Anchorman Co-Star Set To Play Marvel's Ant-Man

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
Johnny Novgorod said:
And of course suddenly everyone thinks Ant-Man is the best superhero. Nobody discussed or gave two fucks about this clown until MOVIE ANNOUNCEMENT.
Maybe not here, but there have been plenty of discussions about this for some time now. And to be completely honest, until it was announced to be a movie, most of the discussion of this particular comic hero (and most others that dont have a movie coming out) probably just remained in the comic shops where us comic geeks love to hang out and discuss all the goings on in the Marvel and DC universe. :) No offense meant, but there is a taaaaad bit of troll odor to this post. A tad. Do keep in mind there is probably a bazillion things being discussed every single second that neither you or I are privy to until it becomes headline news. Paul Rudd being given this role makes it headline news. ;)

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Guys! Relax. Look, Joe Coyne is my favourite Batman villain but I'm under no illusions that he's going to headline the next Dark Knight flick.

Furthermore, Marvel itself has given a very clear indication of what it thinks of his status as a founding Avenger and creator of Ultron by dismissing him as both. The Rudd/Wright combo could suggest that Marvel is willing to try something a little more adventurous than its normal superhero fare, but doing it with Ant-Man indicates equally that it isn't prepared to colour outside the lines with a character that has broad, mainstream appeal - which, I'm sorry to say, Ant-Man lacks.
Nov 28, 2007
To those wondering about what Ant-Man they are planning to use, assuming nothing has changed since (which, admittedly, is a long shot), Edgar Wright said at Comic-Con in 2006 (yes, the movie has been in the works for a LONG time) that they were planning to incorporate elements of both Hank Pym and Scott Lang. Source []

Normally, I'd be worried about a movie with this long of a development time, but I trust Edgar Wright. He hasn't done wrong by me yet.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Guys! Relax. Look, Joe Coyne is my favourite Batman villain but I'm under no illusions that he's going to headline the next Dark Knight flick.

Furthermore, Marvel itself has given a very clear indication of what it thinks of his status as a founding Avenger and creator of Ultron by dismissing him as both. The Rudd/Wright combo could suggest that Marvel is willing to try something a little more adventurous than its normal superhero fare, but doing it with Ant-Man indicates equally that it isn't prepared to colour outside the lines with a character that has broad, mainstream appeal - which, I'm sorry to say, Ant-Man lacks.
You might want to be way more careful on the editorial aspect from here on out, man. Especially when addressing comic book nerds, who are the scariest ones.


The Master of Speilingz
Mar 19, 2009
Reading Andy Chalk talk shit about Ant-man really tussled my salad.

Iron man and Thor weren't that big outside of comics before they got their films, now look at them.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I do believe our Mr. Chalk has failed to do some research, starting with the fact that this film is intended to be a comedy. And that Ant-Man can grow as well as shrink. And that he was a founding Avenger.


New member
May 17, 2010
thebobmaster said:
To those wondering about what Ant-Man they are planning to use, assuming nothing has changed since (which, admittedly, is a long shot), Edgar Wright said at Comic-Con in 2006 (yes, the movie has been in the works for a LONG time) that they were planning to incorporate elements of both Hank Pym and Scott Lang. Source []
I read somewhere that, should they go ahead with Scott Lang, that they might be working Cassie in, though not necessarily as "Stature."

Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
Andy Chalk said:
Guys! Relax. Look, Joe Coyne is my favourite Batman villain but I'm under no illusions that he's going to headline the next Dark Knight flick.

Furthermore, Marvel itself has given a very clear indication of what it thinks of his status as a founding Avenger and creator of Ultron by dismissing him as both. The Rudd/Wright combo could suggest that Marvel is willing to try something a little more adventurous than its normal superhero fare, but doing it with Ant-Man indicates equally that it isn't prepared to colour outside the lines with a character that has broad, mainstream appeal - which, I'm sorry to say, Ant-Man lacks.
EDIT-fixed some spelling and grammar issues with this post.

OK, a couple things I'd like to point out.

First, I can partly understand why they want to make Tony the creator of Ultron since he happens to be the tech genius. Not everything is going to translate 100% from comics to the silver screen. It's something we all have to deal with.

