Angry PC Gamer Skips MW2, Sends 60 Bucks to DICE Instead


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Instead of making a nonanon contrib, Eddie should have taken a day to fillout the Better Business Bureaus script found here,, with a well written complaint. All he needs is the companies telephone and address. Most cases just their contact telephone number.

He'd have achieved more doing that, than sending a $60 dollar check to a nobody.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
LoopyDood said:
DICE, the studio behind Battlefield: Bad Company 2... promised that it would never turn its back on loyal PC gamers.
I would like to direct your attention to the PC version of Battlefield: Bad Company 1.

Wait, I can't find it...
Hoooo snap.


New member
Jul 26, 2008
L33tsauce_Marty said:
What is going on in this world...EA now seem like a legit company.
What the fuck are you on about? They still sell The Sims. Therefore they are not legit. But at lesat they make good original games like Mirrors Edge and Battlefield series ;D


New member
May 17, 2008
Furburt said:
Us PC gamers are an angry tribe, mistreat us and we'll impale your head on a stick sooner than you can say 'equal experience across all platforms'
Don't give them the wrong idea that we may be Darkspawn ... at least ... not yet!


New member
Aug 19, 2009
GamingAwesome1 said:
I still don't get why everyone in a rage over houses. Deal with it! I'll bring this point up over and over again and I'll say it now, Zimbabweans don't ***** about this sort of thing, you are not fucking entitled to houses!

It pisses me off to see people taking something for granted that I don't even get in the first place!

It's not that bad, life is still perfectly livable. You just have the equivalant of a Zimbabwean standard of living. I think the house elitists just don't like it because they now can't brag about their better houses being superior.
I've changed your retarded post to another case of people having a disparity in 'features' to show you how retarded your post is.

Woe Is You

New member
Jul 5, 2008
GamingAwesome1 said:
I still don't get why everyone in a rage over the servers. Deal with it! I'll bring this point up over and over again and I'll say it now, console gamers don't ***** about this sort of thing, you are not fucking entitled to dedicated servers!

It pisses me off to see people taking something for granted that I don't even get in the first place!
Remember the outrage when it was revealed that FFXIII was going to be released on the 360? The outrage when Tales of Vesperia ended up being released on the PS3? Console gamers do ***** a lot.

What's interesting is that those that aren't PC gamers keep flipflopping between their arguments. First it's "you don't deserve dedicated servers" then when it's suggested that maybe console gamers could step up and ask for more (considering the tech is already capable of most of the things the PC is at this point), then the argument turns to how much the PC model sucks. If the latter's true, then you shouldn't mind if they want to stick with their old system but if you admit dedicated servers (a system that isn't run on the same machine that the player is using to play the game) are better, then it puzzles me why aren't you asking for them yourself?

No, really. The PC guys don't like this because nobody likes features and freedoms taken away from them. It's not just dedicated servers, it's the whole going against an open platform (which means no mods, no custom servers, no nothing). Especially since that's the biggest perks of the PC as a platform -- I mean, you might need to configure your games but you will end up being able to play the game any way you like. In fact, what has puzzled me is that I've seen console guys openly jeer (over here too) at the idea of companies opening up their platforms and games. Why? Aside from the silly idea that a game is somehow an untouchable work of art, I have no idea.

And the whole idea that dedicated servers are more expensive is false to begin with, since most COD4 servers are run by players themselves. Add to that the admission that IWNet was a huge investment and that they already have a ready codebase for dedicated servers with COD4 (the engine MW2 uses is largely the same), it's pretty transparent that the system isn't in place for players in mind.


New member
May 22, 2009
mattman106 said:
GamingAwesome1 said:
I still don't get why everyone in a rage over houses. Deal with it! I'll bring this point up over and over again and I'll say it now, Zimbabweans don't ***** about this sort of thing, you are not fucking entitled to houses!

It pisses me off to see people taking something for granted that I don't even get in the first place!

It's not that bad, life is still perfectly livable. You just have the equivalant of a Zimbabwean standard of living. I think the house elitists just don't like it because they now can't brag about their better houses being superior.
I've changed your retarded post to another case of people having a disparity in 'features' to show you how retarded your post is.
Where the hell do I even start with that. Can you come out with a valid discussion point as opposed to making yourself look like a dumb ass and a racist at the same time.


New member
Aug 16, 2009

Pretty much sums up what the guy did, but because he did it he is a


New member
Feb 7, 2009
D_987 said:
An interesting idea to say the least - it's amazing how badly Infinity Ward have seemingly messed up - no PC dedicated servers, no Party chat on the 360 version...

Two key features for each system - they too have lost respect in my eyes if the following issues remain simply because of how out of touch they seem to be with the majority. I'm not angry enough to cancel my pre-order because it's a move I can live with, but that's a great gesture by the "Angry PC gamer", even if the article did appear to mock him towards the end.
Anyone on this site being in the majority is a joke.