Analyst Calls It: Nintendo Wins the Console War


Queen of France
Mar 14, 2009
DrDeath3191 said:
FROGGEman2 said:
DrDeath3191 said:
FROGGEman2 said:
I have a feeling that "Wii HD" will be coming out next year.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but no it isn't. Nintendo has said multiple times that there is no WiiHD.
So what, they'll never make another console? I just think that another console of theirs is coming out and that it features hardware that is up to scratch with current gaming systems.
They will, but not for a while.
That's why I said that "I had a feeling".

Eh, actually, I'm just kinda flaming you at this point, sorry.

rated pg

New member
Aug 21, 2008
OP seems to have neglected to mention the fact Microsoft said they'd support the 360 through 2015. Also, it should probably read home console war or it'd be the DS by a country mile.

That and the Wii is a toy, not a console. Ok, revisions complete.


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
Ah the Wii, I want you to think about this. The Wii, has clocked up all those sales, and it has only released a handful of mature games (MadWorld,The Conduit,House of the Dead, Resi and NMH).

Where to go from here? How about that market?

Yep, Sony and Microsoft have had it.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Really, I don't care about the console wars. Back when I was a fanboy Nintendo winning was a big deal, now I just play the games I have and stay neutral online... at most..
I have both Wii and a 360. I don't have a PS3 because it got a lot of the same games as the 360 and the PC and it's more expensive than what I prefer.

The Wii got most of the games that the whole family can enjoy together, and the others share the adult titles, then there's the PC taking in a mix of both. Pick your favourite, or pick all, do whatever makes you happy, because no-one who's mature care what you like the best.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
the wii i think is just bought so people that want to play old nintendo games don't have to buy too many consoles. really the only reason it did so well is because all the health nuts wanted their children to get off their lazy ass and do something, or an adult decided that they wanted more "family time". it wasn't anything new like all of nintendo's products after the n64, but people that don't have consoles thought it would be a gateway system. i think all the companies need to come together and make one console, for everyone, so the console wars will end and no more fanboys. if there are no fanboys, pollution levels might even go down from the stop of all that hot air.

DoW Lowen

Jan 11, 2009
While Nintendo may have won over casual gamer sales and mainstream crowds any gamer worth his nerd glasses knows that Nintendo is a whore and has alienated it's once devoted fan base who use to root for the under dog. So you know what I'm just going to say it out -


Not because I support any other console, but because the company has put a wall between themselves, gamers and third party developers in favor of safety, unoriginality and mediocrity. The worse part is that they probably know this but are too busy wiping their mouths with $100 bills to care.

I use to love you Nintendo... you fucking traitor.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
In sales, yes, in quality, HELL NO! Sure theres a good game on the console every once in a blue moon, but theres too much shittiness in the Wii library.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Even though mention the Wii and this generation in the same sentence makes PS3 and 360 fanboys angry, this falls in the categories of "Not news" and "well duh!." The Nintendo Wii is well on its way to selling 75 million units world wide, a figure that it could easily get by 2011 if not sooner. The other two consoles barely beat that if you combine the figures together. The biggest news from last years e3 is the announcement of 360's and PS3's "mii also" motion control device.

The only people that think the Wii does not count somehow are those that think you can ignore a third of the industry when making predictions like this. The fun ones were the people that wanted the console war declared over because of some milestone the 360 was getting, even though at the same time, the Wii was consistently sold out everywhere you went.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
GamesB2 said:
Really? I haven't touched my brothers wii in months, and neither has he since he got his xbox... infact i don't think any of my wii playing friends have played the wii seriously since they got xboxes... i heartily disagree with this statement.
The problem with the wii right now is that they haven't put out any games that attract attention like Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy. I noticed that the wii right now is putting old x-box360 games on the wii for sale, so I think that they are just slacking off.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
malestrithe said:
Even though mention the Wii and this generation in the same sentence makes PS3 and 360 fanboys angry, this falls in the categories of "Not news" and "well duh!." The Nintendo Wii is well on its way to selling 75 million units world wide, a figure that it could easily get by 2011 if not sooner. The other two consoles barely beat that if you combine the figures together. The biggest news from last years e3 is the announcement of 360's and PS3's "mii also" motion control device.

The only people that think the Wii does not count somehow are those that think you can ignore a third of the industry when making predictions like this. The fun ones were the people that wanted the console war declared over because of some milestone the 360 was getting, even though at the same time, the Wii was consistently sold out everywhere you went.
The thing I have against this analyst's view (I don't own any current gen consoles btw, although have played all of them. Neutral Party here :D) is that it does seem that he bases his entire arguement on the number of units shipped and not the quality of the console, or the playability / replayability of the games on said console.

My experience with the Wii: fun as a party game, meh for regular gaming.

Xbox360: died a horrible machine death, I'm not sure if I'd miss it or not.

PS3: Shiny, but loading screens from hell.

Where are the subjective points in his declaration for a winner? The only point I saw being raised was number of units shipped.

Rect Pola

New member
May 19, 2009
I would say Wii is too well established to faulter as long a games keep coming.
I could see PS3 pulling into a worthy foe for Wii. Move will make a bigger impact than 3D (assuming Sony refuses to let developers dick around with ports, party games, shovelware, or poor controls).
Microsoft, I really don't see Kinect taking off. Unless next year, they release something to go with it that has buttons.