As for who Paul Rudd may be playing, that is still up in the air. Much has changed since the announcement of Ant-Man back in 2006 and its not certain on whether or not this movie will be a legacy piece with Pym passing the mantle to Scott Lang or it will be focusing on Hank Pym's beginning or even going with Eric O'Grady. If they were to focus on Pym, perhaps Marvel will leave his "controversial" moments on the cutting room floor since many moviegoers would not be OK with the idea of the hero being a mentally unstable wife beater. Also, its something I would like to see Marvel recon out but that is just my opinion.

Secondly, a lot of people thought heroes like Iron Man and Thor were long shots at the box office and they were proven wrong to doubt them. While not every Marvel release was a billion dollar winner like Avengers or Iron Man 3, it is satisfying to see the studio take chances with these lesser-known characters rather than play it safe like DC Comics/Warner Brothers by sticking Batman and Wonder Woman in Superman's next movie.

Finally, the majority of people in this thread, including myself, would greatly appreciate it if you could post an article without making it mostly an opinion piece. It's OK to voice your thoughts on these things but it would help if you could offer information on the subject you're reporting(I.E. background on the new Godzilla movie and the King of Monster's 60-year history prior) and then post your opinion at the end.

Thanks in advance.


New member
Sep 27, 2013
There are two benefits to coming to a geek-related site.

The first is getting geek-related news; the second is getting geek related news without the sneering condescension so often found in the mainstream press. I don't need anyone telling me the stuff I like is considered stupid by the mainstream, I can get that anywhere. In the future please be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I thought I was going to have to come here to defend Antman, but I'm just one of many I see. I have to say that I am ecstatic that they cast Paul Rudd. He can basically play himself (what he does in every movie) and he will be a great fit for the character. Hank Pym is also one of the most intelligent people on the planet. That juice is also responsible for Giant Man, a part of Hank Pym's life that is undeniably important and he was integral to saving the world many times. I can't wait, this is gonna be awesome. One thing that is important to understand is he isn't the musclebound oaf many of them come off to be. Thor and Hulk are excellent smashers, Iron Man blows shit up with awesome weapons, but he is subtle and cunning, which makes him a vastly different character from the previous marvel movies. I can't wait.


New member
Aug 1, 2012
Souplex said:
I am deeply saddened that Simon Pegg isn't playing Ant Man.
If he did, Nick Frost could play the Wasp.
Thank you for that mental image.

OT: This article was a bit misinformed, to say the least. As other people have pointed out, Hank Pym (A.K.A Ant-Man) is a founding member of the Avengers. And his powers allow him to change into any size (he can also turn into a giant).

That's not to say this movie won't be a though sale, especially if this is how the general public sees Ant-Man.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
As a non comic book reader, I welcome a movie about a lesser known superhero. I've just about had enough of Spiderman, Superman and Batman... it's a nice change to have someone else take the lead. What piques my interest is having Wright direct it and Rudd as Pym. I like the former's unique directing style and the latter is a funny and charismatic actor.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
To the question of which ant-man rudd will be playing, IMDB lists him as playing Hank Pym which sounds awesome to me


New member
Dec 6, 2007
Ant-Man has always been a male if memory serves. Think only like 3 people have doned the outfit, and one was a thief that stole it from the original Hank Pym. Unless you're thinking about Janet Pym, aka Wasp, who was never Ant-man, but his wife. Who he beat, like, a lot. Yeah, Ant-Man's defining characteristic in comics is a spouse abuser. Kinda hoping they don't bring that up like they did Iron Man's alcoholism.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
First you insult Ant Man, then you insult Aquaman in the same thread. You have just made a lot of comic book fans as your enemies.
I still don't understand why people think Aquamans ability to control fish is lame, the guy can literally summon up Cthulu from the bottom of the ocean and make him devour your soul if he wants.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
I am amazed with Chalk's brilliant analysis of the internet mind. With one snarky, badly-researched insult-driven article, he has just pushed an unreleased movie into fervent 'must-see' territory for an entire forum group. I applaud you, sir.