An Interesting Fact About Your Country

The Stonker

New member
Feb 26, 2009
kiwisushi said:
The Stonker said:
kiwisushi said:
The Stonker said:
kiwisushi said:
The Stonker said:
Iceland! Lets come with a fact about Iceland.
Well, we have the biggest glacier in Europe (Greenland doesn't count.)
They voted not to pay back the countries in Europe that they lost their money for.
The man who owned the bank is responsable for this.
Not the country.
I'm sorry but Iceland just doesn't want to pay money that they can't handle and we don't bail everything out like the Americans, so yeah, screw you.
Ok. Want another fact about Iceland, you have a penis museum in Reykjavik.
No, it's in Húsavík.
Seriously, get your facts correct.

Another fun thing about Iceland is that we've only had one "war" which was really a civil war and it was called Sturlungaöld, the same age as when Snorri Sturlusson was alive.
He's the guy who wrote for instance Heimskringlan and a book about Norse mythology.

Now, if you're trying to drag me on the carpet on my country then I only say this.
Bring it on.
hehe, fair enough. I really don't know much about Iceland to be honest. Although, I do have one question. Have heard this before (obviously you will know this for certain or not) but is Iceland one of the only countries left that has the (your fathers name)sson surname structure still going? My country does, but it is quite rare, and only in the west does it happen i.e Iolo ap Dafydd

Yes, for instance.
Davíð Þór Guðmundsson.
Here obviously his father was named Guðmundur.
While for women it's.
Guðrún Ína Vífilbergsdóttir.
So it's more that they take the fathers name and slap it on the end with dóttir or -sson.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
JacobShaftoe said:
IsraelRocks said:
Israel- the only country in the world that is being ordered to give back land that was won in a war it did not start.
heh. Solid fact I'll grant you, but debatable premise :p

Oh wait i got a follow up : ... to a people that did not exist 150 years ago


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Err... Mine country made the first cheese slicer... Yeah, i'm from Norway, we really haven't done anything great... except vikings :)


New member
Sep 28, 2010
Talking about the Nazis is not a problem (in fact, they are constantly referenced, along with a "Never forget the crimes" dogma) and WWII is covered in heavy detail in German schools, with nearly every subject (obvious exception being the hard sciences) having a teaching unit dedicated to it.
And believe me, we don't treat our past kindly like the Japanese do.

Just for all the people who substitute education with Family Guy.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
great... they gave a pot head a computer.