An excuse for Piracy.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
Jelly ^.^ said:
gamefreakbsp said:
This new excuse that if you can't afford it, then pirate it, is completely ludicrous. Simply because you cannot afford to purchase something, does not mean you are entitled to steal it. Trying to honestly say that that is a legitimate reason is arogance beyond measure.
Comfortable there in your nice warm middle-class life there, are you?
And you base this assumption of of me being middle class because I have morals? The reason I can afford to buy games is because I have a job, not because I have parents who make 6 figures a piece.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
deathandtaxes said:
gamefreakbsp said:
This new excuse that if you can't afford it, then pirate it, is completely ludicrous. Simply because you cannot afford to purchase something, does not mean you are entitled to steal it. Trying to honestly say that that is a legitimate reason is arogance beyond measure.
But you are not stealing anything, your infringing on copyright that is intrinsically different from stealing. When you steal something you take something away from someone with copyright infringement you make a copy of something someone made without asking them.

If you were to equate it to stealing there are indeed several times when stealing seems to be to be morally acceptable, the first that comes to mind is when your starving to death.
You are stealing it. You can try and twist it around and dress it up all you like, but you are stealing it. You are taking it upon yourself, to play this game for free, when you are supposed to have payed for. It might be tricky to put it in a category, but the closest one is stealing.

You can't really be trying to compare not being able to afford a video game to starving to death. Completely different circumstances.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
wow lots of people up on their high horse in here. get over it you fucking moral guardians, its not a big deal, all the loses are massively exaggerated and its not going away any time soon anyway
p.s. if you buy anything second hand the people who produce the stuff you bought consider you worse than a dirty, dirty pirate.

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
milkkart said:
wow lots of people up on their high horse in here. get over it you fucking moral guardians, its not a big deal, all the loses are massively exaggerated and its not going away any time soon anyway
p.s. if you buy anything second hand the people who produce the stuff you bought consider you worse than a dirty, dirty pirate.
What are you so angry about? Thats the point of forums, to tell everyone your ideas, and you dont need to yell at everyone. NOt an order, just saying.