Analyst: PS4 Will Launch Under $400

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
As long as they don't do the $1=£1 conversion when it comes to the UK, I'd say that is a very decently priced console. Past UK pricing of electronics leaves me wary of any so called price until Sony confirm the launch prices.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
If it's at $400 at launch I'll be happy with it. But I'd be mostly happy to see it bundled with some of their exclusives.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I'm not seeing it for under $400. The Wii U is at $300 at the lowest and that's still being sold at a loss. At minimum they might, MIGHT be able to hit $400 if they take a loss, otherwise I'm seeing it at $450-$500.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Not Michael Pachter? Instant boost in credibility, but I can see the price being around $450 which is still pretty good. However if Sony does to MS what they did to the Sega Saturn they've got this console generation in the bag. If Sony has regained its console savvy ways, that'd be exactly what they should do. Especially utilizing the fact that they're scheduled AFTER Microsoft's confrence.


New member
Aug 28, 2011
If we keep up with the texas hold 'em analogy Yahtzee came up with, I highly doubt that we'll see a concrete price from Sony until MS told the world the price of the Xbone. Because of the new obligatory Kinect there's just no way that it'll be cheaper than $450. Sony will then simply proceed to price their own console 50 bucks cheaper.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
RicoADF said:
The question I wonder is how much of a bullcrap extra they will tax onto Australia, if they put too much I'll just buy it from the UK as I won't be ripped off again.
Think that would be the for the best. I checked EB games and you can preorder a ps4 with the price being $900 but they haven't announced the final price yet.

Fuck that if its that much though, hope its around $400 to $500 like everywhere else.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
WanderingFool said:
Mr.Mattress said:
I'm expecting it to be between 399-499$ dollars. I can't see it being any cheaper then that. If it is, then it'll make Sony hemorrhage money. And that's the last thing Sony needs.
I would say its the last thing Sony's Gaming division needs. But if they could make up the price difference with sale increase in other departments, maybe they can get away with the lower price.
That would work if their other divisions had made them any money from the last couple of years. From my understanding, only their film and music divisions are making money, and the rest of their departments aren't.


New member
Nov 30, 2012
Headsprouter said:
And that's in Dollars? Well, that's not bad. Something like £260, if I'm doing my maths right, which I'm probably not.

I don't even wanna buy it, though, but I kind of want Sony to do well, considering they're not as controlling is Microsoft in this situation. And if the Xbone is hideously overpriced in comparison, Sony could own this next generation of consoles.
broken-serenity said:
Yeah in the real world where games companies price things based on exchange rates and dont just switch the $ for a £ like usual :)
Or when they jack up the price by 50% simply because you're in Australia/New Zealand. Saying that though, they really could dominate this whole generation if they do go by exchange rates and make themselves the ideal console in comparison to the Wii U and Xbox One.


Sep 22, 2009
Ishigami said:
Headsprouter said:
And that's in Dollars? Well, that's not bad. Something like £260, if I'm doing my maths right, which I'm probably not.
In Europe we will have to pay the US price in Euros. It has been this way since... I don't know. The reason for that is, that in the US the price does not include the sales tax and then we have different shipping costs and blablablabla...
Anyway if the PS4 is 400 $ in the US then it will be 400 Euro in Europe +- something dependant on the country. Meaning about ~£340 in the UK.

However I somewhat doubt the ?lower than 400 $? guess here. I think between 400 and 500 is more realistically.
He Sony I dare you to prove me wrong!
It also has to do with the fact that exchange rates don't actually reflect how much money is worth within your own country, for the purposes of retail or what have you. It's just a comparison of two different economies for purposes of trade and the like.

For example, here in Australia, our dollar buys roughly one American dollar, so you'd think that everything should cost around the same price, but it doesn't. The cost of living in Australia is generally higher than it is in the U.S. in every respect, and our minimum wage is higher to compensate for that so more people in Australia can afford to pay for a higher price point and sale prices rise to take advantage of that. There are also other factors that affect how things are priced like population size, potential market size, projected sales and so on. I can confirm that, barring a few things like pharmaceuticals, just about everything you want to purchase in America is going to be cheaper than it is in Australia, even taking the fact that they don't include sales tax in their prices into account.

So, yeah, it's a simple fact that $400 American has a completely different value than $400 Australian when it comes to things like affordability, comparative retail prices, average incomes and tax brackets, even though exchange rates put them at about equal.

Anyway, I definitely know that the PS4 is not going to be as expensive as the PS3. Sony does not want to repeat the last console cycle.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
So at least that means it will only cost 800 dollars here in Australia as opposed to 1, 000. Americans and Brits complaining about expensive things is always kind of cute, like a man complaining about a cut on his leg to an amputee.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Well, for a start, Australia, but secondly, until I hear it from Sony I couldn't care less what other people think is going to happen. I would not be surprised if the PS4 is more expensive than the Xbone because the PS4 will (I assume) not have online subscription fees to make up the rest.


$20 For Steve
May 18, 2009
badgersprite said:
It also has to do with the fact that exchange rates don't actually reflect how much money is worth within your own country, for the purposes of retail or what have you. It's just a comparison of two different economies for purposes of trade and the like.

For example, here in Australia, our dollar buys roughly one American dollar, so you'd think that everything should cost around the same price, but it doesn't. The cost of living in Australia is generally higher than it is in the U.S. in every respect, and our minimum wage is higher to compensate for that so more people in Australia can afford to pay for a higher price point and sale prices rise to take advantage of that. There are also other factors that affect how things are priced like population size, potential market size, projected sales and so on. I can confirm that, barring a few things like pharmaceuticals, just about everything you want to purchase in America is going to be cheaper than it is in Australia, even taking the fact that they don't include sales tax in their prices into account.

