's 50 dollars well spent when a demo could have really shown us what would work instead they basically just ripped him off and got away with it.

Shycte said:
Snotnarok said:
I usually pirate when there's no demo for a game, I'd like to see if my PC can run the game and I'd like to see if I like it. Being there's no return policy on games it makes it hard to try it no? So I grab a torrent and try it, if I like it, I buy it. If not why the hell would I keep the damn game on my PC?

To you silly people saying there's no excuse to pirate, there is, and I just said it. If the company wont provide a demo then I'll make my own.
That's not a real excuse. Why? Because 99 % of the times, people don't buy the real game, and besides, your argument has no legal support.
You say that like you're 100% positive most people don't buy them, I do, and that's all I need to know when I do it. Legal support? You think a court would honesty have a case when I own the game? All 5 games that I actually did pirate to test I bought, or someone gifted it to me.

Let me ask you this, a company puts out a game but release no demo which helps test if they made a good version, if it works on my PC (in todays world there's plenty of games that are incredibly poorly ported (GTAIV, Saints Row 1&2, Bad Company 2, big name titles mind you) , if I like it? Review sites are bribed so it's hard to get an accurate view on if the game is good. To top it off, you cant rent, return or borrow a friends copy with PC games. With a console sure you've got at least 60 options for trying it, not with PC games. Mind you I stated clearly that I demo it on a pirate version THEN I buy it if I like it, and to restate if I don't like it, why would I bother keeping it.

You just pirate games I bet and don't buy them!:


So you're saying that its wrong for me to "find my own demo" to see if it works before I go spend 50 dollars for a game that might not work at all? And just hope that my 50 bucks will be well spent? And that this multimillion dollar company didn't just shovel it on to PC and hope to make a quick buck? You know like Borderlands had no working multiplayer for about 2 months on PC?
If you really do buy the game that all fine with that. But, I am pretty sure that the court would have a case because you still downloaded one illegally. That doesn't go away just because you later bought one. Might differ from country to country though.

I can understand why you pirate and agree with it some point, but the rules are like they are and sometimes you just gotta bend over and like it.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Snotnarok said:
Let me ask you this, a company puts out a game but release no demo which helps test if they made a good version, if it works on my PC (in todays world there's plenty of games that are incredibly poorly ported (GTAIV, Saints Row 1&2, Bad Company 2, big name titles mind you) , if I like it? Review sites are bribed so it's hard to get an accurate view on if the game is good. To top it off, you cant rent, return or borrow a friends copy with PC games. With a console sure you've got at least 60 options for trying it, not with PC games. Mind you I stated clearly that I demo it on a pirate version THEN I buy it if I like it, and to restate if I don't like it, why would I bother keeping it.

You just pirate games I bet and don't buy them!:


So you're saying that its wrong for me to "find my own demo" to see if it works before I go spend 50 dollars for a game that might not work at all? And just hope that my 50 bucks will be well spent? And that this multimillion dollar company didn't just shovel it on to PC and hope to make a quick buck? You know like Borderlands had no working multiplayer for about 2 months on PC?
ahh, I was wrong about you, you do have good morales in the end. the only reason why I don't care about wasting money is because I likely have much less responsibilities thn you so I don't have to worry about these things.

but frankly, you're the best case scenario for a "pirate". there are plenty of people who rip thousands of dollars from the creators and local businesses, they make a larger majority than people like yourself.