An Interesting Fact About Your Country


New member
Jun 12, 2010
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.

Furious Styles

New member
Jul 10, 2010
I come from the UK, the land of weird idiosyncrasies

We are one of only three countries to have an uncodified constitution.

Can anyone name the other two?


New member
Apr 18, 2011
The majority of the founding fathers refused to describe their religion
The United States is not a Christian country as most of the founding fathers where deists


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Furious Styles said:
I come from the UK, the land of weird idiosyncrasies

We are one of only three countries to have an uncodified constitution.

Can anyone name the other two?
Izreal and New Zealand!
[sub]note i did not look that up -_-[/sub]


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Dec 8, 2009
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
The majority of my country likes being broke while we're sick, as shown by our lack of a decent public healthcare plan. That's quite weird, considering that we're considered a developed country by ourselves and most other countries.

I live in the US, by the way.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
I'm going to request that you cite your sources on this one please


New member
Jun 12, 2010
artanis_neravar said:
Furious Styles said:
I come from the UK, the land of weird idiosyncrasies

We are one of only three countries to have an uncodified constitution.

Can anyone name the other two?
Israel and New Zealand!
[sub]note i did not look that up -_-[/sub]
o.o wow that`s Impressive. Sorry `bout fixxing ur misspell btw.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Ham_authority95 said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
The majority of my country likes being broke while we're sick, as shown by our lack of a decent public healthcare plan. That's quite weird, considering that we're considered a developed country by ourselves and most other countries.

I live in the US, by the way.
to paraphrase Wyatt Cenac "When I see the people at the Tea Party protest with the signs that have Obama with a Hitler mustache drawn on it, I want to go there with a sharpie and draw in a full mustache, a beard, and a mohawk. they'll be like "what are you doing" and I'll say "Now it's a Mr. T party " I pity the fool who doesn't have health insurance, that's a third world issue we are a first world country"


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Reyalsfeihc said:
artanis_neravar said:
Furious Styles said:
I come from the UK, the land of weird idiosyncrasies

We are one of only three countries to have an uncodified constitution.

Can anyone name the other two?
Israel and New Zealand!
[sub]note i did not look that up -_-[/sub]
o.o wow that`s Impressive. Sorry `bout fixxing ur misspell btw.
no problem, I did have to look up exactly what an uncodified constitution actually was, but once i saw that I actually knew the answer


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Ham_authority95 said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
The majority of my country likes being broke while we're sick, as shown by our lack of a decent public healthcare plan. That's quite weird, considering that we're considered a developed country by ourselves and most other countries.
pfft. But why save jobs for our own citizens when we can send them all to China and India? And hey, we`re slowly progressing toward Universal Healthcare! Obama five! *obama*
I live in the US, by the way.[/quote]


New member
Oct 27, 2009
artanis_neravar said:
The majority of the founding fathers were either Atheist or refused to describe their religion
I am an Athiest, and I am going to say I flat out do no believe this. Some seem to likely have been Athiests, but most were of some type of religion including simply Diests. I realize you threw in the qualifier "or refused to descibe their religion", but I feel like you are trying to say that the majority was anti christian, or even say the majority was straight up Atheist.

OT: Kentucky is technically NOT a state in America, but rather a commonwealth. What does that mean?

Not really a whole lot. The main difference is that other states are guaranteed sovereignty by the US constitution, where as a commonwealth is given sovereignty by it's people. Also, apparently, I do not own the land I live on, but rather own the rights to use it.

What does it mean in real day to day life?

Only seems to mean that I pay more property taxes. Not sure if that is even true, I have just had several people tell me that over the years.

However, if you ever referr to KY as a state, I would not call you wrong.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Reyalsfeihc said:
Ham_authority95 said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
The majority of my country likes being broke while we're sick, as shown by our lack of a decent public healthcare plan. That's quite weird, considering that we're considered a developed country by ourselves and most other countries.
pfft. But why save jobs for our own citizens when we can send them all to China and India? And hey, we`re slowly progressing toward Universal Healthcare! Obama five! *obama*
I live in the US, by the way.
Are you saying you like Obama? serious question by the way, I'm not trying to pick on you for your beliefs.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Well, since the United States is a rather large country, and has a huge stockpile of interesting facts, I'll narrow it down a bit. In Lancaster County, which is largely Amish country, there lies the small town of Intercourse. About 8 miles away from that town lies the town of Blue Ball. Since I live just outside of Philadelphia, a few friends and I go to a store in Blue Ball each week to play cards. There is, literally, a place in the road where you have to choose to either turn right for Intercourse or left for Blue Ball.

Furious Styles, there are four countries that do not have a codified Constitution. You mentioned the United Kingdom. The others are San Marino, New Zealand, and Israel. Then again, Isreal doesn't have a Constitution, at all.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
artanis_neravar said:
Ham_authority95 said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
The majority of my country likes being broke while we're sick, as shown by our lack of a decent public healthcare plan. That's quite weird, considering that we're considered a developed country by ourselves and most other countries.

I live in the US, by the way.
to paraphrase Wyatt Cenac "When I see the people at the Tea Party protest with the signs that have Obama with a Hitler mustache drawn on it, I want to go there with a sharpie and draw in a full mustache, a beard, and a mohawk. they'll be like "what are you doing" and I'll say "Now it's a Mr. T party " I pity the fool who doesn't have health insurance, that's a third world issue we are a first world country"
Yes, and Tea-partiers who say it's "un-american" are make too much of a big deal. At the very least, it's a token step towards what every other developed nation has done in the last 30 years.

The times of the government, of any country, not taking action over civilians lives is over. Forever. Our nanny-states are trying to provide the very best for us, and we should expect the same from them, in the case of the US healthcare situation, and many other situations.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
RicoGrey said:
artanis_neravar said:
The majority of the founding fathers were either Atheist or refused to describe their religion
I am an Athiest, and I am going to say I flat out do no believe this. Some seem to likely have been Athiests, but most were of some type of religion including simply Diests.
That's why I also said "or refused to describe their religion"

Furious Styles

New member
Jul 10, 2010
artanis_neravar said:
Furious Styles said:
I come from the UK, the land of weird idiosyncrasies

We are one of only three countries to have an uncodified constitution.

Can anyone name the other two?
Izreal and New Zealand!
[sub]note i did not look that up -_-[/sub]
Well done! I knew that because I'm a law student, how did you know that?


New member
Dec 8, 2009
artanis_neravar said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
Ham_authority95 said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
The majority of my country likes being broke while we're sick, as shown by our lack of a decent public healthcare plan. That's quite weird, considering that we're considered a developed country by ourselves and most other countries.
pfft. But why save jobs for our own citizens when we can send them all to China and India? And hey, we`re slowly progressing toward Universal Healthcare! Obama five! *obama*
I live in the US, by the way.
Are you saying you like Obama? serious question by the way, I'm not trying to pick on you for your beliefs.
I won't say anything about Obamas policies as a whole, but I think he's trying to do us a favor in at least that specific field, even if it doesn't work in the end.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Since you're from the U.S. already, I'll tell you some things about New Jersey.

We're the most densely populated state, even though most of the state is unpopulated.
We have the most malls, diners and scientists/engineers per sq. mile in the world.
Pumping your gas is illegal.