Analyst Says DJ Hero Demand "Well Below" Expectations

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Analyst Says DJ Hero Demand "Well Below" Expectations

DJ Hero [] but analyst Doug Creutz says the game will probably still fall well below those unusually modest predictions.

Despite huge amounts of pre-release hype, said over the weekend [] that he didn't expect the upcoming DJ Hero to make a fast break out of the gate. Rather than looking for big sales at launch followed by a major drop-off, Huang said Activision believed the game would build up momentum over time as people become more familiar with what a DJ game is.

But according to Cowen & Co. analyst Doug Creutz, Activision's sights may still be set too high. "On DJ Hero, despite some recent positive comments from company management about pre-orders, we remain very cautious about the title's prospects at launch," Creutz said in an investor's note. "A survey of online retailers indicates a demand profile that is well below what we would have expected to see just a few days before launch for a title that was destined to be a big (or even modest) success."

The high price of peripheral-bundled music games will put a lot of gamers off during times of recession, Creutz said, while the "buzz" surrounding franchises like Guitar Hero [] has also faded. As a result, he has dramatically cut his predictions for DJ Hero sales over the final three months of the year from 1.6 million units in the U.S. to only 600,000, while he expects full-year sales to reach 950,000 units rather than his initial estimate of 2.5 million.

While Creutz thinks that DJ Hero will be a much slower starter than Activision admits, he agrees that it will likely become an important fixture in the publisher's stable. "We still believe that DJ Hero will be an important part of Activision Blizzard's music franchise strategy, but we think it may take a few versions of the game for it to reach its full market potential (similar to the original Guitar Hero)," he noted. And it's not just DJ Hero that's suffering: After a rough September, Creutz cut his 2009 combined sales estimate for DJ Hero, Guitar Hero and Band Hero [] by more than half, from $408 million to $199 million.

Source: GamesIndustry []



New member
Jan 11, 2009
Just because you tack Hero onto the title doesn't mean it will sell any kind of numbers...I'm sorry, Band Hero is just GH5 with more child friendly songs, that's just not cool. Everything they are doing with the GH franchise is just running it straight in to the ground without remorse for how well it will actually sell.

If they were smart and wanting to make more money, they'd be better off backing of the actual releases and just sticking to the DLC market, like Harmonix does, just make the game infinitely expandable. Just because you can continue to make games every 6 months doesn't mean you should, support what you have and stop charging full price for what really is an overglorified expansion.

Kinda derailed myself for a minute there, DJ Hero looked like a great way to expand the music genre but it doesn't have the appeal to anyone but hardcore club goers regardless of the popularity of the artists.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
I just dont see how you could go very far at this. "Yaay, i wanta live the life of being a DJ at rich peoples parties and beat down clubs! Thats the life for me!"

Also the chick in the picture up there looks like a vampire.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I think guitar hero has MUCH more broad appeal then DJ hero. So that's why I think it flopped. They expected the same audience for both games


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Kuchinawa212 said:
I think guitar hero has MUCH more broad appeal then DJ hero. So that's why I think it flopped. They expected the same audience for both games
It fails in every sense. Guitar Hero started off excellent. Everyone wants to imagine being a rock star at some point in their life. The Rock Band pwn'd them with a full band release and continuously downloadable content. Guitar Hero tossed out World Tour to compete and honestly it's not nearly as good as RB2. Then they forget that RB exposed people to BANDS playing, have a few friends over and have some they release DJ Hero, a game where at most 2 people can play (and only on certain songs that allow for guitar).

Don't even get me started on Band Hero. Oh I just can't wait to play Taylor Swift songs and ohmigawd they have the Spice Girls! *rolls my eyes*


New member
Apr 29, 2009
I like the idea of DJ Hero and will be getting it.
I'm not a hardcore techno, mixmaster, or clubing fan, but I like DJ Hero's concept and music. I don't mind it at all, I'll get it regardless of the names I'll be called.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
VanityGirl said:
I like the idea of DJ Hero and will be getting it.
I'm not a hardcore techno, mixmaster, or clubing fan, but I like DJ Hero's concept and music. I don't mind it at all, I'll get it regardless of the names I'll be called.
Ok Denise. If you dig it, get it. No problem at all. I just think the $100+ to get it is incredibly high.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Cliff_m85 said:
Don't even get me started on Band Hero. Oh I just can't wait to play Taylor Swift songs and ohmigawd they have the Spice Girls! *rolls my eyes*
Wait. Why do they think it's a good idea to appeal to only a small community in the whole realm of music? Is that the new strategy now? Make games for only the 250 people that want it?


