An Interesting Fact About Your Country


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Reyalsfeihc said:
Ham_authority95 said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
Ham_authority95 said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
The majority of my country likes being broke while we're sick, as shown by our lack of a decent public healthcare plan. That's quite weird, considering that we're considered a developed country by ourselves and most other countries.
pfft. But why save jobs for our own citizens when we can send them all to China and India? And hey, we`re slowly progressing toward Universal Healthcare! Obama five! *obama*
I live in the US, by the way.
Your quote was confusing. I think you formatted it wrong.

I don't see how Obama has any influence over our jobs being put overseas(since it started 20 years before he came into office), or how it's related to a national healthcare plan.
I wasn't pinning our jobs going overseas on Obama, I was saying it's the corporations' faults. And the Universal Healthcare thing was separate from my comment on the economy, since Obama has enacted a Universal Healthcare plan.[/quote]

Ah, I see now. There's something wrong with the device that you're posting with, since one of the
keep disappearing...


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
My country is the best place to be, even on a bad day. Not's just something that happens.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Oliman43 said:
My country, New Zealand *woo* has approximately 10 times more sheep than people. Thats somewhere around 45 million sheep.
So is New Zealand's largest export wool then? Also, how many of those 45 million sheep are black sheep?


New member
Apr 24, 2010
#1 wine grower in the western hemisphere!
Which make my scenic comute a nightmarish when the tourists show up, but its not as bad as cities like San Fransisco which is an hour south from here.

Any guess where Im from?

Oliman43 said:
My country, New Zealand *woo* has approximately 10 times more sheep than people. Thats somewhere around 45 million sheep.
Does that mean they're allowed to vote?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
AtmaPhil said:
We invented hockey? Although we might be the only ones to care about that.
So I guess the name of our country means village.
Depends on the city and the country. It seems the scandanavian countries care a good deal for it, and certain states in the US if there's a good market. besides, WE in pittsburgh were the first to debut an artificial hockey rink, so yeah. We care here in pittsburgh.

OT: hm... well, lets go on a small PA base.

PA was the first state to have/make:

Hospital, Library, Zoo, Newspaper, Nation's Capitol, all motion-picture theater, television broadcast, radio broadcast, educational public-television station, paper mill, druggist, locomotive for railroad use, high-speed multi-lane highway - the Pennsylvania Turnpike, Banana Split, electronic computer built, commercial use of computer, cable television, educational public television station, government low-interest, long term business financing program.

We're number one in:

Rural Population, number of licensed hunters, State Game Lands, covered bridges, potato chip production, pretzel bakeries, licensed bakeries, meat packing plants, mushroom production, sausage production, scrapple production

And for a more personal level, Pittsburgh was the first to use a documented emoticon. Thats rather special.

But there's also all of this: (there's a lot, otherwise I could copy and paste).

We also have seventeen sister cities internationally

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
artanis_neravar said:
Rwanda: In retaliation to the Tutsi (one Rwandan ehtnic group) invasion, the Hutu (the controlling ethnic group) committed mass genocide of all Tutsi and the Hutu who supported peace. When the Tutsi managed to gain control of the capital the returned the favor by beating raping and killing any Hutu they could find. All of this happened in 1994 and most people I have talked to have never hear of it before.
It's well-known in Canada thanks to both the failure of peacekeeping (our second favourite hobby) and Romeo Dallaire's (Canadian UN general in charge of peacekeeping forces in Rwanda) excellent book Shake Hands With the Devil.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Ham_authority95 said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
Ham_authority95 said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
Ham_authority95 said:
Reyalsfeihc said:
In an effort to become more multicultural and end the non-existent amount of seething nationalism on the Escapist [/sarcasm], put forward your best ice breaker (or the most interesting fact to you) about your home country. Mine most definitely is the United States was a nation built on weed, without which the 13 colonies` economy would`ve collapsed.
The majority of my country likes being broke while we're sick, as shown by our lack of a decent public healthcare plan. That's quite weird, considering that we're considered a developed country by ourselves and most other countries.
pfft. But why save jobs for our own citizens when we can send them all to China and India? And hey, we`re slowly progressing toward Universal Healthcare! Obama five! *obama*
I live in the US, by the way.
Your quote was confusing. I think you formatted it wrong.

I don't see how Obama has any influence over our jobs being put overseas(since it started 20 years before he came into office), or how it's related to a national healthcare plan.
I wasn't pinning our jobs going overseas on Obama, I was saying it's the corporations' faults. And the Universal Healthcare thing was separate from my comment on the economy, since Obama has enacted a Universal Healthcare plan.
Ah, I see now. There's something wrong with the device that you're posting with, since one of the
keep disappearing...
Well now I fixed it since I'm replying from my computer.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Mcapplepie said:
Apparently, Australia is the fattest country in the world.

... woo Australia.
Actually that's a lie. America is still the fattest but we aren't too far behind. I think we get the most public holidays or something though.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
triggrhappy94 said:
#1 wine grower in the western hemisphere!
Which make my scenic comute a nightmarish when the tourists show up, but its not as bad as cities like San Fransisco which is an hour south from here.

Any guess where Im from?
Well definitely California, don't know the city if that's what you're asking though.

Mr Thin

New member
Apr 4, 2010
Dags90 said:
This [] times article begs to differ.

*Multiple chins jiggling with the force of my howl*

Heheh, no, in all seriousness, I'm so underweight I'm nearly dead.

