KingsGambit said:
It has nothing to do with female characters;
Another lie.
there are great games with fantastic female characters in them.
I know, and?
It has everything to do with forcing female characters where they do not belong for the sake of "progress",
The option of playing as females in multiplayer isn't "forcing" anyone to do anything.
You could argue that the singleplayer is "forcing" females because at least one of them is female, but that's about it.
disrespecting to real sacrifices made by both the men on the frontline and the women who gave everything to the war effort at the time.
Right, so, turning WWII into a videogame is fine, but as soon as females became optional in singleplayer, it crosses the line into "disrespect."
I also noticed that you completely evaded my points about Medal of Honour forcing OSS agents into theatres they never served in, or fuck, Wolfenstien.
I'll sum up the issue since I think it's escaped so many people, is different from what I've said before and will be my last thoughts on this topic.
Joan Clarke was a mathematician who worked at Bletchley Park during WW2. While Alan Turing is without doubt the most famous code-breaker of the era, Joan Clarke was an instrumental and vital part of the effort to crack the Enigma machine.
I've visited Bletchly Park and seen The Imitation Game, I know who they are.
Without her contribution, the entire war could've ended quite differently.
Debateable. The cracking of the enigma code shortened the war, claiming a different outcome could have ensued is stretching a lot. It's general consensus that Germany would have lost eventually because it couldn't compete with the manpower of the Allies (not least of which was the Soviet Union).
She was a gifted individual, played a tremendous role in defeating Nazi Germany and is rightly recognised as a national hero, despite that so much of her accomplishments are still kept secret.
All true.
And this game completely undermines Joan Clarke's accomplishments. Since making a game about code-breaking would be dull and EA wanted a military shooter, progress/diversity/inclusion demanded they put a woman on the frontline, in effect saying that the only contribution worthy of recognition is that made by the men on the frontline. The *actual* efforts and heroism of the women who were part of the war effort, being away from the frontline weren't worthy enough and so we have to put a woman in the role of the man.
No, that isn't like that at all.
By your own logic, Foyle's War "disrespects" all the men who served because it shows a male who's offerred a role in British Intelligence turning it down to remain on the police force. Throughout the series, there's the constant conflict between him and Allied forces as the needs of the war overturn war and order. Likewise, Sam leaves the MTC to be his driver. That's not even touching on Medal of Honour: Underground (which, if it was released today, would be criticized as "promoting the femnist agenda." Taking this train of thought to the end statement, any piece of war media that depicts anyone in an atypical role is disrespecting the war it's based on.
Similarly, as you yourself has admitted, codebreaking was done by both men and women. There isn't a 1/1 divide. And while it's true that females didn't serve on the frontlines on the Western Front, you could just, I dunno, NOT play as a female.
It also disrespects the men that did die on the frontlines. The horrors and death that befell them was unlike anything I can even begin to imagine and to have fictionalised women placed there diminishes the suffering the men went thru. They died in untold numbers so that their women wouldn't have to. Conscription and frontline warfare was the sad fate of able-bodied men then and this game utterly disrespects that reality.
Right, so, turning WWII into entertainment that already sanitizes the effects of war is fine. To quote a previous post
-Turning WWII into a game to be played = fine.
-Taking liberties with historical technology = fine.
-Replacing historical forces with a-historical forces = fine.
-Letting people play as girls in multiplayer = not fine.
That's not even touching on the sanitization of the war for entertainment in the first place.
I cannot explain it any better.
Well you can't explain it any worse.
You can continue to defend this game all you like
And you can rationalize all you like.
but it's bombing for all the reasons I've said.
It's a pretty sad inditement on society (or at least gamer culture), but that's still potentially true.
KingsGambit said:
No, I never said anything about the game's "right to have female MP avatars". The game can have anything it likes and I will defend any developers right to create any game they wish. I never said a word about "the right" to anything. I will absolutely defend EA's right to put wimin in this game. If they wanted to create a WW2 game where every single character is female I'll defend their right to make it. But I will call it out for the pandering garbage it is and I certainly wouldn't pay for it.
Except you've made it clear that you never liked Battlefield to begin with, so claiming you never would have paid for it doesn't say that much.
Again, if you were never going to buy something, then try to claim that it's a matter of principle that you don't buy something, then call other people hypocrites for not buying the thing that you were never going to buy, then yes, that makes you a hypocrite.
"So to be clear", anyone defending this game for its "progressive"/social justice bent (ie. putting wimin on the frontlines) but then not putting their money with their mouths are, those are the hypocrites. They are the hypocrites and they are the reason this game is bombing.
Any putting of women on the frontlines is at player discretion. Your whole "social justice" angle might work better if players were forced to play as females. You don't "force" someone by giving them a choice. Likewise, multiplayer isn't really making a statement about anything, unless you want to read into it and say:
-The Norwegians and Dutch never defended their homelands, the British did it for them.
-The French never tried to defend France, the British did it for them.
-Bullet wounds meant nothing, medics could revive you on the spot?
-Civilians? Frostbite? PTSD? Hah, what nonsense! Now, where am I going to respawn?
Luckily, most people don't go looking for statements in multiplayer (of all the Battlefield games I've played, the only one approaching any kind of 'statement' is Bad Company, and only if you squint). Now if BF5 presented girls as being on the frontlines in its singleplayer, then you might have a leg to stand on, but aside from the presence of a female Norwegian resistance fighter, we haven't seen any evidence of that.