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Ok, who managed to thing that any game called DJ Hero, could possably be any good in the first place?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Kuchinawa212 said:
Cliff_m85 said:
Don't even get me started on Band Hero. Oh I just can't wait to play Taylor Swift songs and ohmigawd they have the Spice Girls! *rolls my eyes*
Wait. Why do they think it's a good idea to appeal to only a small community in the whole realm of music? Is that the new strategy now? Make games for only the 250 people that want it?
Rolling eyes = sarcasm.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
I lost interest in the (insert random instrument here) Hero franchise after my first guitar heo game (#3), it just doesn't appeal to me.

Da Joz

New member
May 19, 2009
Even if I was interested in the game the price is way to high for a poor graduate student, I.E me.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Cliff_m85 said:
Ok Denise. If you dig it, get it. No problem at all. I just think the $100+ to get it is incredibly high.
Well, since I'll be getting a turntable, the stand and the game, I don't mind too much. Better for me to buy things that function, than spend $80 for shitty nightvisions goggles that come with a game. :)
Or a helmet that is two sizes too small. :)


New member
Oct 13, 2008
Speaking as a DJ in real life, I can honestly say that this game is in no way representative of spinning in real life. Whereas GH/Rock Band have some similarities to the activity they are simulating, DJ Hero only represents ONE aspect of DJ'ing: And that's the mash-up. I could go in to a more deep comparison, but none of you want to read that.

Final verdict: This game should have never been made!


New member
Nov 26, 2008
I couldn't believe it when I saw the initial announcements for this game. It's a game where you emulate the activity most useless, douchey people in the world. I've known four people who liked to "spin" in my lifetime. They were all completely empty-headed morons whose sole aspiration in life was to continue to use my air.

It's a sad statement when the entertainment industry doesn't even think we want to fantasize about playing music anymore. They think we want to fantasize about being a music presenter. Up next? We're going for the moviegoing crowd. We give you Projectionist Hero!

Setting aside the fact that the premise of this game is ridiculous, is the gaming crowd really the same as the dance club crowd? Really?

The popularity/lack thereof of certain movies and games recently has really made me lose faith in the American populace. Maybe this game becoming the complete failure it deserves to be can restore a little bit of that.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
VanityGirl said:
Cliff_m85 said:
Ok Denise. If you dig it, get it. No problem at all. I just think the $100+ to get it is incredibly high.
Well, since I'll be getting a turntable, the stand and the game, I don't mind too much. Better for me to buy things that function, than spend $80 for shitty nightvisions goggles that come with a game. :)
Or a helmet that is two sizes too small. :)
I'd completely agree with that, but I just don't dig getting one instrument for that wad of cash when I can throw down $100 and get a microphone, guitar, and drug set (as well as the game). Maybe if they decided to be express the true nature of club music and include a bag of ecstacy with each bundle as well as light sticks. :p


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Cliff_m85 said:
I'd completely agree with that, but I just don't dig getting one instrument for that wad of cash when I can throw down $100 and get a microphone, guitar, and drug set (as well as the game). Maybe if they decided to be express the true nature of club music and include a bag of ecstacy with each bundle as well as light sticks. :p
I guess, but wasn't Rock Band's full set more than $100? I'm curious because I thought it was. (I mean at release, not now, it's had a price drop since a year ago.)
But I guess to each his own. I'm glad they put Justice in there, I really like their music. If you don't know who Justice is, think of the Assassin's Creed II trailer. Yep, that was them.


Game Developer
Jul 31, 2009
Take a moment and think of how many people you know that can play guitar or want to learn to play guitar...

Now I want you to take a moment to think of how many people you know that can scratch or want to learn to scratch...

I mean seriously. What did they expect?