So, yeah, it's a simple fact that $400 American has a completely different value than $400 Australian when it comes to things like affordability, comparative retail prices, average incomes and tax brackets, even though exchange rates put them at about equal.

Anyway, I definitely know that the PS4 is not going to be as expensive as the PS3. Sony does not want to repeat the last console cycle.
You're right about the differences between $400 AUD and $400 USD. It's useful to convert the ~$15.5/hr AUD to its 'purchasing power parity' in USD which works out to roughly $9.50 US. Essentially the OECD thinks that with $15 aussie dollars you could buy goods in Australia worth that would cost someone in the US $9.50.

With the US minimum at ~$7.50 we come out with 34% extra on the minimum wage. That doesn't really justify a lot of the price differences I've seen including up to 100% mark ups on the US prices. Especially when you consider that (at least according to wikipedia) the median household income adjusted to PPP in America is generally higher than Australia's by a few thousand US dollars. Of course the average income in the US is even higher but that's because of the top 1% skewing things.

So basically the disparity in prices shouldn't in my opinion be due to differences in what consumers in the two countries can afford. Differences in the geography and size of the two markets could still account for it though, except in the case of digital sales where it's basically blatant greed and "distributors blame rights holders and rights holders blame distributors but really no one gives enough of a shit to fix it and they'll continue to charge what they like" (See Itunes).

Also PSA to Australians, creating a US itunes account and paying with pre-paid cards will let you get songs and movies for American prices.


New member
Dec 18, 2003
Like the others I'm very skeptical of a $400 price tag. Sure I'd love it, but each system has been more costly than the last. The only way I can see such a thing is if they got with the whole "Limited/Premium" and "Standard". Much how MS released the basic 360 with a 4GB HD. Think of it like a console starter pack if you will. This would work if the HD are replaceable like the PS3. Not sure about that one. Still you'd think with all the power the system claims to have a larger number to match it. As I've pointed out before there are people that buy those iPads, so a console being a similar price isn't so surprising.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
tthats impressive, considering what they want to put it in it it sounds like they may be taking a loss on each system. tough if its true maybe I'll get a PS4 at launch, thats only like half a paycheck.

THough it if it strue and sony starts losing money on each system, games may be more expensive t counterbalance


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Dark Knifer said:
RicoADF said:
The question I wonder is how much of a bullcrap extra they will tax onto Australia, if they put too much I'll just buy it from the UK as I won't be ripped off again.
Think that would be the for the best. I checked EB games and you can preorder a ps4 with the price being $900 but they haven't announced the final price yet.

Fuck that if its that much though, hope its around $400 to $500 like everywhere else.
I know, however EB is also over estimating on purpose so when it drops it will look 'cheap', psychology trick. I won't accept more than say $600 if US gets it for $400, anymore than around $200 more than the US price I will just import.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
blalien said:
Who are these analysts, and how often are their predictions accurate?
humans, they are humans. usually people who study such deals fr work and make money banking on thier own predictions. if they havetn gone bancrupt and jsut end up that guy n TV none likes anymore then their predictions are accurate often enough.
I too think SONY will tryo to keep the price down. at least as low as Xbone, for being hihly priced had bit them hard last time and it looks like they are learning from PS3 mistakes.


New member
May 20, 2009
Headsprouter said:
And that's in Dollars? Well, that's not bad. Something like £260, if I'm doing my maths right, which I'm probably not.
You're not. But only because they don't do their math like normal humans. They just change the $ to ?, £ or whatever the currency is. Why? Because people don't pay attention and think they're paying the same amount of money, which means they don't get complaints and keep doing their shady business like it's all fine and well.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Headsprouter said:
And that's in Dollars? Well, that's not bad. Something like £260, if I'm doing my maths right, which I'm probably not.
Of course, it'l probably be closer to 400 GBP, because Europe gets shafted.

The Apple BOOM said:
I have absolutely no idea how they can afford this. That price is crazy low.
Mr.Mattress said:
I'm expecting it to be between 399-499$ dollars. I can't see it being any cheaper then that. If it is, then it'll make Sony hemorrhage money. And that's the last thing Sony needs.
Actually, a cheap MSRP might be just what they need. At this point, with Microsoft practically slitting their own wrists PR-wise and Nintendo creating a console that's barely more powerful than 8 year old consoles, it might be the right time to swoop in with a low-price offer, snag a massive install base, and pocket a net gain. Keep in mind that the gaming industry is no stranger to the loss-leader strategy, and even the PS3 was sold at a pretty significant loss at first. Depending on the pricing of the 360, they could make a pretty hefty swing there.

Greyhamster said:
Would be cool but seems unlikely, since the ps3 is going for around 300 euros here. Can't see them selling it's descendant for a mere fifty euros more.

I hope they do though.
Keep in mind though, you're paying the equivalent of 400 USD already for a PS3 then.

That same PS3 is running around USD 250 (more for older models).

This is not a strictly linear case of "add fifty Euros."

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
___________________ said:
Headsprouter said:
And that's in Dollars? Well, that's not bad. Something like £260, if I'm doing my maths right, which I'm probably not.
You're not. But only because they don't do their math like normal humans. They just change the $ to ?, £ or whatever the currency is. Why? Because people don't pay attention and think they're paying the same amount of money, which means they don't get complaints and keep doing their shady business like it's all fine and well.
It's more because "that's what the market will sustain."