sky news is just as flashy we have that in Britain
Our news is just as full of spin its just a lot more subtle.
I like America I really do and I know many Americans watch and think "How are people buying this propaganda?" when they watch the news because, it is so blatant over their. I was in America when they got Osama and the news was like the end scene out of Return of the Jedi, people waving American flags and cheering in the streets. Like Darth Bin Laden has been destroyed, weew.
British news just covers things selectively and gives really misleading headlines, 'cos people have adhd now and never read articles.
They never interview people who represent the real public either. They will interview single mothers with huge house that are on benefits, while the slant of the report is aww shes broke, they are there to show off a real big nice expensive looking house that's on the tax payer's budget.
I live up north I know what it's like to live on benefits it's not nice. £200 a month if you are under 25 otherwise £280