Guess that makes me un-Australian.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Blind Sight said:
artanis_neravar said:
Rwanda: In retaliation to the Tutsi (one Rwandan ehtnic group) invasion, the Hutu (the controlling ethnic group) committed mass genocide of all Tutsi and the Hutu who supported peace. When the Tutsi managed to gain control of the capital the returned the favor by beating raping and killing any Hutu they could find. All of this happened in 1994 and most people I have talked to have never hear of it before.
It's well-known in Canada thanks to both the failure of peacekeeping (our second favourite hobby) and Romeo Dallaire's (Canadian UN general in charge of peacekeeping forces in Rwanda) excellent book Shake Hands With the Devil.
I'm glad to hear that, the teacher at my school who taught about the genocide is a Rwandan citizen who escaped from his house minutes before the secret police came to kill him

Also my state is the largest blueberry producer in the world as well as the number one tooth pick exporter
Guess where I'm from


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Some of Ghandi's ashes are at the Lake Shrine in Pacific Palisades near Los Angeles.
These were the only ashes allowed outside of India when he died.

Where the karaoke was invented.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Reyalsfeihc said:
triggrhappy94 said:
#1 wine grower in the western hemisphere!
Which make my scenic comute a nightmarish when the tourists show up, but its not as bad as cities like San Fransisco which is an hour south from here.

Any guess where Im from?
Well definitely California, don't know the city if that's what you're asking though.
Close enough, Napa/ Sonoma County in sunny (most of the time) Nor Cal


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Mr Thin said:

*Multiple chins jiggling with the force of my howl*

Heheh, no, in all seriousness, I'm so underweight I'm nearly dead.

Guess that makes me un-Australian.
It probably means it's going to be hard for you to find clothes that aren't sized for your supersized countrymen. It's certainly a problem here in the U.S.
artanis_neravar said:
I'm glad to hear that, the teacher at my school who taught about the genocide is a Rwandan citizen who escaped from his house minutes before the secret police came to kill him

Also my state is the largest blueberry producer in the world as well as the number one tooth pick exporter
Guess where I'm from
I believe I've heard that it's Maine, but I'm pretty sure that's actually part of Canada.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Alert, at 817 km from the north pole, is the farthest north permanently inhabited place in the world, with five permanent residents, eh. The nearest city within the country is over 2000 km away (Iqaluit, Nunavut on Baffin Island).

In case you haven't realized yet, I'm talking about Canada, eh.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Mr Thin said:
Dags90 said:
This [] times article begs to differ.

*Multiple chins jiggling with the force of my howl*

Heheh, no, in all seriousness, I'm so underweight I'm nearly dead.

Guess that makes me un-Australian.
How dare you be so unpatriotic! A thousand koalas look down upon you in shame.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
artanis_neravar said:
Rwanda: In retaliation to the Tutsi (one Rwandan ehtnic group) invasion, the Hutu (the controlling ethnic group) committed mass genocide of all Tutsi and the Hutu who supported peace. When the Tutsi managed to gain control of the capital the returned the favor by beating raping and killing any Hutu they could find. All of this happened in 1994 and most people I have talked to have never hear of it before.

Note: I am American not Rwandan
really? Wasnt that one of the top Genocides in the history of the world? cause that was like, one of the first things we learend at my school on genocides, even before the Holocaust.

And wasnt the movie Hotel Rwanda based on this (or at least had a tie in to it)?


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Dags90 said:
Mr Thin said:

*Multiple chins jiggling with the force of my howl*

Heheh, no, in all seriousness, I'm so underweight I'm nearly dead.

Guess that makes me un-Australian.
It probably means it's going to be hard for you to find clothes that aren't sized for your supersized countrymen. It's certainly a problem here in the U.S.
artanis_neravar said:
I'm glad to hear that, the teacher at my school who taught about the genocide is a Rwandan citizen who escaped from his house minutes before the secret police came to kill him

Also my state is the largest blueberry producer in the world as well as the number one tooth pick exporter
Guess where I'm from
I believe I've heard that it's Maine, but I'm pretty sure that's actually part of Canada.
Yes it is Maine, and fuck you we are not a part of Canada, we are proud New Englanders....or bat shit crazy people who live in compounds with more guns than any one person should ever own.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
DaphneRose said:
Some of Ghandi's ashes are at the Lake Shrine in Pacific Palisades near Los Angeles.
These were the only ashes allowed outside of India when he died.

Where the karaoke was invented.
That's strange that they'd let specific ashes get released out of India. And actually it was invented in Japan, by a person from the Philippines.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
artanis_neravar said:
Dags90 said:
Mr Thin said:

*Multiple chins jiggling with the force of my howl*

Heheh, no, in all seriousness, I'm so underweight I'm nearly dead.

Guess that makes me un-Australian.
It probably means it's going to be hard for you to find clothes that aren't sized for your supersized countrymen. It's certainly a problem here in the U.S.
artanis_neravar said:
I'm glad to hear that, the teacher at my school who taught about the genocide is a Rwandan citizen who escaped from his house minutes before the secret police came to kill him

Also my state is the largest blueberry producer in the world as well as the number one tooth pick exporter
Guess where I'm from
I believe I've heard that it's Maine, but I'm pretty sure that's actually part of Canada.
Yes it is Maine, and fuck you we are not a part of Canada, we are proud New Englanders....or bat shit crazy people who live in compounds with more guns than any one person should ever own.
Coming from a state that was going to allow guns to be brought into sporting events, I highly doubt you have more armaments. Guess where I'm from?